InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Next of Kin ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5

Next of Kin
  (Although iPoe is responsible for a lot of great help and beta'ing, I didn't get her approval after I made the changes she suggested. So, if there are errors, they are mine. ^_^ I apologize for taking so long on this.)

Inuyasha literally flew above the forest, his speed carrying him with the wind.

'Just what the hell did Kagome make them promise? What could she possibly ever want to hide from me? I will get to the bottom of it soon enough.'

Kagome's body was completely wrapped in his kimono and his grip was tight enough to give the impression that his life depended on her. And, in some way, it did. She was his strength. Though faint, he could still smell her scent. Pressing his nose into her neck, he promised that she would return to the land of the living. It was not fair that she had died for him.

"I'm not worth your life Kagome. I never was," he mournfully murmured, remembering that he was only a ridiculed half-breed, a hanyou; neither pure human nor pure demon, an outcast of both worlds.

In the distance, an enormous palace loomed over the landscape, dwarfing the smaller mountains. `Why should I expect anything less?' Inuyasha eventually stood at the immense gate, loathing the very stones and polished wood, and more so, what he was about to do.
He did not need to say a word. The gates welcomed him and with trepidation, Inuyasha crossed the threshold.
A tall regal figure hidden in the shadows, under the arch across the courtyard had to take only one step to reveal himself to the hanyou. 'How dare he come here of all places? Were it not for the curious scent of death wrapped in Inuyasha's robe, I would never have allowed entrance to that filthy stinking hanyou.'

"I am not so dull that your scent escapes me, Sesshoumaru," Inuyasha practically spat.

"What brings you here, little brother?" Sesshoumaru coldly asked then stepped from the shadows.
The Lord of the Western Lands possessed the same family trait of golden eyes and long flowing silver hair. However, unlike Inuyasha, he also had a long, plush, fluffy pelt that he kept wrapped over his shoulders, and was very tall, much taller than his younger half-brother. His stare was cold and expressionless, heightened by the aristocratic nature of his regal, white clothing. Unlike his brother, who wore common, unmarked clothing that reeked of human blood, the trim of red on the pristine white sleeves and left shoulder was a signature of his royalty. By his appearance and posture, Sesshoumaru obviously had wealth. He was proud of his full-blooded heritage and never failed to flaunt his royal blood and trappings when Inuyasha was in his presence.

Inuyasha glared at his older brother while he slowly knelt and peeled his robe from Kagome's small tattered body. He stood up, his glare making no words necessary.

"What makes you believe that I would have pity on vermin like you and your human?"
It was no secret to Inuyasha that Sesshoumaru, for some unknown reason, despised humans and hanyou. There seemed to be only one exception, a little human girl, Rin. That little girl gave Inuyasha a seed of hope that Sesshoumaru would have mercy on Kagome. He would do anything, give anything, to have her back...anything.

"I know what you want more than anything else in the world," snarled Inuyasha.
Not wanting to alarm Sesshoumaru's defensive instincts, he carefully pulled Tetsusaiga, still in its sheath, from his obi and held it out horizontally. He would give anything for Kagome, even his own life.

"Tetsusaiga is useless to me. Only human blood can take hold of its hilt," growled Sesshoumaru, knowing that the hanyou was well aware of this fact. 'How could Inuyasha offer his inheritance in exchange for the fleeting life of this...this human?' he thought with disgust. "You mock me little brother."

"Look Sesshoumaru, use Tenseiga! If for no other reason than the fact that she is the only one that stands between us and Naraku's destruction of our world! It's true and you know it!" Inuyasha nestled Tetsusaiga safely back under his obi, the heat of urgency flowing through his veins and burning his gut. He didn't have time for a persuasive argument.

"For once, Inuyasha, you have truly shown intelligence. I am impressed by your desire to defend our lands."

"You're wrong about that. My desire is to become a full-fledge demon. I stake no claim on this wretched place."

"How unfortunate for you, little brother."
As Sesshoumaru stepped forward, hand on the hilt of the bloodthirsty Tokijin, Inuyasha crouched and gripped the hilt of Tetsusaiga, blatantly posturing for battle. Slowly, Sesshoumaru removed his hand from Tokijin and placed it on Tenseiga. Still prepared for battle, Sesshoumaru unsheathed the healing sword, a blade that he considered worthless, though, the hanyou would staunchly disagree, particularly under the current circumstances.
Inuyasha warily watched while his brother approached Kagome. He wouldn't put it past his brother to switch swords and attack him before reaching Kagome. Trust was something he doubted he would ever have with his brother.
Though Tenseiga was Sesshoumaru's inheritance from his father, as Tetsusaiga was to Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru loathed the fact that Inuyasha was given what he considered to be the more powerful sword. It was that more than anything that had set him against his brother. His beloved father had abandoned him. `It matters not. I shall have my recompense.'

"I shall give you her life." Sesshoumaru sneered in disgust at what he was about to do.

'And then you, hanyou, will not be allowed to continue tainting the ground with your existence,' Sesshoumaru mused.

As Sesshoumaru raised his sword, Inuyasha held his breath, unable to breathe even if he wanted.
'Why is he taking so damn long?' Inuyasha anxiously questioned.

Sesshoumaru relished making Inuyasha sweat. He took his time, watching Kagome's soul linger about her body, waiting to be retrieved and taken to the other side. Without warning, he swung Tenseiga.
Not understanding the workings of Tenseiga and fearing the worst, Inuyasha lunged forward. `Shit, he's trying to desecrate Kagome's body!' He had no idea that the sword couldn't cut flesh, but before he could reach her, the sword had already passed. He collapsed beside her, his eyes raking her body for any sign of damage.
Sesshoumaru watched, curious about the hanyou's emotions, but more curious about the workings of Tenseiga.

'Father was wrong in his choice of who should carry which sword, the fool. Tetsusaiga should be my birthright!' he seethed while he sheathed Tenseiga and reached for Tokijin.

Inuyasha clasped Kagome's hand, searching for any sign of life. Suddenly, she choked in air! "Kagome! Kagome, you're here!" He could not hold back the tears of relief.

Kagome felt Inuyasha's warm tears on her cheeks and opened her eyes.

"Inuyasha!" she gasped and abruptly grabbed his hair. She frantically pulled his head into her chest a moment before Tokijin swept across the place where Inuyasha's neck had just been.

Inuyasha jumped up, pulling out his father's fang. Its fiery pulse rang throughout his body, ready to protect.

"Stop it! Just stop it you two idiots! If one single hair on Inuyasha's head is even touched, this world can rot!” she screamed while her temper flared. Her shock expressed itself through panic and anger and the words rushed out of her mouth before she had time to think about what she was saying. "I'll go home and never come back. This world can just take its chances with Naraku! I don't care!"

Inuyasha's eyes widened at her emotional outburst. Even without her bow, she was standing her ground against Sesshoumaru...well, more like she was sitting on the floor.

Sesshoumaru cocked his eyebrow. He was in no hurry to exact his revenge on Inuyasha. He wouldn't admit it to himself, but Inuyasha and the human had a point. <i>'Stupid human, to want a hanyou...they deserve each other. Let them leave. I am bored. I'll go observe Rin. That, at least, will be more entertaining.'</i>

"You know your way out, Inuyasha. Make haste," he coldly stated. He gave Inuyasha his arrogant side-glance then simply glided away. 'You were lucky today, but one day that wench will not be there to protect you. Once Naraku is defeated, I will give you the pleasure of watching her suffer before I cut off your head.'
A smile almost crossed Sesshoumaru's cold hard lips. Though he hated humans and could care less what happened to them, the thought of taking something from Inuyasha was very fulfilling, very fulfilling indeed. His hatred, spawned from the jealousy caused by his father's choices, ate at him every day, and this day was no different.

Inuyasha looked down at Kagome, never so relieved in his life. He stood there, staring at her, barely able to believe that Sesshoumaru had given him the gift of her life.

"Well, aren't you going to help me up?" she asked with impatience and leftover anger still in her voice.

Smirking with amusement, his heart light with relief from her resurrection, Inuyasha sheathed Tetsusaiga then bent down. With both hands he lifted Kagome to her feet and the robe she was wearing fell open. Kagome, unaware, stared up into Inuyasha's eyes. When he turned that intense gaze on her, deep black pools ringed with the glow of his golden hanyou irises always hypnotized her and sent heated blood coursing through her veins.
Though Inuyasha would have liked nothing more than to stare at her body for hours, they needed to vacate the premises, so he held her gaze while reaching down and closing the robe. Swiftly and without warning, he snatched her up and bounded across the threshold, barely making it out of the gates before they slammed shut.
Reviewer Responses
I Lurv You All
Dark Avenger
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru. The characters Kaiaela and Mr. Sesshou belong to me!