InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Fourth Day ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 10

A/N This chapter contains a little sexual content so if you cannot handle this kinda stuff then don't read. Oh and people when you review me, my computer is stupid so could you just e-mail me instead? That would be great, now on with the story.

As usual Inuyasha was bounding through the forest in his way to Kikyo.

'Damn that wench Kagome! Confusing me and then taking so long to get up and make breakfast so I would be late getting to Kikyo!' Inuyasha put his guilt at leaving Kagome for Kikyo again, aside. He had to focus on Kikyo right now and see what the hell is wrong with her. 'Women are so damned confusing!'

Before he got to Kikyo, he heard her talking to someone. Wait, was she talking to the forest?

"Inuyasha will never love me, he loves her to much. Gods, sometimes I hate her
so much, I hate hating people, but I can't help it!" She broke down sobbing,
clutching her stomach as she fell to the ground.

He didn't even stop to think what he was doing, he just swept her into his arms, wiping her tears away with hi fingertips. She suddenly stopped crying and stiffened. He reacted on instinct, he didn't like her stiffness, so he took her chin between his fingers and brought his lips to her's. The kiss was so passionate
that it left them both breathless. He brought his lips to her's again, his arms wrapped around her waist, bringing her body as close as it could possibly go.

Her hands on their own accord, went through his silvery locks.
Inuyasha brought them both to the ground, about to untie himself and Kikyo, but she stopped him.

"No Inuyasha, we have to stop, you'll regret it later."
"But I really need it." His eyes were glazed over with lust.

"If we do this now, you'll hat me for it later." She picked herself up and walked
into the forest, leaving a confused ,lustful hanyou behind.