InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ Chapter eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse
By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter eight

Disclaimer: I still own nothing. I haven't been doing it lately `cause
I forget, but I still own nothing!!

`Brilliancy and lunacy cross over lines often. He uses that to his
full advantage. Kagome...hurry...I'm not sure if I can last against a
crazed god of hell...' Sesshou-Maru thought before he went back to
watching a pair of silvery blue eyes that were tinted red with blood
lust. `My love...hurry.'


Kagome and her group flew and ran through the forest as fast as they
could to Hades' castle. "Artemus," she yelled back through the wind,
"Are we almost there?"

"Almost. About one more mile and that shouldn't take long." She said
as she flew up beside Kagome. "Just be careful when we get there.
Hades is no fool. He will have something ready for us." She said.

"Oh well!" growled Inu-Yasha, "He touched what is mine in my forest!!!
He won't get away with it!!" Inu-Yasha growled out.

`Inu-Yasha, I think it might be possible for you two to actually get
over yourselves.' Kagome thought with an inward smile as they landed
in a clearing where the castle was. "Here we go." Kagome whispered as
they walked through the gates.


Sesshou-Maru through his cage watched Hades throw a conniption fit
that a three year old would have trouble mimicking. `Well now,
someone defiantly isn't happy.' He thought as he watched Hades
suddenly calm down and turn to him with a face that he was afraid of.
"What?" he barked angrily.

"I wonder, what your little mate-to-be would do, if she found out I
raped you, and then controlled your mind to serve me." He hissed with
a sick grin as he moved closer.

Sesshou-Maru back away from the front of the cell, his eyes bleeding
red as he watched Hades step through the prison wall. "Don't touch
me!" he hissed angrily. `I have no chance against a god.' Was his
last coherent thought before he transformed.

`Oh, so he's gonna make this hard eh? Oh well. Not like this is any
problem.' He thought as he lunged and with a large bolt of hell's
fire, he brought Sesshou-Maru to his knees. "No one, except another
god, can stand against the fires of hell!" he hissed as stepped into
the demon's face. "Do you wish for me to change you back and have my
way with you, or transform myself and then rape you? Your choice." He
hissed with grin.

With a whimper, the half-conscious demon tried to hold his form, but
slowly he shrank back to his humanoid form. `No, Kagome,' was his last
thought before he was out cold, the last thing he saw was the leering
god of hell.


Kagome stopped short in one of the halls. `No, Kagome,' she heard the
whisper in her mind and knew it came from the cellar. "The cellar!!!
Quickly!! He's in trouble!!" she screeched as she took off, destroying
the floors and walls, making her own doors and stairs.

Everyone soon followed and they were outside a door where they heard
sounds of pleasure coming from behind. Kagome opened the door with a
snarl and saw Hades over her Sesshou-Maru. Her eyes became huge as she
saw the condition he was in, and what Hades was doing to him. With a
growl that seemed to rock the foundation of the castle, she flew into
a rage and lunged after Hades with Artemus right behind her.

The others rushed to Sesshou-Maru to help him as much as they could.
Inu-Yasha threw his haori (is that right?? If not, it's his jacket
thingy) over his brother. "Sesshou-Maru, how could you let this
happen?" he quietly whispered as he watched Sango and Miroku work.

"Not my choice dear brother. Wasn't my choice. No demon stands a
chance against a god. No matter how powerful said demon is." Sesshou-
Maru whispered. "Now then, go help Kagome. She needs more help than I
do." He whispered as he slipped into sleep.

With a growl of anger, he turned to the fight and saw Kagome and
Artemus kicking Hades' ass. With a smirk, he went in and joined the

Hades knew he was going to lose. He had seen their faces and looked
into their hearts, and knew they were going to win. Love against hate,
was no contest. He was going to die. But he would take someone with
him! He would take Artemus with him. She should die as much as he.
With that, he managed to fling Kagome and Inu-Yasha away and set up
his attack that would kill them both. "HELL'S FIRE HOLE!!" he yelled
as a large black energy shield erected itself around him, Artemus, and
a large black hole in the ground spouting flames. With a yell, he
allowed himself to be consumed.

Artemus was panicking. No one had ever survived this attack. And he
let himself be taken by it! With him dead, it would never disappear;
unless she went to the center of it and nullified the evil energies
with her pure energy. Not to mention, the shield would be impossible
yelled out before she stopped struggling and allowed herself to be
taken. `No one else will ever be hurt by him again. Those two found
happiness. I just hope they can come over what happened to Sesshou-
Maru. It won't be easy. But neither is this.' She thought as she
closed her eyes and with her last energy, closed the hell- hole.

"Artemus," Kagome whispered when she saw the large hole close up. "You
did well. No one will suffer because of him ever again." She whispered
as she turned to her demon. "Sesshou," she whispered as she drew
closer. The others backed away to give her space, knowing she needed
this. "Sesshou, I'm sorry. I wasn't fast enough. You probably hate me
now." She said as she kneeled by him, smoothing his hair away from his

"I will never hate you. You did fine." He whispered as he caught her
hand and held it to his face. "You did fine. I don't blame you." he
repeated with a smile as he felt her tears hit his face.

With a small sob, she hugged him and whispered over and over into his
shoulder, "I love you." she gently pulled him up, making sure that the
haori still covered him and she motioned to the others and they began
their way back to the castle of the Western lands.

A/N: woohoo!!! There's that!!! I'm sorry to all that liked Artemus,
but I needed to do that. I tried to keep her alive but it just wasn't
working. now then! I will post two epilogues. The first one, will be
the lemon, and the second one will be the happily ever after stuff. On I will have a link in the first one for my account. Now
then!! Review!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't get near enough of