InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo:Soul Switchers ❯ Reasons why ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Why the hell would you two do something like this to me? Why?!
Just tell me that, because I'm already screwed up enough as it is
without all of your help."
"Are you done?"
"Yeah", he said a little begrudgingly.
"Good. Now if you really want to know the answer, you would have
to ask Kagome also, but if you want to know why I did it, just listen."
Knowing she had his full attention she continued.
"I did it because I wanted to know how you really treated your little
miko. If you were really in love with her like everyone suspects.
Now I know nothing, because you kept going to see her as me, so I
didn't get to see how you treated her daily. I, however found out how
upset she gets when you come to see me. She really is strong to be
with you after how you treat her."
Inuyasha winced at that.
"Do you want me to guess the reason as to why she did it?"
He nodded in the positive.
"I think she did it because she wanted to know how you act towards
the one you truly love, for you see, she doesn't think that you truly
love her. When I brought up my proposal to her she hesitated, for she
didn't want to hurt you. However, I persuaded her, and in the end she
agreed. We wanted to make you choose who you would stay with
and who you really love. I suspect she thought she already knew your
choice and wanted to be closer to you for a week. But that's just my
observation. I could be wrong."
"How could she think that I don't love her?"
Kikyo narrowed her eyes, "Do you love her, Inuyasha?"
He sighed, "Yes, Kikyo I do, but I also love you. I don't know who to
choose, why would you do this to me?"
"Because it's breaking both our hearts to not have your whole heart,
especially the girl's. I could sense that she was about on the breaking
point of losing hope. It's so sad really. She really is a strong one.
Did you know I tried to kill her once?"
"It was a while ago. She didn't tell you that? She really does love
you. She didn't want you to be hurt even more, she really does have a
pure heart. Purer than mine ever was. You may love her Inuyasha,
but please do not forget me."
Even though the words were pleading, her voice wasn't, it was sort of
"I won't Kikyo."
"Little miko, wake up!"
Slowly she opened her eyes, only to be taken aback by who woke her.
It was the devil himself(almost literally).
She was surprised, but then she remembered the situation and her
eyes became uninterested.
"Naraku, why is it that you've taken me?"
'Her voice and eyes were cold and almost unlike herself, good it will
be so easy to break her now.'
"I told you before, I have a couple of jobs for you to do."
"Forget it, I'm not giving you a blow job". (A/N sorry could not resist
some dirty humor in here. Forgive me for ruining the mood)
He looked puzzled, not exactly sure what this blow job she spoke of
was. So he ignored the comment.
"No, you'll find out what I have in stored for you soon."
"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with, wouldn't that be a
lot easier."
"Ah, don't underestimate yourself just yet. I need you for a few
things, killing you would just be a waste. I'll see you soon."
With that he strode out of the room.
A/N Sorry everyone for the weird humor, I noticed that I didn't have
that much so I added some under some weird circumstance, but I
digress, hope you liked it. Catch ya later.