InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: hello!!!! Looking forward to another chappy?? I am!!! *^_^* can't wait to see what my deranged mind comes up with next!!!! Thank you to ALL my WONDERFUL reviewers!!!!! I was asked, how could I hurt fluffy?? Well, I HATED doing that!!!!!!!! But, I HAD to do that for the story to come along!!!!!

Anyway, this is gonna be a short fic, and the next four maybe five along with an epilogue is gonna wrap it up. But now, for all those wanting a lemon, I will do one. I will split the epilogue in two parts. One part will be a lemon, and the other part will be your happily ever after thing!!! Well now, on to the chappy!!!

Disclaimer: -_- <sigh> yeah…I think you know…

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse

By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter Six

Kagome was on racing through the forest, looking for Sesshou-Maru. `I just know something is wrong!!' she thought as she recalled the wave of evil that had seemed to wash up from no where. `Kami-sama, I hope that Sesshou wasn't there!!' she thought with rising panic as she sprinted through another clearing, smelling the air occasionally for signs of Sesshou-Maru's scent. Finally she got to a spot where the scent was about thirty minuets old. Mingled with her Sesshou's scent of cedar and pine though was a disgusting scent that was slightly reminiscent of Naraku's death and decay smell. "What has happened to you my love?" she cried in anguish as she searched for signs of her love.

"My child!! Come here quickly!!" a soft musical voice called out. "Come to the Lady Fate!" it said and a soft wind appeared and started leading Kagome to where Artemus, Miroku, Sango, Kirara and Shippou waited.


"My lady, where is it we go?" Miroku asked as they trudged through the forest.

"We head to where I have lived for the past years to prepare you for war with the god of hell." Ahara said softly.

"How do you know of the god of hell?' Sango asked as Miroku went into a thoughtful silence.

"I am-" just as she was about to answer, an anguished filled voice charged with emotions, seared across the forest.

"What has happened to you my love?" a voice screeched, that everyone immediately recognized as Kagome's.

"Momma…" Shippou whimpered at the sound of Kagome's scream.

"Lady Kagome!" Miroku said as soon as Shippou whispered momma.

`What is wrong? To make you scream like that?' Sango wondered in her mind at the sound of the cry.

"My child!! Come here quickly!!" a soft musical voice called out. "Come to the Lady Fate!" everyone turned in shock when they saw their guide calling out to Kagome. "Come! We will go to my place of living, and await the hope of the world there!" Artemus said as she whisked the travelers away on a soft wind.


`Should I trust the voice?' Kagome thought.

`Kagome…my naresoume…live happily…don't risk yourself to come find Me.' a voice whispered in her mind.

`Sesshou!! No!!! I don't care if it is a trap!! I love you!!! And I am not about to let some bastard on a killing spree, get you!!!' Kagome thought as she made her mind and followed the wind deep into the forest, hopefully, to where help waited.


"She comes. Good." Ahara said with a relieved sigh as she stared into the magical glass orb that showed Kagome racing to the cave where they now resided.

"I think this makes me look fat…" Miroku mumbled as he looked at himself in the mirror that Artemus had in her cave. Artemus jerked back to look at him when he said this. And even she would admit the sight of him in the celestial armor made her jaw drop momentarily.

The armor looked like demon exterminating armor. The padding though on the shoulders and such was black with the symbols of the gods on them. The suit itself was a blood red color. A black sash was around his waist that would hold a katana, a kodachi, and throwing daggers. Lastly, a short cloak about waist length that looked like it had been cut from the night sky that had a silver dragon twisting across it.

Sango next stepped out and her out fit was the exact same as Miroku's, only designed for a woman's body. `Oh he looks good in that!!' was the thought that was bouncing through the females' head.

`Sango must like him.' Artemus thought when Sango didn't tare her eyes away immediately. Suddenly, a chill, that felt like evil passed through her and she jerked her to the cave mouth. The evil aura then disappeared and left a pure one. `This isn't good…' was what Artemus thought when she felt the two energies parting. "It looks like our guest has arrived." Artemus said softly when a black clad figure giving off power in waves walked into the light. It was a deathly pale demon?? Kagome that stood there. For a moment, she stood there then teetered and fell over, a dark stain spreading on her back, where a wooden shaft was protruding.

Everyone else was in a stunned silence, trying to compute what had happened, when…

"MOMMA!!!!!!!!" was the scream that echoed through the cave as a small kit that had been asleep, smelled Kagome's blood. That brought everyone back to reality and to start to help Kagome.


`I can smell more than one person…is it a trap?' Kagome thought as she stopped outside the cave. `Should I go in?'

"Little miko gone demon…how dumb are you to allow yourself to be tainted like that?" Kikyo asked with a sneer as she walked into the moonlight.

"I am not the tainted one! You are." Kagome spat at her favorite person. `God I would prefer to go on a date with Hojo than be near her!' Kagome thought with disgust as the sickening smell of earth and bones washed over her. "My aura is still pure and white, while yours is dark and tainted with hatred."

"Bitch! Remember, I have part of your soul! So what is in me, was in you!" Kikyo said with a snarl at Kagome's true words.

"Well now, I plan to take my soul back you clay pot!! Prepare to die. Again." Kagome said with a smile to Kikyo as she paled with anger.

Kikyo drew her bow and arrow, and with a sneer, "Let's see if you can use what power was granted to you. Last time I remember meeting you, a kitten could have inflicted a mortal wound on you!" she said laughing.

Those were the last words Kikyo got out her mouth before the fight began. She was still laughing when Kagome, full of anger, with glowing red eyes, charged her and on the first blow gave the killing blow. Kikyo spun around from the force, and was facing Kagome's back. With a smirk, she yelled out, "I will take you to hell with me!" after she released the arrow from her bow. Right after, she dropped dead to the ground and what little part of soul that was Kagome's, flew faster than the arrow and went back to its proper place, right before the arrow struck. Kagome then felt whole a two seconds before…


The arrow landed with a sickening thud into Kagome's back and she instantly stalled and put her control to the test and not to scream; as it was, a grunt of pain escaped her lips. Blood spurted out from the wound and was pouring warm rivers down her back instantly. `Now I have to go into that cave. I need medical attention.' She thought as she dragged her self into the mouth of the fissure.

"It looks like our guest has arrived." A soft musical voice, the voice that led her there Kagome realized dimly. Kagome suddenly came into the room. All activity ceased when they saw her. She then started to wobble, and fell over into a heap. While her conciseness fled her, the last thing Kagome heard was, "MOMMA!!!!!!!" `Shippou…' she wondered before she let the blackness take her.

~~~&&&&&~~~ ( big scene change!! )

`Kagome?? Kagome where are you?!?!?' Sesshou-Maru was yelling in his head, when he felt a twinge in his mind link from Kagome. Panic started to take over as he felt her life's fire starting to flicker. `No!!!!!'

"I can sense that my brother's whore, completed her job. She got killed in the process and Naraku won't be happy about that, but still, the job was done." Hades said as he stepped out of the shadows to look through the bars of the prison made of hell's fire into Sesshou-Maru's angry eyes. "She meant something to you didn't she? The one the zombie killed? Don't worry, you'll be seeing her soon enough. But at the moment, I still need you alive." Hades said with a laugh. "I don't need baby brother or his reincarnations anymore so…" with a snap of his fingers, mirrors appeared, each showing the activity of souls that occupied them. Naraku was satisfying his base flesh desires with a screaming young virgin, Kagura was out looking for Naraku only knew what, and Kanna was in what appeared to be one of the palace rooms. "Good bye…" Hades said with a laugh as he dropped the mirrors to floor. As they broke, you could here the screams of pain of each soul as they floated out of the mirrors and into the deepest pits of hell. "Oh how I will relish the day I am able to capture your soul, use you, then kill you the same way Artemus!!!!" Hades said with throaty laughter that rang through the stone palace that they were located at.

`You will pay! I might kill myself doing it, but you will pay!!!!! No one hurts my Kagome and gets away with it…' Sesshou-Maru thought as his eyes bled red as they followed Hades' back out the door.

A:N/ Cliffy!!!!!!!!! I HAD to end it there…give me more reviews or I won't update for a long time WITHOUT a good excuse!!!! He he he!! ^_^!!!

***Sesshou's pissed!!!!!!! Oh no!!!!!! *^_^* you know now, that serious butt kicking is gonna happen!!!

*** I don't feel like going back and meshing this in, but Hades has Naraku's hunk of the jewel. But yeah, read and review please!!!!!!! See ya next chappy!!! Laters.