InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Kagome ❯ Summarizing ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Okay! This is my new Inuyasha fic based on Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
I don’t own Just Ella or Inuyasha

Full Summary:
It’s a familiar story: In spite of the obstacles put in her way by her wicked stepfather,Naraku, Kagome goes to the ball, sweeps Prince Kouga off his feet, and is chosen to be his mate. Now she’s comfortably ensconced in the caves, awaiting the mating ceremony to the demon of her dreams. It’s happily ever after time, right?
Wrong! Life for Kagome has become an endless round of lessons and restrictions; Prince Kouga turns out to be more like Prince Boring. Why can’t she talk to Kouga like she can with Inuyasha, her half-dog demon tutor?
Slowly Kagome begins to realize she doesn’t want the life she worked so hard to win. But breaking the mating arrangement proves to be more difficult-and dangerous-than escaping her stepfather’s tyranny.

I’ll put the first chapter up tomorrow.

Kyla- san