InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Drabbles ❯ Grope ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inu Drabbles
Disclaimer: Don't own
Part 3: Grope
The war was won, Naraku and his detachments was no more. Everyone had helped, coming to defeat the evil hanyou. Everyone celebrated at the village, congratulations and sake being passed around, well everyone except Sango.
Sango stood outside watching the sky and stars, silent as she thought of the battle. Her brother had been lost, a sacrifice he was willing to make to get the last shard. He had told her before he died not to grieve or cry, because he would someday meet her again. This was his choice and to please respect it. Sango did not cry, and did promise to respect, but it was hard not to grieve. “Lady Sango, how are you feeling?” asked Miroku who came up behind her. Sango sighed and looked at him, the pain was clearly in her eyes. Without a word Miroku pulled her into a hug, not a single perverted thought or action passing between them. “Think now lady Sango we can get married, have children and live life. My wind tunnel is gone and there is no more curse bestowed on me. The two of us can now happily live together” Miroku whispered in her ear. “Miroku, I'm so sad that I've lost my brother but now I can move on and start a family… with you because I love you so much” Sango told him hugging him tighter. Miroku sighed in happiness, as his hand started to descend southward. “But…” Miroku paused thinking of the horrible things she could say to him. “I have been meaning to do something to you monk” without warning her hand shot down and she gave him a grope. Sango laughed, loud, and true and the stunned expression on Miroku's face.