InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Imperceptible ❯ Foresight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this oneshot… especially for the gruff hanyou who can't hide the fact that he's a sweet guy no matter how often he grumbles. A nod of recognition is bent towards Rumiko Takahashi for her creative prowess.
This oneshot was originally posted to Live Journal on June 29, 2007.
“We'll stop here for the day,” Inuyasha announced as he drew to a halt in an unassuming little clearing. The hanyou had been cutting across country for the last several minutes, and though the entourage had wondered over his choice to leave the road, they were honestly surprised by his sudden declaration. Every eye squinted towards the sun's position, calculating the hours of daylight left. Even Sesshoumaru understood that his brother's decision was uncharacteristic, if not wholly unprecedented. Inuyasha usually tried to cover more ground, calling for a rest only when absolutely necessary.
Miroku shrugged philosophically and invited Sango to help him locate suitable stones for their campfire. Taking his cue from Sesshoumaru, Jaken led Ah-Un to the far end of the clearing and began loosening harnesses. Kagome was the one who finally asked the question on everyone's mind. “Why are we making camp so early, Inuyasha?”
The hanyou looked away and shrugged. “This is a good spot, that's all,” he replied gruffly.
Kagome traded a puzzled glance with Sango, then allowed her weighty backpack to drop from her shoulder. “All right then. Who wants to help me collect firewood?” she asked cheerfully, eyes trained expectantly on Shippo's face.
“I'll help if Rin helps,” bargained the kit.
“Rin would like to help!” agreed the girl cheerfully.
The kitsune grinned at his sometime playmate and raced towards the treeline, eager to prove his kindling-gathering prowess. Rin followed close on his heels, which caused a minor collision when Shippo skidded to a standstill. “Hey!” he hollered excitedly. “Kagome! I smell a hot spring!” He scampered back to the miko, hopping from one foot to the other. “I found you a hot spring! Aren't you happy?”
The young woman's eyes lit with pleasure, and she sought out Inuyasha's face before answering the young fox youkai. “What a wonderful surprise, Shippo. Should we go and find it while we look for firewood?”
“Yeah!” enthused the kit as he rushed back towards the woods, urging Rin to follow.
Kagome followed more sedately, passing close by the suddenly-busy hanyou. “Thank you, Inuyasha,” she murmured softly.
“Why don't you ladies go first?” Miroku offered solicitously. “We'll have the fire going, and you can fix supper while we have our turn.”
“That works for me,” Kagome chirped, humming to herself as she rummaged through her pack for bathing supplies. Pausing for a moment, she looked over her shoulder at Sesshoumaru. He was standing impassively in the midst of swirling activity, looking on as the rest of them took care of the settling-in process with practiced ease. Clutching bottles and towels to her chest, Kagome cautiously approached him. “May we bring Rin with us, Sesshoumaru-sama?”
Her question brought the racing girl to a sudden halt, eyes wide and hopeful. “Can Rin go too?” she asked eagerly.
“Do as you please, Rin,” the taiyoukai responded.
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama,” the little girl beamed, wheeling to follow Kagome and Sango through the trees.
Once they had disappeared into the underbrush, Sesshoumaru looked at his half-brother, who was arranging firewood for Jaken to light with his staff. “You changed plans,” the taiyoukai observed.
“What of it?” growled Inuyasha defensively.
Miroku interceded, trying to keep the peace. “Sesshoumaru-sama, surely in your many years of experience as a leader, you have learned the value of foresight?”
The taiyoukai's eyes slid to scrutinize the monk's pious twinkle, wondering into which verbal trap his question had lead. Refusing to be baited but curious in spite of himself, Sesshoumaru hummed a noncommittal, “Hnn.”
Inuyasha stepped back from the fire-pit and gave Miroku a confused frown. “What the fuck are you talking about, houshi?” he interjected, unintentionally echoing his brother's sentiments.
Miroku chuckled. “It's simple, really. Our journey is more pleasant if everyone is happy, and Kagome-sama is very fond of hot springs. Inuyasha's decision to break early from our travels was most advantageous, as it will boost morale.”
“Keh. I wasn't thinking any such thing,” protested Inuyasha. “I just thought Kagome'd like… Aw, hell. It's just a good spot, that's all.” He crossed his arms over his chest and clamped his mouth shut.
“All right, then look at it this way,” amended Miroku, his eyes on Sesshoumaru's. “You always tell Rin-chan to do as she pleases, but Inuyasha has learned to anticipate what will please Kagome-sama. Think of it as a… tactical advantage.”
Rin was full of questions, and Kagome enjoyed the young girl's boundless enthusiasm. She sniffed at bottles and exclaimed over everything from the softness of Kagome's towels to the vibrant color of her hairbrush. The child was still cradling a bar of soap when Sango beckoned to her. “Come here, Rin-chan. I want to comb out your hair before we wash it.” Obediently, the girl scooted closer, then climbed into the taijiya's lap. First with fingers, and then with the much-admired pink hairbrush, Sango teased the tangles out of Rin's tousled mane.
Soon, Rin was leaning back into Sango's embrace. It was obvious to both young women that the little mite was starved for attention, so they prolonged their fussing for as long as possible. Kagome produced a pair of scissors and did a quick pruning job on Rin's thick bangs, letting the youngster watch the whole process in her small hand mirror. Trimming nails was just another excuse to cuddle, and Kagome smiled at the soft look on Sango's face as the taijiya pulled Rin close. Sango was sheepish and a little sad. “It's been a while since I could play big sister,” she whispered.
Kagome looped her arm around Sango's shoulder for a quick squeeze, then moved to the water's edge to test the temperature. “Are you ready to try my shampoo, Rin-chan?” The little girl nodded happily, so Kagome quickly undressed and eased down into the water. “I'm ready Sango. Hand her off to me.”
Rin popped to her feet, and Sango followed suit, offering assistance. “Do you need help with…” The taijiya's voice trailed off to nothing as the little girl wriggled out of her kosode. She raised stunned eyes to meet Kagome's equally-shocked gaze.
The little girl was painfully thin. Hip bones and shoulder blades jutted, and Kagome could count every rib. She's nothing but skin and bones! Rin stood uncomfortably, looking uncertainly from one woman's face to the others before Kagome managed a reassuring smile and opened her arms. “Come to Kagome-chan, sweetheart,” she called. “The water's nice and warm.”
Sango and Kagome took their time, giving Rin all the affectionate mothering the girl probably didn't even realize she craved. They allowed her to wash their hair for them, each taking their turn at returning the favor. There was much tickling and squealing and splashing, interspersed with careful, probing questions. “So how long have you been traveling with Sesshoumaru-sama?” Kagome began.
The girl was able to answer promptly. “Rin has followed Sesshoumaru-sama for three winters and it is summer again.”
Do you like traveling with Sesshoumaru-sama?” Sango asked cautiously.
“Oh, yes!” Rin agreed immediately.
“Is Sesshoumaru-sama nice to you?” Kagome ventured.
The girl seemed to consider that carefully, and finally nodded.
“Do you always walk?” Sango wondered.
“Oh no. Sometimes Rin rides Ah-Un.”
Kagome finally reached the heart of their concerns. “Rin-chan, what do you usually eat?”
The girl shrugged. “It depends on what Rin finds.”
“Doesn't Sesshoumaru-sama feed you?” Sango asked, dismay coloring her voice.
“Sesshoumaru-sama stops so that Rin can find food, and Sesshoumaru-sama always waits, even if Rin takes a long time,” the girl explained patiently.
“I see,” frowned the taijiya.
“What are your favorite things to eat, Rin-chan?” Kagome plied.
“Berries are Rin's favorites, but those are only in summer. If Jaken-sama makes a fire for Rin, Rin can have fish.”
“That sounds good to me too, sweetheart,” Kagome acknowledged. “Are you hungry now?” Rin thought for a moment, then shyly nodded her assent. “I'll tell you what. You and Sango-chan finish up your bath. I'll just go on ahead and start you some dinner, all right?” Giving Sango a grim look, Kagome reached for her towel. “Give me a few minutes. I need to have a word with Sesshoumaru-sama.”
“What will you say to him?” Sango asked, her own eyes hard.
“I will very politely point out to his lordship that the child in his care is not getting enough to eat,” Kagome replied crisply.
Sesshoumaru stood to his feet, taking a step towards the hot spring, a slight frown creasing his forehead. Inuyasha gave the taiyoukai his attention, immediately concerned. “What? Is something wrong?” Inuyasha motioned to Shippo. “Go check on the girls, runt. Holler if there's any sign of trouble.”
Shippo scampered partway down the trail towards the bathing area, before doubling back with all speed, tail bristling. “You're in for it, baka,” announced the kit smugly. “Kagome is really mad.”
Sesshoumaru looked on with faint amusement as Inuyasha's head went up fast, and a panicked look crossed his face. His ears flattened to either side, then one ear pricked forward questioningly. “Oi! How you figure it's me she's mad at, pipsqueak?” he growled.
Miroku took this opportunity to place himself a half a step behind Inuyasha. The hanyou noticed the strategic retreat and smirked at the monk. “Did you do something stupid, houshi?”
Stopping to think, Miroku relaxed into an easy smile. “No, I've not done anything to incur this level of wrath.”
“Yeah, I can tell already she's pretty pissed.” Inuyasha frowned, then gave the monk a confused look. “Did I do something stupid?” Miroku slowly shook his head. The hanyou straightened. “So we have nothing to worry about, right?”
“That's sound reasoning, my friend,” the monk admitted. “Provided she's prepared to be reasonable,” he added with less certainty.
At that moment, Kagome stepped into the clearing. When she stalked right past Inuyasha and Miroku, they exhaled in unison. When she stopped directly in front of Sesshoumaru, they exchanged startled glances. “Uh-oh,” murmured Inuyasha.
“This could be bad,” added the monk in low tones.
“No shit,” agreed the hanyou.
“Should I intervene?” asked Miroku worriedly.
“Don't bother,” Inuyasha sighed. “He's gonna find out eventually.”
“Find out what?” inquired the monk curiously.
“That she's got a temper.”
“Ah. Will he harm her?”
“Don't think so. I'll kill the asshole if he tries.”
Miroku shifted his grip on his shakujou thoughtfully. “Comforting as that prospect may be, have you given any thought as to why she's so upset with Sesshoumaru?”
Inuyasha tested the air, grimacing slightly. “Dunno. She's furious, but worried too. Not scared though.”
Shippo scrambled up onto Miroku's shoulder, his own nose busy. “I know that scent; she's trying to protect someone.”
Inuyasha regarded the kit with surprise. “How would you know that?”
The kitsune scoffed, “I'm always with Kagome during battles. She only gets like this when one of you is in real danger.”
“Kagome-sama does have very strong protective instincts,” mused Miroku.
“I bet Sesshoumaru has no idea how much power she's capable of channeling,” Inuyasha speculated aloud as he watched Kagome face off with the taiyoukai.
“It is a rather… vibrant display, isn't it?” acknowledged Miroku with a chuckle. “How is he likely to react?”
“Dunno. She has the right to bring a grievance to the bastard if she has one. I say we keep our heads down and let him deal with it,” Inuyasha said as he began easing himself backwards.
“Agreed,” Miroku whispered as he joined the hanyou in sidling towards the campfire and taking a seat.
The flare of spiritual powers from the direction of the hot spring had Sesshoumaru on his feet before he could suppress the instinct, and he cursed himself silently as Inuyasha sent the kit to check on the females. There was no threat; the taiyoukai had been alert to any form of attack. What had surprised a reaction out of him amounted to a mood swing, albeit a drastic one. Sesshoumaru growled low, annoyed with the miko for imposing on his thoughts yet again.
This alliance existed by his choice if not by his preference. He didn't need them, but it suited his purposes to use them to further his ends. That's all. As yet, he had not regretted his agreement, and traveling in company with the half-breed and his motley pack had proven… tolerable. At the outset, the shard hunters had been properly awed by his presence. They treated with the respect due his person and position—cautious, deferential, subdued. Unfortunately, that had changed. Apparently, it didn't take humans long to adapt, and in a shockingly short period of time, they simply… got used to him. For some reason, this was quite… provoking.
What was worse were the irritating bids to make him feel included. The monk and the miko were the most persistent culprits in that campaign. Despite Sesshoumaru's best efforts to remain aloof and separate, they insistently attempted to… to what? It was difficult to define or even point to a single instance. The monk had given up trying to engage him in tiresome small talk, but continued to chat with him from time to time in the most ridiculous one-sided conversations. The miko plied him with tea, very nice tea, but had diverted most of her attention to Rin once he'd arrived with his own pack in tow. It wasn't what they did so much as it was their approach; their attitude towards him was just all… wrong. He didn't want their acceptance, their attention, their affirmation, but they seemed to think they were doing him a favor by granting it anyhow.
The absurdity of the situation grated against Sesshoumaru's nerves. Setting them straight would require a tiresome number of words, which they would likely view as an invitation to continued dialogue, so the taiyoukai fell back on his favorite tactic. He ignored them. It worked most of the time, but invariably his brother's miko would do something to waylay his attention, pulling it back. Like now. The miko's perturbation buffeted his senses, preceding her in waves that were tinged with purity.
When Kagome entered the clearing, Sesshoumaru waited to see who was to fall victim to her displeasure. It might be entertaining to watch the unconventional miko pin back his brother's ears. The taiyoukai was momentarily taken aback when the young woman's focus became clear. As she purposefully strode towards him, he looked pointedly away from her approach, letting her know of his supreme lack of concern.
“Sesshoumaru-sama?” Her voice was quiet, but hard-edged.
Turning his head slightly to acknowledge her presence, Sesshoumaru let his cat-slit, golden eyes slide across her face, only to have them snagged by what he found there. The woman's temper, which she had so far managed to keep in check, was manifesting itself through her miko powers. Crackles of pink energy danced frenetically over her skin, and he traced their progress with narrowed eyes. The miko had never demonstrated any usefulness beyond her ability to sense shards, so Sesshoumaru had dismissed her miko abilities as unremarkable. Apparently not. Familiar annoyance surged to the forefront as the tactician in him railed against his tight-lipped younger brother. Why was I not informed of this… capacity. He recognized the sharp pulse that tingled against his youki for what it was—raw and untamed. It must be triggered by random emotion. How unfortunate. A waste of potential.
Sesshoumaru's roving eyes snapped back to Kagome's face when her aura intensified, flaring in an impressive display of pique over his inattentiveness. The taiyoukai realized belatedly that she asked a question. “Well?” she prodded, obviously waiting for an answer. He met her gaze evenly, and silence stretched. Finally, the miko huffed and repeated her question, “Isn't she yours to take care of?”
Ah. Rin. Sesshoumaru lifted one shoulder in a shrug that neither confirmed nor denied her statement.
The miko almost growled in her frustration. “She looks to you. She depends on you!”
Sesshoumaru blinked in confusion. What is this woman ranting about? Realizing the miko wasn't about to let this go, he stated what should have been obvious by now. “She does as she pleases.”
Kagome clenched her fists, clinging to courtesy by a thread. “Rin is only a child, she needs someone to take care of her.”
Bafflement flickered through the taiyoukai's eyes before they went flat and unreadable. “She is safe.”
“Sesshoumaru-sama,” Kagome bit out. “Rin is half-starved. Don't you ever feed her?”
“She eats when she is hungry,” he replied dismissively.
“Rin told me that she forages for her food… by herself,” Kagome pressed. “Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin is not self-sufficient. She shouldn't have to be; she's still very young.”
Outrage reared up within him, and Sesshoumaru's expression darkened dangerously. She dares to question me? She dares to meddle? This Sesshoumaru answers to no one.
Kagome chose to ignore the frigidity in Sesshoumaru's glacial stare, letting the heat of her indignation carry her still further. For Rin's sake, I need to make him understand. “I know you protect Rin and that her life is safe from attack, but if something does not change she will die in your keeping.” The taiyoukai's chin lifted slightly, disdain and disbelief evident in his stance. “Starvation is as sure a killer as the sword, just not as swift,” Kagome pointed out insistently.
At that moment, Sango reentered the clearing with Rin by the hand. The youngster's face shone brightly from its scrubbing, and though her hair was still damp, the taiyoukai could tell it had been neatly trimmed. Spotting her protector, Rin made a beeline for him, presenting herself happily. “Sesshoumaru-sama! See? Rin is clean!”
Sesshoumaru nodded once, letting his eyes linger on her small form as she skipped back to the campfire where Sango was checking to see if the water in the kettle was hot yet. With Rin's appearance, Kagome's wrath quickly dissipated, her aura ebbing to its former, unassuming status. As Sesshoumaru scrutinized the changing emotions that flitted across the miko's face, she took a half step away, suddenly conscious of how close to him she'd thrust herself in her anger. Before retreating completely, she addressed Sesshoumaru in earnest, pleading tones. “Whether you claim her or not, she considers herself yours. You neglect is unconscionable; I hope that it was only out of ignorance that you allowed her to reach such a state.”
With a sad, serious look, the miko turned her back on the taiyoukai, crossing to the rest of the group and scrounging noisily through her backpack. After a few minutes' preparation, Kagome called Rin to her side and placed a small bowl of ramen in front of her. The girl tasted the food curiously, eyes brightening with appreciation as she made quick work of it. Inuyasha's half-hearted protest was cut off with a glare when the first bowl was followed unobtrusively by a second. Kagome stole a glance towards Sesshoumaru, but the taiyoukai was looking off into space. Rin didn't miss a beat when a third bowl of noodles and broth was placed into her eager hands. It was well on its way to joining its predecessors when Kagome took another peek in the Western Lord's direction only to find him gone.
Insolence. Impertinence. Audacity. Inuyasha had been the bane of his existence for decades, but the half-breed's pack was going to drive him to distraction. Sesshoumaru's agreement was with his half-brother; these others were incidental, under his protection by default. Otherwise he would never have concerned himself with them. So why must they find ways to inflict themselves upon me at every turn? A growl of irritation breeched his beleaguered calm as he broke into an effortless blur, speeding through the forest even as his mind raced.
Rin was… amusing. She didn't fear him, didn't doubt him, and didn't question him. Her cheerful chatter was a constant in his days, as commonplace as birdsong, providing a pleasant accompaniment to his thoughts without disturbing their flow. In every situation, Rin was the same. Now his brother's miko was… perplexing. Sesshoumaru prided himself on being observant and a quick judge of character, but this woman continued to surprise him. She could be placed in the same exact situation a dozen times over and find a new way to react every time. Instead of fading into the backdrop of his days, she succeeded in pulling him from his ruminations with her odd ideas and strange behavior.
This latest confrontation was a good example. He'd rather expected her to either nag shrewishly or resort to manipulative tears. In hindsight, Sesshoumaru realized this assumption had more basis in his impressions of females in general than with the miko in particular. In the weeks that he'd associated with his brother's pack, she'd displayed a certain stubborn tenacity and quietly coaxed for the things she wanted, but there was no deviousness in the miko's behavior. He had to give her credit. Her appeal concerning Rin had been straightforward and her reasoning sound despite her indignation. What nagged at him now, though, was the disappointment in her gaze when she'd turned away from him. He had found it inexplicably jarring. My own expectations are the only ones that matter. I do not care what others think.
Sesshoumaru paused on an outcropping of rock and scented the breezes that began stirring with the setting sun, sifting for the one he wanted and continuing apace. A small part of him granted grudging admiration for the miko's tact. She's cleverer than I'd given her credit for. I wonder if it comes from dealing with the half-breed for so long. She'd used some craftiness, though in a most diplomatic way. The insufferable miko had provided him with an out. By pointing out that Rin's hunger was a danger, she'd implied that he should protect her from that danger without actually demanding it. If he chose to feed Rin now, it wasn't a matter of backing down from a confrontation or complying with the wishes of another. He was merely protecting what was his. Yes, she managed that quite neatly. I suppose I should be grateful.
Sango took some initiative, inviting Inuyasha to do some pre-dinner foraging with her and the children. It had only taken a few discreet words in the hanyou's ear, and he was leading Rin around, showing her how to recognize plants that had edible roots and making sure she knew which mushrooms were dangerous. Having spent most of his childhood fending for himself, he remembered the pangs of ever-present hunger. If the glint in Inuyasha's eyes was any indication, the taijiya guessed he'd be having words with his brother whenever the taiyoukai decided to return.
When Kagome called the group back to the fire for dinner, Shippo and Rin proudly displayed their findings. With warm words of praise for their cache of berries and a grateful smile for Inuyasha, the miko shared out what was left of her stock of ramen after Rin's `snack'. It wouldn't be a particularly filling meal, but Kagome comforted herself with the knowledge that none of them would go hungry.
Inuyasha alerted first, ears pricked forward as he searched the dusk-darkened woods with keen eyes. “He's back,” the hanyou announced, by way of explanation.
Kagome immediately dropped her eyes to her lap, unsure how to face the Western Lord as stubbornness warred with mortification in her heart. Now that her temper had cooled completely, she couldn't believe she'd actually had the nerve to confront Sesshoumaru. I'm lucky he didn't silence me outright. Rin needed someone to stand up for her, but what if her rash decision to confront the taiyoukai caused him to dissolve their alliance. The mere thought of being treated as Sesshoumaru's enemy again made Kagome's stomach plunge queasily.
She poked halfheartedly at the tangle of noodles in the bottom of her bowl. I'd better save them in case Rin still looks hungry. Sango's gasp brought the miko's head up, and she followed the taijiya's line of sight to search the half-light for what had startled her best friend. Sesshoumaru's silvery-white presence wasn't difficult to spot in the deepening gloom, and Kagome stared uncomprehending for a moment before covering her mouth as a soft exhale of astonishment escaped her lips.
Eyes fixed on Kagome's upturned face, the taiyoukai strode into the circle of firelight. He remained carefully expressionless as he dropped the small buck from its place over one shoulder; it landed at her feet. Without a word, he moved to claim a seat at the base of the same tree under which Ah-Un rested. Every eye followed his progress, then returned to the deer—flabbergasted.
Inuyasha finally broke the awkward silence. “Oi, asshole! You gonna make me clean this?” he complained loudly.
“Now, Inuyasha,” reprimanded Miroku mildly. “That's no way to express your heartfelt thanks.” At the hanyou's derisive snort, the monk clapped his shoulder cheerfully. “Look at it this way, my friend. Your brother is finally learning the value of foresight. Why, I can't remember the last time we enjoyed both a hot springs and fresh venison in one day!”
Sango rose to her feet and called for Rin and Shippo to help her find some green wood for spitting the meat. “We'll need your eyes, Shippo. It's getting too dark for Rin and me to see well.” The kit grinned broadly and led the way towards a promising thicket that bordered one side of their little clearing. Kagome offered to build up the fire while the boys carried the buck away from the campsite to prepare the meat.
Sesshoumaru watched the little pack stir into busyness with half-lidded eyes. Though he hadn't decided exactly what reaction he expected from the miko, she'd surprised him anyhow. His estimation of her rose a bit further when she did not gloat or fuss over even shrink squeamishly from his kill. He'd seen in her face. She was pleased with him, and the taiyoukai strove to banish the surge of satisfaction her approbation inspired.
Belatedly, Kagome moved towards the supply of firewood which she'd helped to gather earlier. As she passed the stoic taiyoukai, she smiled warmly and dipped her head in gratitude. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama,” she murmured softly.
End Note: This oneshot was written for the Live Journal community ebony(underscore)silks' challenge for Week 8—Skin Theme. 4,364 words.