InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 3: Maybe Wanting Answers Was a Bad Idea ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whoo! I am finally back. I am so sorry for the very long wait. Like I said, don't get angry with me if I don't update for a while. But anyways, I've had a lot of time to think of where I want this story to go so hopefully I will have multiple chapters up by the time September is over. I love all of you for waiting so long.
Chapter 3: Maybe Wanting Answers Was a Bad Idea
Kagome's eyes fluttered open when a ray of light landed on her face, awakening her and bringing her headache with her. She moved to sit up, but a sharp pain in her stomach hit her like a bus, immediately making the princess curl over. Ow. What the hell happened to me? Kagome looked around the room she had slept in. It was most definitely not her room.
The walls were a pale yellow with elegant designs of trees with spindle branches on one. The room was scarcely furnished; nothing but the mat she was sitting on, a small eating table, a full-length mirror next to a chest, and a brush. The four screen doors, one to the left of her mat and the other across the room, where closed for privacy but still let plenty of light in. “Where am I?” Kagome asked herself quietly. She wasn't scared, she wasn't hurt seriously and she wasn't bound or gagged. Did that mean that she wasn't a hostage of war? Kagome did not know, but she was determined to find out.
Sucking up the pain from moving, she got up and wandered around the room. Walking by the mirror, her fingers combing through her long hair, she noticed that she was still dressed in her slayer uniform, however; her sword was gone as well as the vibrant red armor. Kagome looked around the room panicked. I can not have lost my things! Where did they go? When was the last time she wore them? Kagome was a frantic mess. Her battle armor and weapons made her the Protector. It was all she ever knew and was. Then, it hit her.
Kagome stopped walking and thought about the encounter with the hanyou. His ability to knock her out infuriated her. But, there was something… familiar about the arrogant face with the smoldering eyes that troubled Kagome. She was sure she had never met him before, so why would meeting him for the first time make her feel so strange?
Kagome's worries soon passed as she stood there thinking about the half-demon. She continued to ponder as she moved toward the screen doors closest to her mat. Curiosity had gotten the best of her as she opened the doors. What she saw took her breath away. Outside her room was a gorgeous garden of beautifully exotic flowers, oak and aspen trees, and a short, stone path leading to a cute little bridge covering a small stream flowing into a pond. In the pond were coy fish of many sizes and variations; orange, white with brown spots and so forth. All of it was extraordinary, but what made it so mesmerizing was the fact that everything was doused in the sunlight. Kagome stood by the massive garden simply looking up at the blue sky while soaking up as much light and warmth as possible, her mood happier than before.
InuYasha had been called by his parents to discuss a matter when he got home. Truly, the matter to discuss was not as major as he had once thought. Instead of being something actually important to the war, InuYasha was assigned a mission to deliver a package to “our guest” as his mother had put it. The hanyou loved his mother deeply, but sometimes he felt that she had a trick up her sleeve. His father also assigned him a task, something InuYasha was not looking forward to doing.
He walked down the hall towards the guest room quickly, his desire to get the next event over with as soon as possible his motivation. Just the thought of having to be in the same room with her all day was making him a nervous wreck. Well, he wasn't nervous, more agitated and 100% that her stench would drive him crazy. Just thinking about it made his eyes gloss over. InuYasha shook his head out of the daze. “Jesus, I can smell her and I'm not even in the room. Today is going to suck…” he mumbled.
By now he was standing outside the screen doors leading into the room. The floral scent was overpowering his nose. “Oh god, it's so addicting,” InuYasha said, exhausted.
“What's addicting?” someone asked? InuYasha was scared out of his musings. He had been so entranced by her scent; he hadn't noticed that someone was behind him. In the process of getting away, InuYasha crashed through the doors in front of him. The package slid across the room. “Holy crap man, I didn't mean to scare you,” he chuckled. InuYasha recognized the voice.
“God damn it Miroku…” Inuyasha grumbled, glaring at his best friend. “I could have had a heart attack!” he yelled, suddenly furious.
“You were the one who wasn't paying attention. What was making you so spacey anyways?” Miroku asked, completely ignoring InuYasha's temper. InuYasha shuffled around in the rubble.
“That is none of your business idiot,” he said. InuYasha suddenly panicked. “Shit. Where is it?” He began to dig through the damage.
“Where's what?” Miroku was so confused. InuYasha was never surprised, nor was he so distracted and panicky. Miroku then heard someone, most likely a woman since he heard heels, walk into the room. InuYasha must of heard her too because his ears flicked. Both men looked up from what used to be sliding doors. InuYasha's mouth-and quite honestly Miroku's mouth too- dropped at the site of her.
Kagome was standing across the room staring at the two. The doors leading to the garden were wide open, letting all of the sunlight in, embracing Kagome, making her look like a goddess. She looked down on the floor, a package sitting very conveniently at her feet. “Is this what you're looking for?” she asked while bending down and picking it up.
God, her voice is so angelic. InuYasha was so transfixed he couldn't respond. His tongue was completely tied. Miroku on the other hand was ready for action, so to speak. “Why, yes it is I think,” he replied already moving towards her. She was quite a beautiful woman; curvy in all of the right places. He couldn't resist. “And may I ask, dear woman, what your name is?”
“It's Kagome.” She was staring at InuYasha and still holding the package he brought.
“Well, my dear Kagome, I have a question to ask of you.” Miroku took hold of Kagome's hand. Oh hell no, InuYasha thought. That lecher! “Will you bear my child?” he asked, like he had asked this multiple times (And he had). There was silence, as if Kagome was actually considering his offer. But then, Miroku just could not resist.
SLAP! InuYasha's ears flattened against his head. “Touch me again monk and I'll cut off your balls you lecherous ass,” Kagome stated venomously. Miroku looked utterly terrified. InuYasha burst out laughing.
“You totally just deserved that threat you pervert,” InuYasha exclaimed, getting up and walking over to the princess and monk. Miroku had a goofy smile.
“I just couldn't help myself; she is a true beauty friend.” Miroku stood up and bowed. “My deepest apologies Kagome.”
“As long as you don't do it again,” Kagome smiled, “Why am I here half-demon?” she asked, formally. InuYasha knew she wasn't scared, he could smell it, but he knew that she was a princess, and keeping up formality was apart of that life. InuYasha had to keep up appearances as well.
“I don't know wench. I was just told by the Emperor and Empress to retrieve the Protector, and that is what I did,” InuYasha huffed.
“Wait, wait, wait, InuYasha! Are you telling me that she is the prophesied Protector of the human race?” Miroku exclaimed. He was completely shocked. Never, had he thought he would live to see the Protector, let alone groped her. “That is incredible! I didn't think I would see this day. Do you know what this means InuYasha?” Miroku asked. InuYasha was not known for being cultured in human history, especially since Kikyo's death.
“I don't know what this means and I don't give a damn Miroku,” InuYasha said, moving out of the room through the doors leading to the gardens. Miroku looked back at Kagome. The monk was so excited. This blasted war would end. Finally, he would know peace. He could actually settle down without worrying about his children
“Kagome, are you aware of your destiny?” Miroku forgot all formalities.
“Yes I am Miroku. I have known my fate since birth and have accepted it.” She smiled, and then looked down. “Hey, InuYasha was it?”
InuYasha flicked his ears at her saying his name. God angel, say it again. “Yeah, what of it wench?” He looked inside the room and noticed Kagome, very pissed off, walking towards him quickly. He was scared.
... … …
Kagome was furious. How dare him! I have a name! I thought I made this clear when he freaking kidnapped me! She knew not to kill a demon, even a hanyou, in enemy territory. She would only be signing her own death sentence. So, for now, she kept her anger in check. “What is in the package?” she asked InuYasha, sweetly but still making sure his hanyou senses picked up on her agitation.
He didn't look at her, but he was tense. Her mission was accomplished. “It's for you. I don't know what's in it, I'm just the messenger,” he responded. She was curious. “It's from the Empress.” He answered one of her questions. She sat down next to him, holding the package in her delicate hands. Her fingers slid under the ribbon securing the paper. It fell to the ground as the paper unfurled itself, revealing fabrics and a note.
I hope you find these to your tastes my dear. May the rulers of the heavens be with you. Kagome smiled at the note. “Such kindness,” she whispered. InuYasha's ears flicked. Kagome picked up the fabrics, one white, one red, a brilliant blue that matched her eyes and the last a light pink with cherry blossoms decorating the hems. Kagome gasped at the sheer beauty and quality of the kimonos. One was obviously a Shinto priestess outfit and the other was meant for more formal occasions.
She looked at the man next to her. He was looking into the garden, in deep thought most likely. “Excuse me; I'm going to go change.” Kagome got up and went over to the door. She was looking at Miroku- his face was betraying every dirty thought. “Miroku… go outside while I change please,” Kagome ordered. He pouted, but did as asked. Kagome did not trust the man, though he did seem like a good person, it was his lecherous impulses that she was taking precautions against. Kagome closed the doors behind her and put up a barrier around the room. Just to make sure. She then quickly changed out of her slayer outfit and put on the priestess kimono.
The barrier came down once she was done and completely covered. She wandered over to the chest to store her other gift and her slayer outfit. Once that was done she walked back to the doors, InuYasha and Miroku talking on the other side. Curious, she pressed her ear to the door. “InuYasha, Lady Kagome is very important to the human race. Do you realize that?” Miroku asked.
“Of course I do you idiot. There would be no other reason for the Lord and Lady of these lands to want her here instead of there. But what role she has to play, is where I'm confused. I mean, she's just the human's princess, nothing more,” he said.
“That, InuYasha, is where you are wrong,” a woman's voice interjected. Kagome couldn't see the figure, but she could feel her kind human aura clashing with hers. Bored of spying, Kagome slid the door open and stepped outside with the others. She noticed InuYasha staring at her, eyes full of confusion… and hate?
What's his problem? Kagome glared at him. No way was she going to submit, it was not in her nature. She could feel the rage between her and the hanyou, but something else lied in their auras. Something both noticed but didn't understand. Confident that she had gotten her point across to the jerk, Kagome looked away and to the visitor.
It was plain that she was of high stature. She wore an elegant 12-layered kimono that draped around her and fell in pools of pinks, reds, and purples around her feet, making Kagome's choice of clothing rather silly and unimpressive. Her face was completely perfect in every way and showed her power and kindness. Her long hair flowed behind her as she moved closer. “Princess Kagome,” she said while bowing in respect, “it is a pleasure. I see you got my gifts.” The woman straightened.
“Empress, I did. Thank you; your gifts are much appreciated, though you didn't have to give me such elaborate pieces. This would have been just fine,” Kagome replied, bowing as well.
“Oh posh. Think of them as a welcome present.” The Empress looked to InuYasha. “I see my delivery boy is being as productive as ever.” She smiled to the hanyou who flattened his ears. “Come, both of you. I and my mate wish to speak with you,” she ordered then turned around and left. Kagome followed, sensing a very determined InuYasha behind her.
I may be a princess, but dog-boy isn't helping my nerves by creeping me out like that. Hm… Dog-boy, that's a good name for him. It's only fair since he insists on calling me wench instead of my name or title. And it matches those ears of his. God, I would love to touch them. Kagome blushed at this thought. She could feel his eyes on her back, burning holes in the process. The urge to turn around and slap him or being so annoying overcame her, but the Empress was right in front of her. Not good public relations. So, Kagome just ignored him, or at least, as much as she could. The feeling of being drawn to the half-demon was just plain annoying.
Soon enough though, his attention was taken off of her and on to the man sitting on a throne. Kagome could sense the great power of the demon. He was very similar to the hanyou walking behind her, except for the dog ears and facial markings. The Empress walked up to the man and took the seat next to him, acting very formally. Then, she spoke. “The death of one will bring about rage and war to the humans and demons, but the Protector will come and bring peace to both worlds. This being will clear the skies of all evil and set the sun free from its suffocating prison, but not alone. A being that is of neither worlds will accompany the Protector. The two companions will bring peace to their souls and the world.
Kagome kneeled in surprise. “My Lord and Lady of the Demons, why was I brought here against my will?” She did not make eye contact with the two. She just wanted answers, but the Lord of Demons terrified her. The sheer power of his aura crashed against hers, making her shake as she stood her ground, determined to show both her power and her recognition of authority. She had none here, so why be rude?
“Both my mate and I asked for your retrieval princess,” the Lord answered instead. He stepped down from his throne and walked over to the kneeling princess. InuYasha and Sesshomaru stood to the side of the throne room, watching.
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The miko in front of him was powerful, very powerful, enough to threaten the Inu Lord physically, and yet she did not. He could sense her strength and honor, but he could see her kindness that overwhelmed her heart. She had no hate or anger, just a fiery spark that made the woman unique and attractive. This should be interesting, he thought. The Great Lord held out his hand. “Please, Protector, do not kneel before me, I wish to look at you.” The woman took his hand and stood tall and proud.
The young princess was to be envied; her strong face showed her wisdom and her passion, her cobalt blue eyes sparked with knowledge and kindness. Her long black hair flowed in waves behind her, making her skin look porcelain. She is so similar to Kikyo, yet completely different. Surely InuYasha has seen this. The Lord looked back into her eyes, trying to pry himself into the girl's mind, searching for the core, her center of power. He forced his way past her blocks, all truly quite weak. She can not be that weak. His brow furrowed as he reached a giant wall. His mind once more tried to break through, but she refused. Suddenly, the Great Dog Demon was sent flying away from the miko.
He landed quite gracefully by him mate, silent for a moment. Sesshomaru stepped forward, ready to attack the princess, but InuYasha stepped in front of him, a low, feral growl escaping his throat. The Empress gasped and ran to her mate. Kagome put her hand over mouth and trembled. “I… I'm so sorry. It… it was a natural reaction.” Her fear radiated around the room. The Inu Lord stood up straight. Then, a smile cracked open on his face, a booming laugh escaping his lips. The Empress smiled, relaxing. “I knew you would be interesting,” he smiled. “Relax Kagome, you won't be killed for reflecting my mind from yours. I was just testing you. You, Princess miko, have trained very well.”
The Lord noticed the blush on her cheeks. “Ah… thank you m'lord,” she said while bowing. He chuckled again. “Please, enough formality. I have brought you here as, let's say a political maneuver against the human race. I am betrothing you to the prince.”
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“What?” Kagome asked. The Emperor moved, bringing her to the throne. The Empress grabbed InuYasha's hand and followed her mate's lead. The two teenagers were standing from one another, hands together.
“This,” said the Empress, “Is the will of Midoriko.” She smiled to the girl. “The being that is of neither human or demon worlds and the Protector have finally met, and it is your destiny to be together.” The woman looked to her son. She did not like the look on his face.
“I refuse…” he murmured. The boy pulled back his hand.
“You are not given a choice my son,” stated the Inu Lord. “It is the will of kami and you will obey it.” He was getting furious at his son's tantrum.
“No! I will not father! Telling me to give my dead heart to this wench would be like hell for us. The humans would never accept it. I do not even love her!” InuYasha yelled.
“InuYasha! I did not teach you to be so disrespectful to the gods and to a woman of any race! What has gotten into you?” the Empress asked. She was completely embarrassed for her son's behavior.
“I absolutely will not promise myself to that!” InuYasha said, pointing to Kagome, who was completely shocked. Her aura was manipulating from shock, to anger, to sadness to nothing. “You,” he said to her, “Are nothing but a disgusting copy of her!” Kagome was completely taken aback, her expression looking like he had slapped her across the face. The Empress gasped behind her son.
Kagome didn't know why, but she had felt like her heat had been ripped to shreds by the hanyou prince. In a way, it has… I guess, she thought. She lowered her head, determined not to show her sadness and heartbreak. Then, she lifted head to make eye contact with the man. She looked deep into his amber eyes, full of shock and regret. “I apologize Prince,” she said to him quietly; her voice completely void of any emotion, “If I disgust you so much. Excuse me.” Kagome left, walking proud. She could hear the shouts of the Emperor and InuYasha as she walked down the hall and back to the room she had woken up in.
Miroku was still sitting outside, gazing fondly at the garden. “Why hello-” he stopped when she moved past him, completely ignoring his presence, and shut the doors behind her. A worker had come while she was away and repaired the doors leading to the inner castle grounds. She was glad for the privacy, but put up her strongest barrier so she would not be interrupted. Her emotions had finally taken over, tears and sobs spilling out of her, making her body shake. Kagome collapsed onto the floor, not even bothering with her bed. She curled up into a ball, sobbing and confused. “Why…” she whispered, “do I feel so broken inside. Why is m heart aching like he already owns it?” Because he does, she said to herself. It was never yours to give. It was Kikyo's, you're nothing but another version of her, but the love she felt for this hanyou is apart of my soul. Kagome knew that she was Kikyo's reincarnation. She knew that she had betrayed the human race and fell in love with the inu-bastard Prince InuYasha. She knew that Kikyo had died, protecting her charge; the Jewel of Four Souls. How though, was unknown. It was obvious that InuYasha still loved the dead priestess. But, that didn't change the fact that Kagome was devastated. Is it my heart that loves that ass or is it Kikyo's? That was her final thought as her emotions swelled to the point where she couldn't think.
So, Kagome just laid there crying as she sensed Miroku still sitting outside her room, the sun setting and rising again. At some point, Kagome was too exhausted to cry and fell asleep, on the floor, alone.
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AN: Holy crap InuYasha is an ass in this chapter. Lol! Don't worry though it will get better as the story progresses. Well, there is another long one, lets see if I can keep this going.
Again, I'm sorry it too so long. I am a very busy girl and recently I have started playing my sister's old Final Fantasy games so I have that as a possible distraction besides school work. I hope you liked it and comments are more than welcome as is constructive criticism. ♥