InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Spy With My Little Eye ❯ Adventure awaits at your doorstep ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

FTAM: (which means From The Author's Mouth) Hey u guys!! This is my first proper fic that I'm writing so be supportive ok?! Hope you like the story!
I Spy with my Little Eye
Beams of sunlight spread across the horizon. The birds were chirping and many students woke up from their deep slumber to get ready for their first day of school.
The raven-haired beauty did exactly the same thing for she is going to a new high school today. She yawned and stretched forcing herself to get out of bed.
Soon, the drowsiness has worn off and with a big smile on her face; she bounced into the dining room.
“Good morning, nee-chan!” Souta yelled at her.
“Good morning Souta.” She replied while pouring milk over her cereal.
Her mother Mrs Higurashi walked in.
“Souta stop yelling, she is right opposite you and the last time I checked she was not going deaf,” she scolded.
She turned to her eldest child who was busy eating breakfast.
“How are you feeling Kagome? Excited?”
Kagome looked up at her mum earnestly, “I don't know but Sango is going to the same high school and I can't wait actually but…”
“…but you don't know if you'll fit in,” her mother finished the sentence for her.
She nodded understandingly.
She was rather proud of her children. They had only moved here a month ago into this lovely shrine but they had already settled in with a best friend each. They had met Sango and her younger brother Kohaku at the park and Souta and Kagome became instant friends with them and inseparable since.
Beep! Beep!
A car honked loudly from outside.
Kagome jumped up from her seat.
“That must be Sango!” She hurried around gathering her things and Souta hurried around too.
“Bye mama!”
“Bye mama!”
Mrs Higurashi laughed watching her children sprint to the car where Sango and Kohaku were in. `It's going to be an interesting day for you Kagome,' she watched amused at Kagome who had dropped her schoolbag, unzipped and was running around stuffing her things into her bag with Sango helping her.
Little did she know how interesting it was going to get…
Kagome still flustered from running and hurrying was breathing heavily trying to catch her breath.
“Hehe, I'm sorry but you trying to zip up your bag while running top speed and then ending up tripping over a stone were hilarious.” Sango laughed good-naturedly tossing her brown hair over her shoulder.
“Hahaha.” Kagome glared at her. Her knees were sore from tripping over and what embarrassment.
“Oh lighten up, hey look we're coming to the middle school. Goodbye Souta! Kohaku! Behave yourselves!” Sango yelled at the two boys that were clambering off the car excitedly.
“Leave them alone, you wouldn't be seeing them being so excited about school once the homework starts piling in.” Kagome told Sango laughing at the thought.
“You're right,” Sango chuckled.
Before long, the car screeched to a halt and the two girls got out thanking Sango's dad for bringing them.
Kagome turned and looked at her school.
`This is it. My new school. High school. I wonder how it'll be like'
Sango walked next to her talking animatedly all the way. Since she had lived here all her life, she knew everyone and by lunchtime Kagome found herself being introduced to plenty of people.
Kagome sat down and bit into her sandwich but suddenly felt Sango stiffened. She looked around to see what was happening.
“Hey girls!” A guy wearing jeans and a purple shirt exposed at the top came up to them. He had his black hair in a short ponytail and wore a mischievous grin.
“Hey, Miroku.”
“Kagome, how's school going for you?”
“I've enjoyed it thanks.”
“That's good, and how are you my lovely Sango.” Miroku asked as he joined their table and sat into the seat next to Sango.
Kagome smiled. The one and only word to describe him would be Pervert.
She had met him before school had started and knew of his fondness to Sango and his pervertness.
A crack sound echoed through the hallways.
Kagome groaned.
`Oh boy I can't take this anymore!'
Miroku was groaning clutching his head which Sango decided to pound on.
“Sango my dear, what's wrong?” he asked.
“Don't you ask me what's wrong? You know what's wrong. You groped me again you pervert!” she screamed at him.
“Ok that's it! I've only been here a month but I cannot take it anymore! Miroku you like Sango. Sango you like Miroku. Now why can't you two just give it up and go out already!” Kagome said exasperatedly.
The effect was immediate. The two of them were blushing furiously refusing to look at each other.
“Jeez…You mean they haven't even gone out yet!”
A voice spoke behind her.
Kagome turned and saw a guy that had joined them with black hair and violet eyes.
She had a glance at him in the hallways earlier and her first impression of him was as an arrogant jerk. He had a muscle tee on to show off his muscles and enhance his good looks probably the reason why many girls glanced his way.
Kagome had to admit that he did look pretty cute not that she would ever admit it.
If he was given any more praise he'd probably swell into a balloon from an overdose.
Kagome rolled her eyes. `Typical male. Look at those foolish girls with lovesick eyes. I don't get it. How can he be the most popular guy in school?'
He sat down next to her making sure to go as far away from her on the seat as possible as if she had germs or something.
Kagome narrowed her eyes. `How insulting. Probably only came here because Miroku is his best friend but he doesn't need to purposely move as far away on the seat from me as possible.'
Since it was her first day, she decided to be friendly: “Hi I'm Kagome.”
“Keh!” was the only reply she got.
Sango whispered across the table to Kagome: “Auww…you'll get used to Inuyasha. He's always like that pretending to look strong but he's really a softie in the inside.”
“I heard that!” Inuyasha glared.
Kagome giggled.
“So where are you guys going on this date,” he asked abruptly changing the subject.
Sango looked at Miroku and shrugged.
“I don't know dinner then movies?”
“What fun? You guys always have the most creative ideas!” Inuyasha said sarcastically.
Sango frowned for a moment but stopped and started smiling sweetly.
“And of course, you can come up with the most creative ideas…”
“Sure.” He replied shrugging.
“Well then it's settled. We can go on a double date this Saturday. You can pick Kagome up at seven and then meet up with us at my place.” Sango told him.
“What!” he screeched. “I'm not going with a girl like her! You have got to be kidding!”
“Excuse me! What is that suppose to mean!” Kagome bursts out unable to hold her temper in any longer.
“Come on,” he laughed. “You know that a girl like you can never go out with a guy like me. I have good reputation you know.”
“You have got to be kidding me…!” Kagome replied hotly at first and then changed her tone.
“You know you're right…”
“I am?” asked Inuyasha in surprise as he was expecting a different answer.
“Yes. You're right. A girl like me can never go out with a guy like you because I am too good for you and deserve so much better than someone like you!.”
Kagome stood up and left the room.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and watched her leave.
“What a jerk.” Kagome told Sango as she shut her locker. She adjusted her backpack on her shoulder and walked with Sango out the school main doorways.
“Well, he isn't the nicest person,” she admitted. “But he's a good friend once you get to know him.”
“Do I have a choice? You just made me go on a double date with him.” Kagome accused her.
“Oh look there's my dad. Come on!” Sango ran down the steps and into the car with Kagome following after her rolling her eyes at the change of subject.
“Kagome can you coming shopping with me a while later, please?” Sango asked in the car.
“Well… Alright. I'll changed and meet you there.” She nodded.
Kagome was having a great time shopping with Sango. She was helping Sango to find a pretty outfit for her date with Miroku. For herself she had bought a pack of gum which she was currently eating and a baton that she was twirling around pretending to be in a marching band complete with a pretty marching hat sitting on her head.
“I can't find anything!” Sango complained looking around hoping to find a perfect outfit.
“Don't worry. We'll find it soon and you have five days to prepare you know.” Kagome reassured her while still twirling her baton.
Kagome jumped.
Someone was shrieking loudly right ahead of them.
Kagome looked at Sango and ran ahead where she could hear the scream.
She stopped to see a lady still shrieking and could actually make out what she was saying.
“My purse. My purse. It has a large sum of money inside it!!”
Kagome looked around. Sango had disappeared somewhere.
Then suddenly she saw a figure slinking away at the corner of her eye.
She ran after it hoping that she could catch up. Seeing the person making a right turn just now, she followed and reached a long corridor which she ran hurriedly inside.
“Ah…there you are…” Kagome stopped and stared.
Sango was already on top of the person (which Kagome clearly saw was a male) and had managed to get the purse.
She looked around to see Kagome and tossed it to her.
“Catch.” She cried.
Kagome was horrified: “Watch out!”
The person was obviously experienced as when Sango tossed the purse to Kagome took the chance and soon Sango found herself beneath him and trapped.
“Oops…?”Sango smiled weakly.
The man had her pinned down and placed a very sharp looking knife to her throat.
Kagome couldn't breathe.
`What should I do! What should I do! Get someone! No there wouldn't be enough time! Oh no!'
“Please don't” she cried.
But the person paid her no attention.
Kagome couldn't figure out what to do. She looked around her.
The corridor was deserted and at both sides of her there were only two shops. One was a beauty salon shop and another was a jungle looking shop selling camping gear inside.
She thought for a moment then smiled. She knew exactly what to do.
FTAM: So how was that?
Ok, so it may be obvious what she is going to do next but still I would like to hear what you guys think she might do. Come on you guys! Think, get creative.
And in the next chapter, I'll go deeper into the main plot I have as this was more of an intro I guess.