InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's CDs ❯ "Don't Leave Me" ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome's CDs
Disclaimer: Inuyasha's not mine…but that's just a matter of time… (evil laugh)
Hey!!! Hope everyone's had a great March Break! I'll have to go back to school tomorrow! T^T
But anyways…I just thought I'd upload something up before March Break ends so here's chapter 4.
---Warning: This chapter is gonna be a tear jerker…sadder than last chapter…---
Song: Don't Leave Me…based on the previous chapters…guess who?
Italic words are lyrics
---Chapter 4 ~ Don't Leave Me---
(In Inuyasha's P.O.V.)
It's been 3 days since I went to Kagome's time. And like the first day, it was still cloudy. I've had the urge to go back again, but there's always a little part of me that's too proud to go back and apologize.
The others are starting to worry. They know something big happened this time, even Shippo kept his annoying comments to himself.
''Inuyasha, what happened?'' Sango asked.
''Just tell us, and maybe we can help you solve it.'' Miroku added.
''Please Inuyasha? I'm really worried about Kagome.'' Shippo said, with tears brimming along the edge of his eyes.
''I…I can't…this is between me and Kagome. There's nothing you can do to help.'' With that, I ran towards the forest.
Once I got into the deep part of the forest, I slowed down a little, thinking of Kagome.
As I kept walking, I noticed that it was the same route where I followed Kikyo's scent the other day. I walked towards the tree Kikyo was sitting against and sat down on the same spot. I closed my eyes, recalling what happened that day.
The first thing that popped into my head was Kagome's sad face. Her eyes were full of sadness, and hurt. My heart started to ache when I thought back to her crying in her room.
I'm such an idiot! Why do I always keep hurting Kagome? Why don't I have the courage to go apologize?
That was when I realized I wanted to go talk to Kagome, to explain and say sorry.
I got up from the spot and ran towards the well. This time, I'll make sure I talk to her.
I'll go for miles
Till I find you
I quickly jumped out the well house and landed on Kagome's windowsill. I sniffed the air to see if she was there or not. I can smell her in the house, but not in her room. I quickly realized that a scent was missing from last time. I let out a relieved sigh.
Good, she's not crying…
I opened her window and followed her scent. The scent was coming from downstairs. I sniffed the air to make sure both Souta and the old man wasn't in the house. You'd never know when they would pop out of no where and give me a heart attack. I silently made my way down the stairs.
As I edge nearer to the room Kagome was in, I heard talking. It seems that Kagome's mom was also in there with her.
''Kagome dear, not that I'm complaining or anything, but how come you're still here? Shouldn't you be in the feudal era?''
''Um…I have a huge math test to study for! That's why!'' Kagome answered, somewhat nervously.
''And what about Inuyasha? Usually he would've come here a long time ago, dragging you back with him.''
''He…uh…has something to do…that's why.''
Mrs. Higurashi noticed something was wrong with her daughter. She leaned towards Kagome, placing a comfortable hand on Kagome's shoulder.
''Kagome, is something wrong?''
''No Mom…nothing's wrong!'' Kagome answered, avoiding her mother's eyes.
Mrs. Higurashi sighed. ''Kagome, I can tell something is wrong. Does it have something to do with Inuyasha?''
Kagome knew it was no use lying to her mom. After all, mom knows everything. She nodded.
Mrs. Higurashi led Kagome into the other room, (the one with the weird box in it) and they sat around the table.
I silently followed them, edging a bit closer. I know it was wrong of me to eaves drop them, but hey, you can't blame me for having an extra good hearing now, could you?
''What happened?'' Mrs. H asked kindly.
''Well…'' Kagome fidgeted nervously, not sure where to start.
''It's okay, calm down. We've got time.''
Kagome nodded. ''Well…I guess I should start from the other day, when I came running home, crying.''
''Crying? I don't recall seeing you crying.''
''Oh, you weren't home yet that day.''
''Oh…right! Sorry, keep going…''
''That morning was the same as every morning; I woke up with Shippo on my belly and the others around me. But then I noticed that Inuyasha wasn't there and I saw a few soul collectors flying around the forest. I knew Kikyo was there so naturally Inuyasha was with her too. But I wanted to make sure, so I ran in the forest. When I got to the centre of the forest, I saw Inuyasha and Kikyo embracing.''
''So that's the problem, right?''
Kagome nodded again.
''So after that, you ran?''
''I understand how you feel dear, but did you give time for Inuyasha to explain?''
''No. I kinda just ran right after he saw me. He tried to catch up to me but I stopped him with my 'sits'.''
''Well…maybe you should listen to him and see what he had to say.''
''Why? What's left for him to explain?'' Kagome started, tears beginning to form in her eyes. ''It's the same as last time! After all this time, he still can't forget about Kikyo!''
At this, Kagome burst out crying, moving into her mother's open arms.
''Oh Kagome.'' Mrs. Higurashi sighed as she held her daughter.
Kagome continued. ''It's been a whole year, Mom! A whole YEAR! A whole year since I told him about my decision and went back to him in spite of the fact that he still loved Kikyo! Remember?''
''Of course I do. We talked about your father and I under the God tree and how I made my choice. And Kagome, you made the right choice returning to Inuyasha.''
''Mom, I can't take it anymore! I was able to return to him and accept the fact that he loves Kikyo and me at the same time. But now…I just don't know anymore! It hurts too much!''
''So are you saying that you're planning to leave him?'' Mrs. Higurashi asked, worried.
''I…I don't know if I should leave him or not! It hurts but I still love him, Mom! Maybe even more now! I want to stay by him, I really do! But…it just hurts!''
I stood there, behind the doorway, shocked at what Kagome just confessed.
You say you want to leave me
But you can't choose
She's planning to leave me?

I've gone through pain
Every day and night
I feel my mind is going insane
Something I can't fight
She can't! What about the jewel shards? What about Naraku? What about Shippo, Miroku, Sango and Kaede?
…What about… me?
''Come on, Kagome, let's get you cleaned up.''
I heard them moving my direction; I quickly jumped back out the house and into the well. The only thought I had in my mine was this: Don't leave me, Kagome.

Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I made my way out of the well; I dashed across the field and jumped into the God tree, still shocked at what I just heard.
A blank expression
Covering your face
I'm looking for directions
For out of this place
Does it really hurt Kagome that much? So much that she's gonna leave me? If I knew this, I'd never go see Kikyo!
I started to wonder if Kagome was being serious. Is she really leaving me? What if she does?
I start to wonder
If you'll come back
I started to panic.
What if…she doesn't come back? What would I do?
Who's going to help me collect the jewel shards?
Who's going to take care of Shippo?
Who's gonna go into the hot springs with Sango?
Who's gonna help Sango stop Miroku when he gets perverted?
Who's gonna comfort Sango when she thinks of Kohaku?
Who's gonna purify Naraku when Kikyo isn't there?
Who's gonna stop Shippo when he annoys me?
Who's gonna bring us ramen?
Who's gonna tell Shippo night time stories?
Who's gonna beat Miroku at card games?
I just kept blabbing my head off without actually knowing all the things I asked. Without me noticing, the clouds that covered the sky started to fall in little raindrops. But I was still panicking, still asking mindless questions.
Who's gonna rub my ears?
Who's gonna 'sit' me when I get bad?
Who's gonna be there to stop me from punching Shippo?
I walked out of the forest and into the clearing. I tilted my head towards the skies and felt the rain drops falling onto my face.
Who's gonna be there to support me?
Who's gonna be there when I feel left out?
Who's gonna be there to comfort me when I get down?
Who's gonna stop my demon form from taking over my half-demon self?
Who's gonna make me feel peaceful, happy, belonged and…me?
Who's gonna be there to make me go head over heels?
Who's gonna be there for me to love?
Who's gonna be there to love me?
I feel the rain storming after thunder
I can't hold back
Soon, not only rain drops were falling from my face.

Don't leave me
I walked over to the well and stared at the other side. I clenched my fists together, feeling angry at myself with Kagome's voice repeating over and over in my head.
------ ''I…I don't know if I should leave him or not! It hurts but I still love him, Mom! Maybe even more now! I want to stay by him, I really do! But…it just hurts!''------
I'll go for miles
Till I find you
You say you want to leave me
But you can't choose
I started to feel guilt and regret, sorry that I had hurt Kagome and regretting that I went to Kikyo.
I've gone through pain
Every day and night
I've suffered from many cuts, bruises, injuries and endured many pain. But this time, it has got to be the most painful experience of all. Never have I felt like beating myself up so badly, and felt like my heart was being ripped into pieces.
I feel my mind is going insane
Something I can't fight
I wiped my tears with my sleeves and sat against the well. With the rain getting stronger and stronger, I plead out loud.
''Kagome, please don't leave me…I NEED you!...I'd do anything! Just please don't leave me…''
So I sat there all afternoon and night, pleading to myself and wishing Kagome was there to hear me. The rain kept falling, getting worst and worst. But still I sat there, broken hearted. The rain didn't stop till mid-night…
…nor did my tears.

Don't leave me
Phew! I'm done!!! Well…after re-reading my story, I'd say spending the past 3 and a half hour was worth it. I feel so sad for Inuyasha. He's crying!!!... T___T…(burst out crying)
But anyways…hope you all enjoyed that, it took a lot of planning and thinking…
Okay…maybe not the planning part since I just wrote whatever I thought of…
If you enjoyed it, please review! I LOVE reviews, especially the long ones.
And here are some people I want to thank for reviewing:
shippowantscandy - Thank you so much for your constant reviewing!!! Yours are the long ones too!!!
BakaYasha - THANK YOU for reviewing! I read some of your stories too…but I didn't review them yet. I'm just too lazy…but I'll get to it sooner or later…but so far they're really good! Oh and you asked when I'm gonna finish this fic…well…I'm not sure. So far I think I have one more chapter and I'll be done with this first part. (You can go back to the second chapter 'All by Myself' and read the Author's note at the end to see the parts I kinda planned).
ZIPPIYGIRL - hey, thanx for reviewing! Oh and I'm so sorry that I still haven't done anything in the C2…I still haven't picked up my lazy bum and read the story…but I'll get to it…sooner or later!
fluffyrachel - thank you for reviewing! You were one of the first people who reviewed my stories!!!
…And thanx to all the others for reviewing!
If you want me to thank you in the next chapter, review NOW!