InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Spy With My Little Eye ❯ Love Fools ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

FTAM: I want to thank everyone that reviewed my story n any that even bothered to read it. Maybe it's the weather and the world that keeps on changing constantly (thanks to global warming) but I'm feeling kinda depressed today. So, I'll write away my sorrows.
Kagome had never felt as secured as she felt now. Warmth spread all throughout her body and she smiled, genuinely happy. All her troubles seemed to melt away and all the fast-paced action of her recent life had slowed down. Out in the distance, she saw a silhouette.
“Who's there?” She called out.
“Don't you recognize me?
Kagome blinked. Right in front of her stood Inuyasha. The sun shone right towards him and his black hair had golden streaks making him look handsomer than ever.
“I love you.” Kagome ran up and hugged him.
He tilted her chin to face him. “I love you too.”
She leaned towards him. Their faces were so close now, lips almost touching…
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Huh?” Kagome croaked.
She opened her eyes momentarily forgetting where she was. When she saw the crème coloured walls and the wide screen TV right in front of her, her memory returned. She took the opportunity to thoroughly inspect the room as she was so tired last night that she had dozed off as soon as her head hit the pillow.
`How pretty.' Kagome thought.
There was a big marble table with plush chairs for eating. A lower glass table with surrounding cushions and a huge bathroom which she enjoyed bathing in yesterday night. Not to mention the big bed.
Speaking of beds…Kagome blushed as she thought of her argument with Inuyasha. They had finally compromised and placed pillows at the middle of the bed each staying at their own side of the bed. Not that it was a problem; the bed could fit four people in it.
She then remembered her dream. Kagome turned crimson red. `What could it mean? Do…do I like him?' Kagome shook her head. `Pull yourself together.' She told herself.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Kagome tried to sit up to find out what the noise was but realized that she couldn't. She turned and faced Inuyasha. He had an arm around her and was dozing peacefully on his side of the bed.
Kagome gently pried his arm off and tried to quickly get out of bed. In the process she tangled herself with the blankets and fell off the bed.
“I didn't do it!” Inuyasha shouted and woke up. He winced and adjusted his eyes to the sunlight that was blaring into the windows.
“Forget to close the curtains last night.” Inuyasha grumbled as he sat up.
That was only when he realized that his arm had passed the imaginery line that Kagome drew up last night.
“Mmph. Mmphmmph.” Came a noise from below the bed.
“Hello? Kagome?” Inuyasha started to search for her.
“Mmmph. Mmph…mmph.” The noise became impatient.
Inuyasha saw her on the floor. “Oh there you are.”
Inuyasha snorted with laughter.
Kagome was a sight, tangled up with the blankets and everytime she moved, she was getting even more tangled by the second.
“Let me help you.” Inuyasha lifted the blankets and Kagome shot up and dusted herself.
“This is entirely your fault!” Kagome prodded him in the chest.
“No way.” Inuyasha denied pretending that he didn't know what she was going on about.
It was only then that he heard the ringing.
`Kagura'. He thought and he sank back into the pillows deciding to pretend he couldn't hear Kagura calling him. `This is like killing two birds with one stone.' He thought smugly and went back to taunt Kagome.
“Isn't a husband allowed to have their arm around their wife?”
“You mean you did it on purpose?” Kagome fumed. How dare he make fun of her!
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“What is that?” Kagome tried to hear where it was coming from.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Who cares?”
“I do.” Kagome threw a pillow at him which he caught easily.
“I think you are making such a fuss of nothing.” Inuyasha said off-handedly.
“You…Oh forget it. I'm going to watch TV.” Kagome plopped herself back onto the bed and turned it on before Inuyasha could stop her.
The television sprang to life and there appeared a very angry looking Kagura.
“What are you people, deaf?” She shouted at them.
“I didn't know. I'm sorry.” Kagome apologized.
“Not you. Inuyasha should have known.” Kagura relaxed a little. “I managed to get people to rig up your TV so that you can easily contact headquarters and vice versa.”
“I asked him but he just told me it was a fuss about nothing.” Kagome and Kagura both glared at him.
“What?” Inuyasha tried to look innocent.
Kagura rolled her eyes. “I have important news to tell the both of you.”
“Wait, you have new headquarters already?” Kagome asked surprised.
“No, we are all moving to…” Kagura paused. “The other agency.”
Inuyasha's eyes widen.
“No, I forbid it!” He yelled.
“Inuyasha, it's yours now anyway. Don't be like that.” Kagura was frustrated.
“How dare you make such an important decision without me? You piece of…” Inuyasha lashed out.
Kagome quickly jumped in. “Was that the important news?”
“No, it's something else. It is VERY important.” She said it looking directly at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha looked away.
“I'm here sir.”
“Good.” Naraku swiveled his chair around to face his terrified assistant.
“Now, come closer don't be scared.” Naraku beckoned him with one hand.
He secretly smiled as he watched the guy standing petrified on the spot.
“Suit yourself. Now tell me, why do you think I called you here?” Naraku asked as he smoked on his pipe.
“I don't have all day.” He went on.
He blew the smoke out directly onto the guy who coughed and placed a hand over his mouth.
“Maybe…umm…it has…cough…something to …do with…cough…Kanna?”
“Exactly. As I say I don't tolerate mistakes. I'm a very busy man you know.” Naraku opened one of his drawers and admired his picture.
“What do you think of it?” He showed his assistant the picture.
“Umm…very nice sir.” He pulled on his collar nervously.
“I guess I'll need someone to clean the mess up. I hate messes, everything needs to be spotless. You are dismissed.” Naraku placed the picture back into the drawer.
“Sir, I beg you.” Perspiration began to fill his forehead. “Mr Takahashi would never…”
“Don't you say his name ever around me!” Naraku barked.
Naraku took a deep breath and continued in honey glazed voice.
“They already know who you are. Goodbye.”
He pressed a button on the panel of his desk and a big burly man came in. The man grabbed the assistant who was begging for his life and took him away.
Naraku took a moment of silence before continuing. The assistant was already forgotten just like the many others. He was not needed anymore. His task for Naraku was done and Naraku tactfully got rid of him. Naraku knew that he had no problem if he needed more favours. Many people owed him their lives and many others were frightened of him. But most of all, he had always liked to work alone.
“When are they going to come down already?” Kanna glanced at her watch for the hundredth time.
“Oh be patient Kanna. They will be down shortly I'm sure.” Akoga frowned slightly irritated to be once again disrupted from his school work.
“Why are you annoyed at me? You should have done your homework last night! Then you wouldn't need to be rushing it this morning.” Kanna folded her arms.
“If you had agreed with me and hired a more expensive and trustworthy accountant like I told you too, I wouldn't need to be correcting his errors and waste my time last night.” Akoga returned her stare.
Kanna threw her hands up in the air. “Alright. Alright. I'll hire your blasted accountant already.”
“Thank you.” Akoga bend his head back down to his school work.
“I wonder what the stupid girl was thinking marrying him of all people.” Kanna pondered aloud.
Akoga sighed and started packing up his work. At this rate, he would never finish it anyways.
“Oh, no don't stop on my account.” Kanna said immediately sensing that he was packing up.
“Not like I have a choice.” Akoga grumbled.
“But honestly.” Kanna went back to her subject of interest at hand. “It seems like she was forced to marry him or something since the love wasn't really there.”
“Maybe she's pregnant and Inuyasha had to marry her to cover the shame.” Her eyes shined at the thought.
“No.” Akoga disagreed immediately. “She's not the kind of girl. You can see her types straight away. No way would she have let that happen.”
“You're right. Maybe they are slower at showing their love.” Kanna tapped her cheek with her finger deep in thought.
“I think you should just leave them alone.” Akoga advised.
“No way. I haven't had this much fun before. I mean I never exactly liked Inuyasha's character but now I'm going to turn over a new leaf. I would do this by helping their relationship for starters.”
“It would give Kagome much peace and they can once and for all decide their feelings for each other.” Kanna quickly put in.
“Only you will make everything you do sound like it's for the good of someone.” Akoga retorted.
“Honestly, you. I've always put others before myself.” Kanna said proudly.
Akoga snorted. “Just look at your personality for starters. So talkative and…I'm not even going to go there. Shall I remind you of the past? Like when Naraku…”
“I don't want to hear it.” Kanna became very angry. “Not a word.”
“Fine. Just trying to make a point. I didn't mean to upset you, sister.” He said smoothly placing his backpack over his shoulder.
“Don't you try and act smart.”
“I can't help it. I do after all have a very high IQ” Akoga ran out of the door before Kanna could respond.
“Irritating, know-it-all child.” Kanna grumbled.
What did he know anyway? She could do anything she very well damn pleased. After all this was the hotel she inherited and she was running it very successfully too.
Kanna picked up her phone after a few more minutes of pondering. She knew exactly what to do.
“Hello?” Kanna waited for a moment.
“Yes, I'm fine too. Listen I need to tell you something, you know I happen to have one of the best rooms vacant and I thought you'd love it if you come and stay here for a while. After all, I haven't seen you for ages, Kikyo.” Kanna crossed her fingers.
“Speak then.” Inuyasha said irritatedly at Kagura.
“It's…” Kagura changed her mind. “You need to go and buy Kagome a wedding ring.”
Kagome grew flustered. “That's alright, really. I really don't want you to be wasting money on such things for me.” She told Inuyasha.
“Keh, I'm already stuck with you. Might as well.”
Inuyasha left for a moment and returned with a black box. He opened it and Kagome nearly fainted. Inside was a beautiful ring with an amethyst in the middle and two sapphire jewels next to it. The ring sparkled and glowed as the sunlight hit it.
“You shouldn't have.” Kagome carefull slipped it on. She admired it on her hand.
“That's ok.” Inuyasha shrugged. “I do have exquisite taste anyways.”
“Wow, that's a rather hard word. Sure you can manage?” Kagome slipped the ring off.
“Haha.” Inuyasha said sarcastically. He widened his eyes when she took off the ring. “What are you doing?”
“Taking it off.” Kagome placed it back into the box.
“No, you're my wife. You might as well wear it. It fits you.” Inuyasha put it back on her finger.
Kagome gulped but Kagura was pleased.
“That's how I want my agents to be. Cooperative and protective of each other. Although I must admit, I'm surprised that Inuyasha has already thought of buying the ring.”
She frowned. “I really do have something to tell you though.”
“Go on.” Kagome encouraged her.
“Have you met Kanna yet?” Kagura asked Kagome.
“Sure, but just for a second last night. She is so different from the imposter personality wise.” Kagome remembered.
“More feminine?” Kagura offered.
“Eh?” Inuyasha raised his eyebrows.
“The Kanna that worked for me was actually a male. I got his name but knowing Naraku I think there's not much point in finding him. Naraku never makes mistakes.” Kagura said amused.
Kagome placed her hand over her mouth.
“Someone who worked for Naraku was working that close to us.” She said shocked.
“There are spies everywhere, Kagome. The world isn't safe.”
“Well, what if I don't want to be a spy anymore. This is rather stressful, you know.” Kagome said uncertainly.
“You can't. There will be consequences.” Kagura said without any emotion detected in her voice.
“Consequences?” Kagome paused. `I thought this was the side of the good guys?'
“You have to be committed. You can't back out now. We can't have agents walking all over us now can we? Our agency would be in the ruins. Life is pain, Kagome. You have to understand that.” Kagura explained to her.
“I…I'm sorry.” Kagome felt ashamed.
“Everyone has their days not that their stupid like you.” Inuyasha got back into bed and lay comfortably on his pillow ignoring Kagome who wanted to kill him with her looks.
“Inuyasha…I have to…” Kagura stopped.
“Have to what?” Kagome asked curiously.
Inuyasha stared at Kagura trying to work out what she was trying to say.
“I didn't mean to keep this from you but your mother is alive.” Kagura didn't meet any of their eyes.
“It's about time you speak to your brother.”
She turned to Kagome.
“I'll speak to you again soon, I hope. But if not, I hope you stay safe and think clearly. Inuyasha will protect you but this is a dangerous world, Kagome.” With that the TV switched off.