InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blood ❯ Kouga's Return ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11
Kouga's Return
"You go on ahead guys," Kagome called as she looked back up into Inuyasha's glowing eyes.
Inuyasha still cradled her gently in his arms. Kagome reached up and stroked his cheek, not taking her eyes off the hanyou she loved so much, the hanyou that was now all hers.
"I love you and could never think less of you, even in your transformed state," she softly murmured to Inuyasha gazing into the golden eyes smiling down at her.
She could feel the thumping of his heart beat harder within his chest and knew she had assured him that he was safe from losing her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she drew herself up to him and gently placed her lips to his. Ever so softly he stroked her lips with his warm soft tongue. Opening her lips wider, inviting him in, he slowly stroked the tip of her tongue and then plunged deep within her mouth as if he were trying to be one with her. And it felt like he would as her warm, sweet nectar blended with his own.
"Mmmm," she moaned as her skin began to blush with the heat of desire.
"Woman, you are going to kill me!" Inuyasha exclaimed, striding toward the hut, "I need something to eat before I starve to death. You've stolen all my energy!"
Kagome smiled, truly feeling like a full fledge woman, especially with her hanyou calling her one.
Inuyasha was finally free of Kikyou. Finally free to live his life as he longed. He set Kagome on her feet before they entered the hut where Kagome gave him large portions of food which he ravenously gobbled it up.
'What a dog,' Kagome thought grinning to herself as Inuyasha nearly swallowed every bite without chewing.
Everyone began settling in for the night. Inuyasha and Kagome still sat together watching as Shippou took a place with Sango and Kirara.
"Inuyasha, let's sleep together on the roof tonight. Okay?"
Inuyasha nodded his head, pleased that she would ask such a thing. He felt as though she were taking her place in his world, making it her home. They strolled outside and Inuyasha gathered her up into his arms to leap up to the roof when suddenly a whirlwind blew out of the forest only to stop a few feet in front of them.
Kouga gasped seeing his Kagome in Inuyasha's arms. He began to growl at Inuyasha, but suddenly stopped, sniffing the air around them.
"It was rumored that you had died and I came to find out for myself if this was true. I see it was only a rumor. You have mated with this here flea bitten mongrel! Did he take you by force Kagome?" He growled never taking his eyes off Inuyasha.
"No Kouga. As for your first question, I took him, much to his surprise. Secondly, I was dead, but Inuyasha risked his life to take me to Sesshoumaru asking for my life to be given back to me."
Kouga stared at her in disbelief as grief slapped him in the face. Even so, he bent down on one knee and lowered his head.
"Princess Kagome, you and your mate are welcome in my territory at anytime and I will provide protection for you while you journey through. I only ask one thing, that you always grace us with your presence at my table during those times, considering my pack as brothers and sisters to you."
Kagome gasped and turned her head to stare at Inuyasha when Kouga referred to her as a princess. He grinned at her and nodded his head as if to say this was true. He was after all the son of the deceased ruler of the Western Lands, hanyou or not. Kouga rose to his feet and added smiling at Inuyasha,
"But I will always be watching over you to make sure that this hanyou does not allow you to be harmed in any way. If he does, know that I will cut off his head.” Kouga declared with feet apart, chest puffed out and his arms crossing it. Arrogant to the last.
Inuyasha returned Kouga's smile, nodding his approval of the truth in Kouga's declaration. Kagome was shocked, turning her head back and forth from one to the other wondering what was happening between these two rivals.
`What, Kouga threatens to chop off his head and their friends all the sudden!' thought Kagome in disbelief.
"And know that if this hanyou ever leaves you by choice or by death, I still love you and you are always welcome in my bed."
Inuyasha stepped forward, growling and putting his hand on the hilt of Tetsusiaga. Kagome began to say the "s" word but thought better of it. There was something she had yet to do, something that should quell his jealousy of Kouga. Instead of uttering those dreaded words, she reached from behind Inuyasha and removed the necklace of beads and claws up over his head and slid it down his beautiful white mane. Taking Inuyasha's hand, she placed the beads in the palm and folded his fingers around it. For what seemed like forever, Inuyasha could do nothing but stare at her, mouth gaping open. Suddenly, he grabbed her, wrapping his right arm around her waist to draw her close. He held her head to his chest. The curse was lifted. He had come to live with this curse as if it were a natural part of his body. The freedom he felt was glorious. Tonight he would take her on his back and they would run and fly through the trees of the forest.
"Inuyasha! You are hurting my woman!"
Inuyasha growled releasing Kagome and stepping toward Kouga. 'How dare he call her his woman!'
"Inuyasha, please." Kagome pleaded, "He is my friend and respects my wishes regardless of his feelings for me. Remember my promise to you."
Inuyasha backed off with a scowl still on his face. Both males were frozen in place as Kagome gasped and her eyes widened.
"What's wrong Kagome?” They both asked.
"A jewel shard heading right for us!"
Any and all reviews are welcome and greatly anticipated whether one word or paragraphs.
Reviewer Recognition
I Lurv You All
I do not own Inuyasha or any of the associated characters. I only live vicariously through them.