InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Drabbles ❯ Chocolate ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inu Drabbles
Disclaimer: Don't own nothing
Part 2: Chocolate
“Wow Kagome this stuff sure is tasty can I have some more?” asked the ever so energetic Shippo. “Oh sure Shippo just not too much ok, this can make you really hyper” Kagome explained to him. Snort “Like the kid needs any more sugar, besides don't eat them all brat I want them to ya know” said Inuyasha. The two seemed to be having a competition. While Sango and Miroku were eat their respective share Inuyasha and Shippo were making a growing pile of chocolate wrappers on the ground. As Inuyasha reached for another one, he saw Kagome tense in the corner of his eye. “What's the matter wench?” he asked her stuffing the chocolate in his mouth. “Um don't be upset Inuyasha and I don't think it's a big deal but I just remembered mama telling me that chocolate is very bad for dogs” she explained nervously. Inuyasha stilled and immediately spit it out. “Shit you trying to kill me?!” he shouted. “Now Inuyasha, it's only for regular dogs not dog demons” reasoned Kagome. Be it or not Inuyasha never touched another chocolate bar again.