InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jump Over the Wall of Freedom ❯ Brother blues ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 26: Brother blues
A/N: I'm so happy I was able to squeeze a chapter out of myself before Monday! But the next update will probably be next Saturday, so enjoy.
Thank you very much for reviewing:
Yazoo IS Superior
The freak locked in ur closet
Disclaimer: Did I say I owned Inuyasha? And you believed me? Seriously what a joke…
“Yeah, I'm having a boy!” Kagura announced. She then continued “it really is an incredible feeling when you realize that you have a life growing inside you. I mean I'm having a baby, a baby boy. But you must know what I'm talking about right?”
Seeing Kagome's surprised facial expression Kagura pressed “I'm sure you felt the same when you were pregnant with Shippou.”
“Oh no. You don't know do you? Inuyasha and I adopted Shippou”
“WHAT!! But he has Inuyasha's silver hair and amber eyes. He even smells like the both of you”.
“I know, well what really happened is that, not long after Inuyasha and I became mates, we found an orphan fox demon. He was so young and so cute, even Inuyasha could not resist. So we decided to adopt him.”
“And the kitsune was Shippou” Kagura asked, then seeing Kagome nod she continued “but how did he go from being a fox demon to a dog demon?”
“I was getting there. We used a transfer of demonic essence
Interrupting her friend once again, Kagura asked “what is it? I've never heard of it”
I would have answered if you'll let me. Really, it appears that Inuyasha is really rubbing off on you, since when are you this impatient?”
“Since the day I met her” a deep voice said from the doorway.
“Sesshomarou?! Shouldn't you be at work?” Kagura asked, she was happy to see him, but a little worried, as she knew he was not the kind of man to take the afternoon off.
He simply shrugged and said “Since Christmas is next week I gave everyone at the office the afternoon and the rest of the week off”.
The real reason was that he was too worried about her to concentrate on his work. Therefore he figured that it would be better to come home early. Thinking about how he gathered all the employees to tell them that they would have the afternoon off, and that as soon as each of them were done with their present project they could officially start their Christmas holidays made him smile.
`Seeing their dumbstruck faces was funny' Sesshomarou thought.
`That's only because you usually only give them two days off not an entire week. Pretty sure they think you've gone crazy or something!' His inner demon mocked.
“How nice of you Sesshomarou.” Kagome told her brother in law, she knew him too well and was suspicious of his true motives but said nothing.
“I know! I wish my boss was this nice!” Kagura said bitterly remembering how last year Urasue refused to give them a decent Christmas break.
“Oh well look at time I'm sure Inuyasha must be in the kitchen trying to get some ramen before dinner.” And she disappeared of the room as quick as possible.
“Well that was smooth. I think you intimidate her Sesshy.”
Seeing Kagura getting up, Sesshomarou gently but firmly pushed her back towards the bed. Getting exasperated that everyone from Kagome to Miroku and even Inuyasha had forced her to stay in bed all day long. Kagura said “I'm not going to break, I'm fine. And I'm a God damned demoness. So yeah, I'll be just fine.”
Not listening to her Sesshomarou forced her to lay on the bed once more and just to make sure she would not try to get away once more, he lay next to her. As soon as he held her in his arms, she stopped struggling and put her head on his chest.
Kagura said with a mischievous smile “what did you say to Kagome and Inuyasha, I mean she force fed me vegetables for heaven's sake!”
“Nothing, she knew you need them. Remember what doctor Yuka said” he could not hide his distaste as he spat the name of Dr Yuka, which caused Kagura to laugh loudly.
Looking at her Sesshomarou murmured “I missed that”. Kagura heard him and asked “what are you talking about?”
“Your laughter. Yesterday, when I found you in the bathroom I thought…”
Kagura shut him with a kiss and said “don't worry I'm here and I'm okay” then rubbing her belly she added “we're both okay”.
They stayed in silence for a while but then the wind sorceress asked “what are you thinking about?”
Not answering her directly Sesshomarou thought back to the conversation he had with Inuyasha when he came back from work before joining the girls upstairs,
* Flashback*
Sesshomarou came out of his car and went inside the mansion. The first person he came across was his brother who was greedily and quickly engulfing a cup of ramen.
“Be careful not to choke” Sesshomarou said to his younger brother.
Swallowing loudly Inuyasha exclaimed a “Keh!” before saying “I know it may sound weird coming from me but…do you need to talk?”
“What did you just say?” The older demon asked astonished with eyes bulging out in a very un-Sesshomarou like way.
“Yesterday when you found Kagura…it must have been a shock to you. Do you need to talk about how it made you feel?”
Even if he was concerned about his brother, asking the question Kagome had begged him to made Inuyasha blush. The nervous twitching of his hanyou ears was the only proof of Inuyasha's discomfort.
“For starters this Sesshomarou is going to pretend he did not just hear you ask that. And also tell your wench that I do not need to talk about my feelings”. The demon spat the word `feelings' as if he was disgusted by the mere thought or it. The lord then started walking towards the marble staircase.
“You don't have to act tough and hide behind your ice armor!” Inuyasha called behind him. Seeing that his older brother had come to a stop he continued “It must be hard seeing the person you love in pain. If that had been Kagome bleeding on the floor, I would have gone mad.”
“The person you love?” Sesshomarou repeated turning around to face Inuyasha, who for once had an expression of utmost seriousness on his face. “And what makes you think baby brother that I love her?”
“Keh! I knew you don't pay attention to the ones around you, `cause you have your head stuck too far up your ass, but I didn't know it also prevented you from seeing what's in your heart! Quit lying to yourself, you LOVE her. If I can see it, then everyone else can!”
“It is not that simple!” roared Sesshomarou.
“What are you talking about? You love her and she loves you!”
She feels safe and protected around me, but I would hardly call that love.” The demon lord said through clenched teeth.
“What! Even coming from you that's pretty low! Do you think that's why she's sleeping with you, to feel safe!? Besides don't you see the way she looks at you? As soon as you walk into the room she starts smiling dumbly!”
`I never thought I would say that, but Inuyasha is right. She is my lover, my friend and even my confidante. I have told her things I have never told anyone before and it made me feel lighter and truly happy. When I found her yesterday, the thought of losing her is unbearable…Could it be that I love her?'
`Congratulations! You've finally got it! Should we throw a party, a parade or something?' his annoying inner demon mocked.
`I swear to God if you do not leave right now I will ask Kagome to purify me, so that I won't have to suffer from your presence anymore!'
`Why go to such extremes? Besides it would be useless, I'll just haunt you as your conscience' the voice said mockingly, but it did fade away.
After rubbing his forehead Sesshomarou said aloud “it's not as easy as you make it sound. Many things must be taken into consideration”.
“Are you talking about the pup?” seeing that Sesshomarou averted his gaze, Inuyasha continued “At first when we adopted Shippou I didn't know if I'd be able to see him as my son.
But when I saw Kagome's face, she was so happy and it just made me happy too. You know she's the one who insisted on the transfer of demonic essence., after a while I could care less if the kid was a fox or a dog demon. I know we're in totally different situations `cause I've never had to raise the pup of my sworn enemy but knowing you I know it won't mater in the end.
You're a great father to Rin, I didn't think I would ever say it but…you raised me pretty damn good too. You were a little too uptight but still good enough” the teasing brought a small smile on both brothers' lips.
Turning around as if not to show his brother the emotions playing on his face Sesshomarou said “what about her feelings. She told me before she is the wind, she does not want to be tamed or to be restrained. She wishes to be free”
“Sessh you remember when I was thirteen and I snuck out to go to this party with Kikyou and we ended up at the police station. After you bailed me out you sent me to boarding school. When I complained that I would never be happy in a place like this, because all I wanted was to be free and do as I please, you told me that…”
`What good is it to be free, when you waste your freedom on unworthy things?” the older of the two completed.
“It took me a while but, then I got what you meant. I mean, yeah I couldn't go or do everything I wanted but boarding school is where I met Kagome. I gave up some of my freedom to gain happiness. Maybe Kagura is the same.”
Reassured by his brother's words, Sesshomarou walked to Inuyasha and put his hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture., before strongly tightening his hold on his brother.
Sesshomarou then said on his stoic and cold voice “if anyone ever finds out about this conversation, I will rip your guts out with my poison claws, understood?!”
“Keh! What conversation are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked taking a bite of his ramen before letting out a small smile.
“That's a good boy” Sesshomarou chuckled before ruffling his younger brother's hair and disappearing upstairs. He did make out Inuyasha screaming something around the lines of “you cocky ass bastard I'll get you for this”.
*End of Flashback*
“You want to know what this Sesshomarou is thinking about?” Seeing Kagura nod he lied “Nothing just work”. He then turned on his side to face her and he said “Kagura, I think we need to talk”.
She gulped, as she saw a frightening mix of seriousness, apprehension and nervousness in his golden eyes and as she asked “about what?”
As she half expected and half feared he answered “our relationship.”
A/N: Wow! Don't miss the next chapter, it's all in the title Confessions, get ready for some more fluff!!!
Kitsune: fox