InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ Hair Cut ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: First, I do not own Inuyasha. Second, I do not own Sesshoumaru. Third, I do not own Kagome, clear.

AN (Lildrummergrl58): Hi everybody, you know EvilFire4321 said I was sleeping last chapter, and I was, until she woke me up and I wrote the last half of last chapter, lol. Well, anyway, we're back for one last chapter before Champs.

EvilFire4321: More like sleep walk, and wrote the rest of the chapter.

Lildrummergrl58: Hey!


Koi-love (referring to boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife)


Inuyasha Marching Band Chapter 11: Haircut

`Ding Dong' the door opened and Inutaisho came out to greet Kagome.

"Sesshoumaru is upstairs," answered Inutaisho.

Kagome didn't say anything, she just ran straight up to Sesshoumaru's room, giving Inuyasha a wave on the way.

"Sessho, wake up. It's eleven o'clock," yelled Kagome.

"Kag, not now," moaned the sixteen year old.

"Wake up; you need to get a haircut for championships."

Sesshoumaru instantly bolt up.

"Koi, when have I said I needed a hair cut?" asked Sesshoumaru keeping his fear and surprise away from his voice.

"Never, but I thought you would look good with short spiky hair, besides, I don't think your hair would fit inside the shako anyway. Now get up and change," commanded Kagome.

Sesshoumaru thought her explanation reasonable so he complied, and even If he didn't want to, he had no choice. He shooed her away and changed into his cackys and polo shirt. Then stepped out of his room and went with Kagome to wherever she was taking him.

"Kagome, where are you taking me? I thought the barber shop was the other way, is it not?" inquired Sesshoumaru.

"It is, but we're not going there."

"Then where?" growled Sesshoumaru a little dangerously.

"You'll find out, we're almost there."

Kagome and Sesshoumaru walked a few more paces and arrived in front of a brick house.

"Are you kidding me, Koi? Why have we arrived at Jenny's house?"

"Sessho, you sure are a curious dog. Jenny's mom use to be a hair stylist and she said she'll give you a free haircut. Now come on, ring the door bell," said Kagome.

Sesshoumaru went up the stone red steps and rang the doorbell. The door opened automatically and Jenny and Kelli stepped out.

"Well, what re you two standing here for, come in" commanded the clarinet player.

The couple took off their shoes and went in. Once in, Sesshoumaru could see a stand set up for him so he went over.

"Sesshoumaru right? -he nodded- I suggest you take off your shirt unless you want hair needles on it."

He took off his polo shirt, revealing his strong muscular muscles and plop himself on the stool. Jenny's mom, Brenda, then started to snip away his long, silky, silver hair. With each snip, Sesshoumaru's heart ached. Soon his long hair became short hair, about an inch long.

"Sesshoumaru, you can take a shower if you want, the bathroom is right in front of you and there's a towel in the cabinet," said Brenda.

Being the well-groomed dog demon he is, he took his polo and went into the bathroom to shower.

"Now that that's over, I'm pretty sure you girls would want some of his hair. I can see it in your eyes," commented the mom.

Kelli and Kagome quickly went over to the newspaper and took the silver locks. Jenny just stayed on the computer trying to defeat Duriel in nightmare mode. Then Sesshoumaru came out from his shower, hair wet and spiky, bangs gone. The two girls immediately went up to him and rubbed his soft hair.

"Not fair, I can't reach, bend down, Sesshy, so I ca feel your soft hair," said Kelli.

"Lay off the hair," growled Sesshoumaru articulating each word.

"Aw, fluffy don't like short hair," mocked Kagome.

He gave her a death glare and roared, "No, and what's with `fluffy'?"

"She meant your soft fluffy hair. I believe it's your new nick name," analyzed Kell who is now leaning on the wall away from the silver spikes.

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "Great."

"It's not fair, why do I have to be so short!" she yelled and stomped away.

"Hey guys, lunch will be ready in a few. You guys want to stay?" asked Brenda.

"Um sure," cried Kagome, "Sesshoumaru is too."

"I am," asked Sesshoumaru, question marks all around him.

"Yes, you are," replied Kagome harshly.

"Any of you want to play DDR2?" asked Jenny.


They went upstairs to her brother's room joining Kelli on the way, and turned on the PS2.

"Any of you know how to play?" asked Jenny. They all replied a little so she said she would go first. She hit game mode, then light mode, and then chose D2R as her song. The piece started to play, and arrows began to shoot up. She then stepped on the up arrow on the dance pad and the word `perfect' appeared while the arrow disappeared. Jenny went on like this until the song ended, occasionally forming a circle on the pad from the arrows on the screen.

"Now do any of you have an idea on how to play? -the heads went left and right- "Ok then, who will be the victim?"

"I will," said Kelliann enthusiastically as she stepped up to the pad while Jenny sat down on the bed.

Kell pushed game mode, then beginner's mode, then chose Spin the Disc as her song. The arrow came up slowly to the outlined arrow, and she stepped on the right panel on the pad and obtained a `perfect'. She did well through the song, but received a few `boos' here and there.

Not too long after Kelli, Jenny's mom called the crew down for lunch. They ate for about half an hour then returned to DDRMAX2 until night when Kell, Sesshoumaru, and Kagome returned home.

Lildrummergrl58: Narf!

Audience: Narf?

EvilFire4321: Just ignore it, it's her word, nobody will understand it.