InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ Introductions ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha

AN: I am warning you right now I am not a very good writer but I will do my best in writing this story that I thought of. This is an AU fic with OOCness and I will accept criticisms. Everybody in this fic will be a demon. Also, demons with wings will not have them in human form. Almost forgot the Inuyasha characters will have there surname first then their name.

Credits: to my partner Lildrummergrl58 for writing the drum line sectionals for me






Inuyasha Marching Band Chapter 1: introductions

Beep. Beep. Beep.
"Oh crap I am so gonna be late for marching band practice," moaned Kagome a half angel and half fox demon with miko powers, "and it's the first day too."
She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush her hair, wash her face, and brush her teeth. When she finished she went back to her room and got dressed she looked into her mirror to see if she had any flaws. All the mirror reflected is her long brown hair, the chocolate brown eyes, her soft lips, her curves, her soft tail, claws, stripes on her hands and face, and her crescent moon mark with wings behind it.

After she finished dressing, she flew out of the door and started to walk to school. While walking to school she met up with Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, Miroku, and Sango so they all went together. By the time they arrive, it was 8:55 a.m so they were not late as they walk into the band room they were greeted by an aardvark youkai who turns out to be the director.

Then Mr. Kinsey, the band director, said, "Why don't you five introduce yourself?"

"Sure, my name is Higurashi Kagome. I am half angel and half fox and I play the clarinet."

"Hi, I am Taiya Sango. I'm a raccoon youkai and plays the trumpet." "Hello, name is Hentai Miroku. I am a squirrel youkai and plays the trumpet too."

"Keh, I'm Taisho Inuyasha. I play the snare, and I'm half dog half human."

"Taisho Sesshoumaru. Inu youkai. Snare Drum."

"Okay, why don't the band members introduce themselves…?"

Drum line Sectionals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"You stupid idiot," yelled Inuyasha, "that's not how you hold the sticks,"
"Excuse me Inuyasha, I, Sesshoumaru, has been playing the snare drum since I was at the age of five, so I will know how to hold a pair of drum sticks," argued Sesshoumaru in a cold and icy tone.
It went on like this for a while, and all the drum line can do is watch and nod their heads. Then a girl walks in. she is tall with silverish hair. You could tell by the cute, white ears and tails that she is a cat demon.
At the sight of the fighting boys, she suddenly dropped all the belongings and started yelling, "What do you two think you're doing?"

Then she proceeded to grab the boy's ears and pushed the duo aside. "Both of you go sit down and far away form each other."
"I, Sesshoumaru will not have my ears pulled by a girl, and I refuse to listen to you," protested Sesshoumaru
"Me too," stated Inuyasha.
"Well, too bad I just happen to be older than you and I am also the section leader," claim the cat demon. "Now for the rest of you, I'm sorry about the very bad first impression," she said as she started to pick up her things. "My name is Kelliann O'conlon, but you can call me Kell or Kelli if you like. Like I said, I am the section leader, so I do expect some respect. I guess the instructors aren't here yet, well, then let's start without them."

There was an utter silence in the room. Kell opened a folder and gave everyone a packet of warm-ups.

"Before we start, let's share a little bit of ourselves. Hey, you two troublemakers would you like to go first. Please state your name and instrument."

Sesshoumaru stood up and stated his name and section, and it with Inuyasha.

Then a small but sturdy girl stood up and said, "I'm Ariel, the chicken demon and I play the bass drum.
A cubby but tall guy started to chuckle softly. "What's so funny?" Kell asked in a stern voice. The boy sat straight up and quietly replied nothing.
"Well, why don't you introduce yourself?"
He stood up and said, "I am Mitchell Conroy, the squirrel demon, and I play bass drum too.
Then another girl stood up and said, "I'm Sarah Clemency, an ostrich youkai, and I play snare." Mitch started to grin but Sarah yelled at him to stop. "I'm also the co-section leader and you will give me respect too."

"Now that that's over with, open your packets and get ready to play Hannum 1."
As they started to warm up, two men, one tall and one of average height walked in. the shorter one had ears and a tail like Kelli's only black, and the other had a dorsal fin on its back.
"Hello, my name is Tom Case," said the Siamese cat.
"And I'm Ed," said the fish.
"We are your instructors," they stated together. Then they handed out Cell Block Tango and the drum line began their first sectionals.

Clarinet Sectionals~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"All right clarineties," chimed a ram youkai, "introduce yourselves."

"I'm Dan Beswick, a dolphin youkai, I am also the section leader.
Then a girl with long silver hair with green streaks, a crescent moon mark with wings behind it and one fire droplet on one side, the other with a water droplet on the forehead said, "I'm Jenny Kong, half dragon and half dog demon, I am also the co-section leader."
Next, a short girl with dark green hair and claws said, "I'm Dominique Rieker, a dragon demon."
Then another girl with brown hair and claws spoke, "Jessica Robson here, an inu youkai."
After Jessica came a boy with a pink tail and said, "I'm Carl Hale a pig demon. Finally, Kagome introduced herself.
"Ok," responded the same ram youkai, "I am Christa, your woodwind specialist and a ram demon as you all know." "Now that all the intros are finished, take out Cell Block Tango." Everybody did as they were told and they started to practice the piece of music.

The rest of the section's sectionals went the same. Later in the band room~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright everybody I'm sure you all practiced Cell Block Tango, so lets try and get through it together," said Mr. Kinsey.
He heard a yes and started to count off, "Mark time march, 1, 2, ready go," after the count off all you can here is Cell Block. When the piece is finished Mr. Kinsey commented, "Very good for the first rehearsal; now Amanda would you have the honor of dismissing the band?"
Then a beautiful sloth demon, who turns out to be the drum major, came up and commanded, "To the ready," the band went to rest position, "band ten hut," then the band snapped into attention and hollered huh. "Alright, lions on three, one, two, three" "Lions," screamed the band. "You are now dismissed," said Amanda.

Credits Again: to Lildrummergrl58 for writing the drum line sectionals.

AN: I know this is a boring chapter but this is a key chapter for later on in the story. Well, actually this chapter is to convenient me for later but that's beside the point. Anyway, peeps in my marching band, if you read this, I'm sorry if you have a small part or no part at all but I don't think I can fit all forty people in here. I promise I'll put some of you guys later on.