InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Doctor's Visit ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Doctor's visit:
“Yasha, Sess” Kagome whispered. Inuyasha woke up.
“I'm here” He whispered, leaning over with her.
“Where's Sess?” She asked.
“He had to leave, but he stayed all night” He lied.
“Do you feel better?” He asked.
“I feel weak & lightheaded” She answered.
“Is there a healer we can call” He asked. She lightly chuckled at that.
“We don't call them healers, they are doctors at hospitals” She explained.
“Where are these hos…pit…al?” He asked.
“A couple of streets into the city” She answered. He could tell she was drained.
“Go on to sleep, I'll figure out something” He whispered.
She had no problem falling asleep.
`I hope Sess gets back, she needs him'
He wandered downstairs to Mrs. H.
“Momma H, what is a hos…” He asked.
“A place where people get healed when they are sick” She explained.
“Where is it?” He asked.
“It smells strongly of sick people & alcohol” She told him.
`Once she awakes, I'll take her' He snuck back into her room.
It was nearly 9 a.m.
“I set up a doctor's appointment for Kagome at noon, I need to run a few errands & I'll be back” Mrs. H said. Shortly after she left, Sesshomaru arrived.
“Where's Mrs. H?” He asked.
“She had errands to do, we got see the healer at noon” Yasha said.
“Mhhh” Kagome groaned. She slowly sat up in bed, her covers wrapped around her.
“Sess, you're back” She said cheerfully.
“Of course, I couldn't trust Inuyasha alone with you” He teased.
“Yasha took good care of me” She said.
“Where's momma?” She asked.
“Out doing errands, you're going to the doctor at noon” Sess said. She tried to get out of bed and nearly fell over. Quickly Inuyasha (who was closer) caught her.
“You alright?” He asked.
“Yeah, just a little wobbly” She smiled weakly.
“I'll bathe you & Inuyasha can make us breakfast” Sess volunteered.
“Why don't you got to bathe her?” Yasha questioned.
“Because you know how to work the microwave & oven” She answered quickly.
He went off grumbling. “I gotta pick out clothes to wear” She whispered. He helped her get to the closet. She picked out a lovely turquoise tank top, jean jacket & white frilly skirt.
“You & Yasha gotta change if you plan on going” She said.
“We will” He replied.
She ran the bath water & Sess helped her get in.
“Why don't you go check on Inuyasha & then the both of you get dressed, after that you can come back to get me” She suggested.
“That's acceptable” He walked out.
“What are you making?” Sess asked.
“Making Ramen & eggs, that's all Kagome taught me to make” He said.
“We have to get dressed” Sess said.
“We already are” Yasha said.
“In this time's clothing” He reminded.
“I'll let the ramen sit awhile” He said. They both went into separate rooms to change.
`I smell Blood, Kagome' ((Just letting you know, they both are thinking it)) Ignoring their state of dress, they rushed to the bathroom. But she was alright. “
We smelt blood” Inuyasha said.
“I accidentally cut my finger, it bleeds a little but I'm ok” She explained.
She was already dressed.
“Well, Well, well, looks what I can see” She teased. They both followed her gaze, they were lacking pants and the underwear was appearing tight.
“'It's not like you haven't seen it before” Sess said. Kagome blushed.
`She's so pretty when she blushes'
She navigated down to breakfast.
“It looks great” She eyed all the food.
“Just for you mate” Yasha smiled. She sat at the head of the table, facing Sess and Yasha. He paused.
“I'm home” Mrs. H called inside.
“In the kitchen” Kagome said.
“Who made breakfast?” She asked.
“I did” Inuyasha said proudly.
“It looks wonderful” She complimented.
“Will you be joining us?” Kagome asked.
“No, my job called. I'm needed at work, I came to get my uniform” She answered.
“Oh, when will you be back?” Kagome asked.
“By dinner, I promise” She smiled, with her uniform in hand, she kissed the 3 of them on the forehead and left.
“We need to leave” Sess said.
“We'll be walking, it's not far” Kagome said.
“No, you will be carried” Sess said.
“Yasha?” She asked.
“Get on” He whispered. Luckily her skirt was long. She hopped on his back. Inuyasha followed the smell of the sick people.
“Hello I am Ms. Higurashi and I am here for my noon appointment” She checked in.
“The doctor will be with your shortly, please follow me to the room A3” The nurse said.
“Don't say anything, the doctor will have to check me out, it'll be cool, they aren't trying to hurt me” Kagome prewarned.
“Hello I'm doctor Thao, I'll be seeing Ms. Higurashi” Mr. Thao came in.
`He smells familiar & he has a demonic aura' Sess noticed too.
“You aren't human, are you?” Sess questioned. “No I'm not, neither are you or him” Mr. Thao said.
“What are you?” Kagome asked. Mr. Thao looked up at her (for the 1st time).
“Momma” He whispered.
“Excuse me, did you call me momma?” Kagome asked.
“Uh yes, I did, sorry. You reminded me of my mother” He quickly apologized.
`She doesn't recognize me, I guess after she left for all those years'
`He seems oddly familiar and the way he called me momma reminds me of…'
“Shippo” She exclaimed.
“Yes” Mr. Thao answered. Kagome hugged him so tightly.
“My son, my beautiful boy” She was so happy to see him.
“You remember me then, I thought you'd forgot” He said sadly.
“Why would I forget you?” She asked.
“After you left with Kashia, things got bad, with the killer after you, you returned once, just to say hi” He paused.
`Do you tell her of her fate? That the well closed, leaving Rin, Jaken & I to live with Sango & Miroku?'
“Continue, please” Kagome urged.
“A lot of stuff happened & I never saw you again, it's been 500 years” Shippo abruptly stopped.
“What happened?” She asked.
“The well closed, forever locking you out of the feudal era” Shippo lowered his head.
“Did I go alone?” She asked.
“No, both of your mates went too” He answered. “What happened to you?” She asked.
“Rin, don't cry, we can live with Sango & Miroku” He tried to console her. “Lord Sesshomaru & Lady Kagome left, both of our parents are gone, they left us” She continued crying. “Jaken, get Ah-Uh, Rin won't be able to walk” Shippo said. Jaken grabbed up Ah-Uh by the reigns and they headed to Sango and Miroku's area.
“We went to stay with Sango and Miroku, Sango was pregnant so we helped out a lot, then she had her baby. We were a happy little family, until….”
“Sango, it was a beautiful baby girl” Kaede said. “Get Miroku” She whispered. Rin ran outside to him. “Miroku, Lady Sango wants you” She said. “Sango” He said. “It was a girl” She told him. “That's ok, we can try again” He smiled but she didn't smile back. “I am dying Miroku, no more life to give, take care of the pups, they are merely 14, and I love you Miroku, with all my heart” She said, struggling to breathe. “I love you too, I'll never love another” He whispered, kissing her forehead.
“She died along with their daughter, Miroku never was the same, but he raised us. I ended up mating Rin, once she was 21, like you wanted Sess” He smiled.
“We never had kids, not because she couldn't but because I didn't want her to die like Sango did, she died in the early 1800's, she was caught in a crossfire, I miss her so much” He was on the edge of tears.
“It's ok, Momma's here” She cuddled him up.
“But you never explained what happened to force the portal to close?” She asked.
“An enemy was angry at you, for foiling their plot to ruin people's lives & they figured out how you move through time, they locked the well for revenge” Shippo explained.
“Then I must return to the feudal era” Kagome said.
“Do not leave until you're well, you arrived back in the ear from 2 weeks from tomorrow, you must complete everything in 5 days, before the well is closed, if it is not complete, you must return at all cost” Shippo warned.
“What about my illness?” She asked.
“It's the flu bug, just rest and drink lots of fluids, take this notebook with you, do exactly as it says, don't mess around, there are pages for Sess & Inuyasha in there as well” Shippo said.
“Goodbye baby boy, I'll call you before I leave” She waved goodbye.
“Bye mama, be careful” He said.
`You can't change the past; you can only do along with it'
Kagome left, clutching the notebook tightly, Shippo made sure that she wouldn't know exactly of her fate. He wanted her to do as she was told so she would not change the past to change the future!
`I hate for her to know of all the terrible future, but if she knew would she put herself through it? I need Momma to be brave, how can she survive knowing what's going to happen to her?'