InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You, My Mortal Enemy ❯ Chapter 7: You Never Realize What You had until its Gone ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whoo! Over 1000 visits at MediaMiner and IK-Eternal. This is a good day. I am so grateful. Thank you to Kagome 434 for leaving a comment. I appreciate your thoughts and hope this next chapter satisfies you. I can't wait.
Chapter 7: You Never Realize What You had Until it's Gone
Kagome lay on her bed petting Sayuri, completely lost in her thoughts. InuYasha wasn't at dinner last night like he was supposed to be. And afterwards she had waited in his room for three hours before she decided to go to her room for some less than pleasant sleep. Sango had even complained and moved to the couches outside.
“Bastard. I can't believe he stood me up,” murmured Kagome. Her miko powers were flaring. Ever since she got here the only thing InuYasha has done is send her through an emotional rollercoaster. One moment he's sweet and caring and the next he's a selfish jackass. Well, she was sick of it. “Screw this; I need a break,” stated Kagome.
What do you plan on doing Protector? Kagome looked down at her companion and giggled slightly. Sayuri was so adorable sometimes, especially now with her ears floppy.
“I'm going to pack because today I am going home whether InuYasha likes it or not,” said Kagome, determined to leave and see her mother. She grabbed a bag from one of the drawers. It was large enough to fit a week's worth of supplies, more than sufficient for the two day trip she was going to take. Next she changed out of her hippie skirt and into jean shorts to make riding Sayuri easier and more PG.
Once she was ready, she opened her door and allowed Sayuri to run in front of her. However, before she could catch up to Sayuri, Kagome crashed into someone first. Both fell on the floor holding their heads. “Jesus Christ, watch where you're going,” said a gruff voice. Kagome looked up and found InuYasha sitting across from her. “Oi, wench! Stop staring,” ordered InuYasha. Shaken out of her stupor, Kagome quickly got up and huffed, glared at the hanyou, and left to go find Sango. InuYasha quickly followed. “What the hell wench?” he asked yelling down the hall as the miko hurried to find her friend, InuYasha ran up behind her, grabbing her by the wrists. “What is your problem?” he yelled, not knowing any other way to get through to the girl.
“Let me go!” screamed Kagome as she struggled against InuYasha's death grip on her wrists. Annoyed, InuYasha squeezed harder. “Ow! Stop you're hurting me!”
“I won't let go until you tell me what is wrong!” yelled InuYasha over Kagome's shouts.
“What's wrong with me? You stood me up last night! I waited for you InuYasha. You jerk I waited for you for three hours!” said Kagome angered.
“You stupid little human girl,” growled InuYasha.
“Stupid?!” said Kagome in shock that he would insult her so much.
“Yeah, a stupid little human girl! Did you think I wouldn't figure out your game?”
“And pray tell what is this game I'm playing you idiotic ass because I would really like to know,” Kagome asked confused at what InuYasha was getting at.
“Oh don't play dumb you whore. I saw you and Kouga last night. Did you think that you could use me to end the war and get what you really wanted from that damn wolf behind the scenes?” asked InuYasha, his eyes flashing red just thinking about him touching her.
“Are you… accusing me of cheating?” Kagome asked, completely still from shock. The two remained there for a few minutes that really felt like hours. InuYasha looked into Kagome's eyes, grey and dull compared to her bright sapphires before. Suddenly Kagome's miko powers reached out and began tearing InuYasha away from her while she stood there motionless. “I guess it's for the best then. Maybe… humans and demons are forever meant to hate one another and continue killing each other until there is nothing left but death and anger and destruction. I had hoped my Lord that it wouldn't turn out this way; but I think I should leave,” Kagome said nonchalantly with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“Fine. Leave,” InuYasha said pissed and began to walk away.
“Oh, and Lord of the Hanyous, I thought that you should know before I leave that I had no other intentions other than doing what I was born to do,” Kagome said, making InuYasha stop walking while his ears twitched, “I wanted to bring peace to this world and to you because kami knows you need it. Last night, I was walking outside in the gardens thinking when I ran into Kouga. We talked about you for awhile afterwards. If you had arrived a few seconds sooner you would have seen him force himself on me; and if you had arrived a few seconds later you would have seen me kick him in the groin and punch him in the face because he knew my body, heart, and soul already belonged to someone else.”
InuYasha smelt tears but when he turned around Kagome was gone. The pain that filled InuYasha at that single moment was enough to kill him a thousand times over.
Kagome was silent throughout the first day of traveling with Sango, Kirara and Sayuri back home, though she was not a nearly as excited as she should be. The two women were making their descent to the chosen campground. “Kags, are you alright?” asked Sango once again. She had tried to get Kagome to say something all day but with no luck.
Kirara whined, causing Sayuri to join with her. Suddenly the melancholy atmosphere changed. Kagome perked up, keeping her eyes moving, looking for the source of the demon aura she felt. Then nothing. It disappeared as quickly as it had come. Kagome relaxed a little but tried to remain cautious and aware though her mind was distracted thanks to a certain hanyou she had grown fond of.
“Kagome! Move!” screamed Sango, snapping Kagome out of her daydreaming. But it was too late. A large blast of demonic aura sliced through Kagome's side, causing the girl to bleed furiously and a searing pain to shoot throughout her body. The pain was intense, even for Kagome. She had been attacked by demonic aura before, but never anything like this. Blackness over took her quickly, but before she blacked out Kagome saw Sango and Kirara fighting off a hoard of demons and Sayuri was falling towards the ground, a slash in her side completely identical to the miko's.
My Lady, I feel your pain as you do. When you are cut down in battle so I will be. It is the will of the fates to bind us together as such so that I can forever guide you… spoke Sayuri, the mind link fading. The two crashed into the ground. They only survived because Kagome was able to build a barrier around her and her neko demon. Sometime in the fall the cat demon transformed back into her smaller state and lied there motionless.
Kagome opened her eyes to see two figures. “I found you, reincarnation,” spoke a voice that was similar to an old woman's. She couldn't make out any details of either form, but she felt the demonic auras. Then, Kagome lost consciousness just as a single name was uttered from the demons: Kikyo.
InuYasha sat in his tree, picking at the bark. “I'm sorry my old friend. I shouldn't be taking out my frustrations on you,” apologized InuYasha, though he was still picking at the bark. His days consisted of barely sleeping and sitting in his tree. Ever since Kagome left he felt so strange. He had gotten a lecture from both his parents on how he shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like he did and that he ruined the peace agreement blah blah blah. To be honest throughout his entire scolding InuYasha thought of one thing and that was what Kagome had said before she left.
InuYasha heard Miroku running towards him. “InuYasha! Come quickly! Please you need to hear this!” he yelled, the sweat dripping down his face. It was unusually hot today, and Miroku was unusually panicky today.
“Whatever it is Miroku I don't care. Leave me alone,” ordered InuYasha.
“It's Sango. She came back with Sayuri and Kirara,” explained Miroku calmly, waiting for InuYasha to catch up.
“And what about Kagome?” asked InuYasha, eager to hear if she came with; no, he was not eager. InuYasha was desperate. He needed to know she was alright; the beast in him was clawing at the mere mention of her name.
“That's the thing InuYasha, Kagome wasn't with them. She's gone, and Sango has no idea where she is. They were attacked yesterday, about halfway between the two kingdoms. Sango had to fight off a hoard of demons before she could go after them, but it was too late. The trail was lost only a few feet away from where Kagome fell. Sango is in pretty bad shape, but she can tell us more,” explained Miroku more.
“Where is she?' asked InuYasha as he stood up on the branch he was sitting on earlier.
“Kagome's room,” Miroku replied. “She wanted to be there.” InuYasha leapt from the tree and ran towards Kagome's room. He burst through the doors. Sango was lying on the bed, badly bruised and torn.
“Hey dog boy,” she greeted when InuYasha walked in.
“What happened to Kagome?” InuYasha asked desperately. He walked to the foot of the bed and stood, waiting for an answer. He twitched his nose, catching a scent that was very familiar.
“We were attacked by demons and she got hurt. I don't know how she couldn't sense the demonic aura but she was caught by surprise. I think it was because she was worried about you, or sad because of you I guess. She was hurt in the attack; to be honest I think we were ambushed. A hoard of demons distracted me while two singled out Kagome. I couldn't see one very well, but they were women. One carried a very large scythe and looked ancient and the other a fan. They took her and left me to die,” said Sango.
“Where was this?” InuYasha asked. His head was racing, pounding even. Kagome had been kidnapped. His beast was raging against his humanity and it took everything InuYasha had to keep from exploding with rage.
“About a day from here, near the boarders. The forests were close by,” replied Sango, wincing from the pain of her battle.
“I will let you sleep demon hunter. By the time you wake Kagome will be saved,” promised InuYasha before racing to speak with his father. InuYasha ran into the greeting hall, where the audiences with the other lords and the public where made. “Father! I must leave,” said InuYasha. His mother was completely surprised by her son's outburst but his father was not.
“I sense that something has happened to make you even more restless than a pup my son,” the Emperor stated, standing from his throne and walking towards his youngest.
“It's Kagome. She is in trouble and I have to go find her,” he explained.
The Empress gasped. “What has happened to her?”
“Two demons kidnapped her; both female. She was by the boarders when she and Sango were ambushed,” he said walking further into the hall. Izayoi covered her face in grief and shock.
InuYasha was getting restless just talking. He needed to leave and find Kagome. His beast would only be satisfied if she was back in his arms were it was safe. He felt his beast rising, but his father's was suppressing it. “Remain calm my son. Can you give me anymore details on these demons,” ordered the Demon Lord.
“One female held a scythe as a weapon and was old. I caught the scent of grave soil and an herb in Kagome's room while speaking to Sango. But it wasn't the room that smelt like so, it was Sango herself,” explained InuYasha.
“Grave soil?” pondered InuYasha's mother, looking towards her mate quizzically. It seemed that the great inu was also in thought.
“There is more mother, father; the grave soil is identical to that of Kikyo's,” murmured InuYasha as sadness filled his heart at the thought of his lover. Why do you think of a mere dead priestess at this time? She is NOT a mere dead priestess; she is the woman you and I both loved. I did not choose her as a mate pup, your human half did. She was weak and insufficient to be our mate and you know it. Shut up. But I speak the truth. If Kikyo wasn't suitable then who is? You already know the answer to that. I… I know. InuYasha's beast began to roar.
“InuYasha. Please calm your beast, I need to think,” ordered the Emperor, “If I am thinking of the correct demon, then Kagome is in greater danger than I thought. She would need the remains and the grave soil of the person she is attempting to bring back from the land of the dead.”
“Then why kidnap Kagome dearest?” asked Izayoi. The Empress walked over to her son and attempted to comfort him, sensing his distress.
“I'm not sure. Urasue only needs those ingredients because she has the power to make clay flesh and blood with the remains and grave soil of that being,” he wondered.
Izayoi gasped. “Oh dear kami no!” The Empress began to cry as she thought about why Kagome would be needed to bring Kikyo back to life. The Emperor leapt to her side along with InuYasha.
“Mother! What's wrong?” he asked. InuYasha could smell the fear and urgency from his mother almost as if it were a physical matter.
“Kikyo died over 500 years ago. That is plenty of time for her soul to be reborn. It's the soul InuYasha! Urasue must have attempted to bring back Kikyo already. It didn't work. Kagome must be the reincarnation of Kikyo so the soul that would normally be called back through the use of the other ingredients is already in use to fuel another body. Kikyo's soul has to be added otherwise it is nothing but a moving pot of clay and bone,” Izayoi explained in complete panic.
“And Kagome is using that soul. What will happen when Urasue tries to use the soul?” asked InuYasha, standing up and preparing to leave in search of Miroku and Sango-though that wouldn't take long.
“I don't know. No one is supposed to know what happens; the soul is only to be tampered with by kami and the fates. This power belongs to the gods and the gods alone,” said Izayoi.
“My son,” said the Emperor, “Make haste and save her. If you fail, the world will not survive.” InuYasha nodded and bowed to his parents before rushing back to Miroku and Sango. He would need Miroku incase spiritual powers were necessary.
InuYasha rushed over to the royal suite growling and snarling. His beast had almost gotten through, but he was still in control for the most part. He broke through the door to find Sango standing in her demon slayer outfit getting armed. Miroku was leaning against the wall. “Must find mate. Must kill demon that took her. Find mate,” said InuYasha growling out the words while holding on to his humanity.
Sango and Miroku gasped. “He is in his beast form, sort of I guess since he's talking,” Miroku said.
“He said `mate'!” replied Sango. She walked up to InuYasha and bowed. Miroku followed suit. “We will assist you in finding your mate Lord InuYasha.”
InuYasha growled and left with Miroku, Sango, and Kirara; his sword Tetsusaiga appearing at his hip as they crossed the gates leading out of the citadel. The pace was fast, but Sango and Miroku were able to keep up thanks to Kirara being their transportation. In half a day the group reached the battle site.
By now, the beast in the hanyou had subsided; but, the stench of grave soil and Kagome's blood quickly brought it back. He growled maliciously as he kneeled to the ground and sniffed the spot where Kagome had lied bleeding. “Blood. Mate's blood.”
“My Lord,” said Miroku bowing in respect in order to keep his own head, “Are you able to pick up a scent trail?”
InuYasha turned towards the monk and nodded. “Blood leads North west into the mountains. We will follow,” ordered the half-demon. Once more the humans and demons moved quickly to get to the lair of Urasue, the Witch.
Kagome… Kagome… Kagome… You must wake up… Wake up Kagome, my Daughter… Get up. Kagome… Kagome… Kagome…
Kagome awoke in darkness. She couldn't see past her nose. She tried to get up, but the pain in her side kept her from moving. Kagome screamed in agony as she moved. She could sense that the demonic aura that had sliced open her side had not yet purified. The princess lifted up her blood stained shirt and found the wound. It had festered and was a gaping, poisonous, gash that had tainted her; it caused the surrounding skin to bruise and turn a menacing shade of purple, green, and black. “Why hasn't my body purified the demonic aura yet?” whispered Kagome as she realized that her throat was dry and burning from a lack of water.
A door opened and slammed shut somewhere out of Kagome's eye sight. Footsteps reverberated throughout the entire room for a few moments before they stopped, growing louder and louder as they neared Kagome.
Kagome listened, blending in with the darkness. There was a sound of keys were right in front of her and the door opened, letting in the tiniest bit of light. “What are you doing miko? I gave you enough of my aura to put you into a coma,” wondered the demon, “Oh well, it doesn't matter, you'll be out of the picture soon enough my dear.”
“Who are you?” Kagome asked, still unable to see the demon, but she could recognize the aura from earlier. The demon stepped closer, the scythe catching the little light there was.
“I am called the Witch Urasue. And you have visitors,” Urasue said chuckling. Kagome noticed the yelling and screaming above her. She recognized Sango's voice.
“My friends!” Kagome said, looking up to see two large masses moving towards her. They grabbed her by the arms and dragged her up, even though the pain in her body kept her from moving so her feet dragged on the floor. “Let go of me demons or I will purify you,” Kagome ordered, trying to break free but lacking the strength to succeed. She called upon her spiritual powers and attempted to purify the three demons, but it backfired. Instead, the power attacked her. Pink lightning surrounded her from the neck and electrified Kagome on the outside while on the inside it felt like she was being burned alive. Kagome let out a great agonizing scream as her powers killed her slowly and painfully.
Then they stopped. Exhausted, Kagome slouched and allowed the demons to support her weight as they dragged her out and to the upper levels. “Oops, I guess I should have warned you about the collar you are wearing my pet. It prevents you from using your powers by turning them on yourself. And it also keeps my demonic aura from spreading further throughout your body so that you don't die on me before the procedure. It must have hurt immensely judging by your beautiful scream of pain,” Urasue explained, “Bring her up and strap her down. Her friends are just in time to see the procedure.”
Kagome couldn't fight anymore. She had no strength left in her to do any serious damage. She could barely even struggle against her captors. The two demons strapped Kagome down in a bathtub that was outside on a mountain cliff and filled with gooey, green, putrid smelling liquid and disappeared into the mountain. “What am I laying in demon?” Kagome asked, trying to make her weak voice sound like she was fine.
“It doesn't matter. In a few moments you'll be nothing but a clump of flesh waiting for me to eat,” replied Urasue as she sat. Minutes passed before Kagome could sense her friends turning around the bend that led them to her and her predicament. Urasue readied her scythe, but before she could attack, another woman stepped out of a cave clad in a priestess robe with a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to her back. She was beautiful in every sense of the word; her long, black hair flowed freely behind her and was straight, as was common in these lands. Her eyes were a stormy grey, but they were completely lifeless. Kagome couldn't sense anything about her; there were no spiritual powers, no demonic aura, and no soul. The resemblance between the two women was striking.
“Kagome!” screamed Sango as she, Miroku, Kirara, and InuYahsa ran around the bend. InuYasha and Miroku stopped dead in their tracks. InuYasha and the woman stared at each other.
“Oh my, this could prove troublesome,” Miroku whispered too low for any demon, even an inu to hear. Suddenly, Kagome was feeling sick to her stomach and began to black out. Over her, a massive glow of spirits and spiritual energy formed, clashing against the barrier. Kagome screamed in pain while her spiritual powers turned on her again. The chaos in the mass above her increased.
“The procedure is almost complete!” said Urasue, a wide smile on her lips. “There is nothing you can do now. In a few moments the Protector will be dead and my creation will walk the Earth to serve my master.”
“That soul is so chaotic and angry,” observed Sango, glancing at the mass of energy, “It looks like it could explode at any moment.”
Kirara moved to shield her mistress and the monk, but InuYasha simply ignored the outside world, still staring at the woman who resembled her so much. InuYasha… do not speak it… Do not say the name… InuYasha. InuYasha ignored the warning in his head. Seconds later, he uttered the name. “Kikyo,” he whispered ever so lightly. It was enough to cause everything. The moment Kikyo's name left InuYasha's lips, the mass of soul and spiritual energy stilled. Then it shot towards the sky, creating such a vacuum of air Sango and Miroku had difficulty keeping their footing.
Awoken from his spell of disbelief, InuYasha glanced over to the bathtub where Kagome was tied to. “Kagome,” InuYasha said, “Kagome!” He had noticed her stillness and ran over; but, he was unable to get close because of the vacuum.
“Yes! The procedure is almost complete. Just a little more soul and my pet will be finished,” explained Urasue. The soul and spiritual energy returned from the sky and shot back into Kikyo, causing her to stumble and fall against the wall of the mountain cave. And as quickly as it began, it was over. InuYasha ran the rest of the distance between Kagome and himself, shaking with fear. Miroku and Sango were still being covered by Kirara and Kikyo was beginning to move.
“Kagome!” InuYasha yelled when he reached the tub. His claws made quick work of the chains that were binding her down. He picked her up from the pool of potion and carried her bridal style. Her head was against his chest, but her arms hung loose and lifeless. “Wake up Kagome, please, wake up,” he pleaded as he set her down by Kirara and the others.
“InuYasha,” said a voice. His ears perked up but then folded back down once he realized that it wasn't Kagome that spoke.
“Kikyo…” he whispered, still occupied with Kagome and attempting to wake her. His attention was so focused on the limp girl in front of him he barely dodged the arrow that was shot at him, though he only moved because Kirara roared. He turned around finally when he heard a scream of pain behind him. Kikyo doubled over, clutching her shoulder as blood quickly pooled around her. “Kikyo? What happened to you?” asked InuYasha as he ran over to help her, quickly glancing behind him to check on Kagome.
“What's wrong? You mean to tell me you don't remember? You killed me InuYasha. You filthy hanyou; you killed me,” Kikyo explained, anger in her face and tears falling from her eyes.
“Kikyo! What are you saying? I didn't kill you, I swear I did everything to protect you but I was too foolish in believing that we would last forever,” said InuYasha, pain and shock in his face. His eyes were full of questions. His eyes wandered to Kagome once again.
“Yes, my reincarnation proved to be useful. It's a pity she is dead though,” said Kikyo, glaring at the body of Kagome. A low, terrible growl sounded from InuYasha's throat.
“Don't you dare speak of her like that Kikyo. My mate will survive this; however, your survival is questionable,” InuYasha said, distaste in his voice. His beast was furious at the moment.
“Yes. My creation is beautiful,” examined Urasue. She walked over to Kikyo and examined her. “The shoulder wound is regrettable, but it seems that her pure hatred for the circumstances of her death is what has kept her alive. It has literally seeped into her bones and flesh.”
“You, you are the one that brought me back?” asked Kikyo, her attention temporarily off InuYasha.
“Yes my daughter. You have been brought back to life to do my bidding,” replied Urasue, circling Kikyo like a hawk.
Kikyo placed her hands on Urasue's shoulders as if she were about to hug her. Instead, spiritual energy was released from Kikyo's hands and entered the body of the Witch demon. She twitched and screamed in pain as the fires spread. Finally, after a few moments, Kikyo released her, letting the smoking corpse fall to the ground. “I do no one's bidding but my own. It turns out death was the key to my freedom from the hell of being a priestess and now I am no longer bound to the oath of Midoriko.”
Kikyo then turned towards InuYasha once again, reading her bow and taking aim at the hanyou's heart. “Now,” she said, “Taste my wrath InuYasha. Know that I kill you now with a hollowed, loveless heart.” InuYasha prepared himself for battle.
Kagome… Wake up Kagome… It is time. Kagome… Daughter wake up…
Kagome opened her eyes at the request of the honey sounding voice in her head. Around her was a meadow; a white meadow with white flowers and a white sky. She stood up effortlessly and painless. Shocked, Kagome went to lift her shirt where the infected wound was, but she found that she was wearing a long white dress that had thick straps and buttoned in the front. Her hair was down and wavy. Kagome lifted her hands to her neck and found it collar free. “How…” she whispered, her voice trailing off in an echo.
You need not use your voice here my daughter. We are in a timeless, sacred place where the mind is strong and thoughts are pure. Kagome looked behind her and saw a woman in her late twenties. She had long, straight hair that was down and flowing even though there was no wind. She was clad in armor with a sword at her hip and under that was a priestess robe. Her face was loving and kind, but her eyes were lifeless, almost completely white.
Alright then. Who are you? The woman smiled and laughed.
Surely you haven't forgotten me already my Daughter. You've prayed at my shrine since you were a little girl, she explained still giggling.
You can't be! Midoriko! Midoriko nodded in response. Does that mean… I'm dead?
The mood in the meadow grew serious compared to the light hearted feeling from before. Yes and no. A very large part of your soul has been taken from you and put into another body in order to revive my former Daughter Kikyo. Your body has entered a stage of lifelessness in order to cope with the loss.
Why only part of my soul? If I am the reincarnation of Kikyo shouldn't all of it been taken.
In a normal case, yes, Midoriko explained. But you are not a normal case Kagome. You see when your soul was being created; Kikyo's was not the original design. Your soul consists of a collection of various miko souls. It was necessary to birth a priestess so powerful she could fulfill her destiny. They have melded into one to create the Protector. Kikyo's soul was only a part of a bigger sum, added to the pot as was the terms to the vow she made to me.
So, in order to exist, I took the souls of others.
Do not fret daughter. They were willing in order to bring about a better life for their descendants. You are not a thief and are at no fault.
What vow?
To give up the soul willingly in order to form the Protector and save the world their ignorance had created. It is, in a way, a punishment for their stupidity. They contributed to the solution and have repented.
Ok. Then why am I here Midoriko? And why are you here?
I have come to help you claim what is yours now. The soul is a very picky thing and should not be fooled around with like Urasue has done for the past few centuries. You are here because I called you here, in order to prevent any more soul stealing.
What do we have to do? Asked Kagome in her mind. She could feel herself beginning to suffocate and feel drowsy.
Stay with me child. We must call upon our miko powers and will them to move your body. Midoriko held out her hands, palms up towards the vacant sky.
How does that help? The feeling around Kagome was growing stronger with each minute.
If we can get your body mobile and awaken your spiritual powers, they will call your spirit back to your body. Now give me your hands. Kagome did as she was told and placed her hands in the opposite direction of Midoriko's. Hold on tight and whatever you do, do not let go.
InuYasha was deflecting Kikyo's arrows as best he could while still keeping tabs on Kagome and the others. Sango and Miroku were now holding her; Sango was shaking her sobbing while Miroku was attempting every incantation he knew that he thought would help. But nothing worked. Distracted and desperate, InuYasha let his defenses fail for a split second. That was plenty of time for one of Kikyo's arrows to catch him off guard. The arrow grazed his left arm, causing a burning sensation to numb it.
Another arrow was released in his direction, but this time he put up Tetsusaiga's scabbard in order to shield himself. However, the spiritual energy began to crack and break through causing streaks of energy to cut into InuYasha. Even he couldn't stand the pain; it felt like thousands upon thousands of tiny needles piercing his skin that turned into fire. He let out a howl of pain and dropped his shield.
This is it. I never thought that it would end like this, but I'm glad that I knew her, even if it was for only a few moments, InuYasha thought as the burning sensation increased even more. He looked over one more time to the woman he should have claimed sooner as his. He could see every detail of her face, as peaceful as it was. He memorized everything from the gorgeous length of her thick, black lashes to the softness of her skin and her pink, perfect lips.
As he looked at Kagome's face even more, imprinting it into his mind, her eyes opened. They were still lifeless and cold, but the swirling pink energy that poured out of her was enough for InuYasha to believe that she could still have a chance at a normal life, though it would be without him. Her grey, cold eyes were over came with pink light as the spiritual energy surged through out her. The collar on her neck shattered and disintegrated into the wind, freeing her from her prison. Suddenly, Kagome's body appeared in front of InuYasha before he could be purified and shielding him from any other arrows with purification powers. “Kagome,” he said, still shocked at the sudden movement.
“I am not Kagome half-demon prince. But do not fret my son, she is safe and will be returned to you as soon as I am finished reclaiming Kikyo's soul,” the body replied. Kagome's voice was not hers, though you could detect it under the honey sounding one on top of it. She turned to Kikyo, who had notched another arrow and fired it at her. It had no effect. The body deflected the arrow after the miko energy was nullified. “You should know better than that Kikyo. Spiritual powers will have no affect on me.”
“Who… What are you?” asked Kikyo, anger in her eyes still. She notched another arrow and aimed. “Tell me now demon, why have you possessed that body.
“I am no demon!” yelled the voice, booming and loud enough to shake the mountain. Kagome's spiritual powers flared to the point where everyone was blinded for a few moments. Once the light dissipated, Kagome wasn't standing there anymore. Instead, a beautiful woman clad in armor and miko clothing stood in front of Kikyo, her eyes still a brilliant pink. Her hair was straight and a dark onyx color that flowed like rapids around her face, defying the laws of gravity.
Kikyo gasped, as did InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango. “It can't be,” Miroku whispered.
“What are you whispering about Miroku?” asked InuYasha. He was confused. Where had Kagome gone?
“That's the great priestess Midoriko. She was once the High Priestess of these lands, when she was alive that is. She was so powerful in life, and apparently in death as well, the Covenant made a decision to elect her as their patron. Now she is the patron goddess of the Covenant of Mikos in these lands. The situation must be serious if she has shown herself,” Miroku explained, completely awestruck with the idea that he was gazing upon the long dead priestess.
“Kikyo, you have broken the laws of the Covenant by willingly taking back your soul from the Protector and endangering the human race,” spoke Midoriko. “You have already played your part and by being here you upset the balance and the flow of time and fate. Release your soul now!”
“Mother,” spat Kikyo, “I am no longer under that oath. This is a new life and I plan to solidify my place in it by killing InuYasha.” Kikyo glared at the spirit in front of her.
“You are no Daughter of mine Kikyo. If you will not give up your soul willingly, then let it be ripped out of you by force. I promise it is a painful experience,” stated Midoriko, giving her judgment to Kikyo before lifting her right hand towards the bleeding woman. Pieces of her soul began to leave Kikyo's body and re-enter Midoriko. Kikyo howled in pain.
“No! I can't go back, not yet. I have to avenge my death,” Kikyo screamed in rage. She tore herself away from Midoriko's force and began to ran, disappearing into the woods. InuYasha began to run after her, but he was stopped.
“Do not follow her Prince. She will only try to kill you again,” stated Midoriko as she turned towards InuYasha, her eyes flaring pink. InuYasha stared at Midoriko before her figure dissipated into glowing cherry blossom petals. You are my Son hanyou prince. I offer you my protection as my Daughter has been born with it. You will face trials ahead that will cause both of you to question one another and yourselves. But you must remain strong, for the both of you. You are the key to her survival. In an instant, Midoriko was gone and Kagome was back, her spiritual powers sedated. InuYasha rushed to catch Kagome in his arms as she collapsed to the ground, unconscious. InuYasha brushed back the girl's from her forehead. He frowned; there was something wrong.
Sango and Miroku ran forward to the couple. “Kagome!” Sango yelled falling to her knees and hugging her best friend. Miroku held Sango by the shoulders and was grinning. InuYasha on the other hand was not as cheerful. He was sniffing the air close to her closely, picking up her scent and feeling her forehead, which was now covered in sweat.
His nose picked up the scent of demonic aura in her blood. Alarms started going off in his head. The amount of demonic aura he sensed was enough to poison a miko of any caliber. Following the scent, InuYasha was led to her side where her white shirt was stained with blood. How he had never noticed that before befuddled him. He lifted her shirt up and growled ferociously at what he found. Kagome's gash was looking worse and worse as the infection was spreading.
“Oh Kami no. Kagome,” whispered Sango. “We have to get her to a healer, and quickly.”
“And where the hell are we going to find one? We are at least half a day from the human realm,” retorted InuYasha, “That is way too long.”
Sango glared at him and began to cry. “And if we don't do anything Kagome is going to die!” she screamed, angry that she wasn't able to protect her charge and friend. InuYasha growled loudly.
“Fuck!” he shouted, clutching Kagome's burning body closer. Kagome, his Kagome, his reason for existence, was dying in his arms. This was a situation he never thought would happen.
“I can give us some time, but we have to move fast in order to reach her Highness's kingdom,” Miroku said, pulling out sutras for healing, “I'm nowhere near the level of Princess Kagome, but I am strong enough to begin the healing process.”
“Do it,” ordered InuYasha, handing Kagome over to him but still grasping her hand. Miroku focused as much energy as he could into the sutras and placed them over the poisonous gash. He mumbled an incantation and crossed over them with his staff.
“We need to go now,” Sango said her voice cold and hard, “Kirara!” The neko demon meowed and burst into flames. They dissipated in seconds revealing a large, strong, beautiful beast. “Miroku and I will ride on Kirara while you carry Kagome.
InuYasha picked up Kagome bridal style and looked to Miroku and Sango on Kirara's back. “Move faster than the wind InuYasha,” said Miroku, less playful than usual.
“You too monk,” InuYasha said before leaping into the air and vanishing in seconds. The wind would usually be a source of calming relief for the prince. However, the thought of Kagome dying because he wasn't able to protect her prevented such a feeling. He looked down at the fallen angel in his arms. Instantly his heart swelled with love and pain at her contorted face of pain.
InuYasha pushed off the trees harder and harder, gaining even more momentum. He would make it to the human kingdom and save her. It would be a cruel twist of fate to bring her into his life and then take her so quickly.