InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Birth of Nouchia ( Chapter 54 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: I want to rename this story, it was untitled until the 45th chapter and then I named it Kagome's life because it pretty much had to revolve around Kagome all the bad stuff happening to her. So voting for renaming of this story is open now. Saturday, Sunday & Monday will be the last 3 chapters of this story, no sequel but I'll make sure to round everything up in the epilogue. I have plans for a new story, another Sess/Kag story, with Inu/Kag friendship in there, I haven't really figured out the kinks so any suggestions will be taken into consideration. I hope *crosses fingers* to have the new story's first chapter out May 15th, right after the epilogue is posted, IT may not be as long as this story, definitely less than 40 chapters, probably only 15 or so but it depends on the subject and the plot. I am again changing this date, Chapter 59 will be out tomorrow, Epilogue out on Saturday, my new story, will be started on Sunday or Monday.
This Chapter is dedicated to my beta: JamminChick95613!
Birth of Nouchia
`Relax my precious'
`My sweet'
`No, this is all wrong'
`Calm down, you'll shake up the baby'
`No, you release control right away'
`Too late'
“Lady Kagome” Jaken called out.
`Let go of me'
`Slow down, you'll kill the baby'
`No let go of her'
`You are becoming too hyper'
`No' her aura was angry & frustrated; she was close to losing control.
`Now!' Her powers spiraled out of control; she was losing her grip on reality. She had 2 options, let her powers go and risk the chance of harming her pups and all the demons in the castle, or try to hold on; putting a huge strain against her body and the baby, to save the lives of others.
_________________________Sesshomaru & Inuyasha_______________
“Kagome's in trouble”
“Hurry up then” Inuyasha ordered.
“She is attempting to reign her powers in”
“Why are her powers out of control?”
“I do not know”
“What do you know?”
“That she is struggling to control herself, in conflict over something”
“Physical or mental?”
“A bit of both it seems”
Sesshomaru tried to keep the concern and worry out of his face and voice, but he couldn't keep it out of his eyes.
`Be safe Kagome, do all you can to hold on'
___________________________Kagome____________________________< /i>
Kagome was still attempting to regain her powers, they just wouldn't lower. Even after she tried to calm herself, she still felt her powers pushing for release. `This couldn't be Naraku's doing, he would never try to harm the baby'
(Sesshomaru, can you hear me?)
(I'm losing control)
[I sense it]
(I am afraid, I know I won't last much longer)
[Don't worry, Inuyasha & I are on our way]
(Did you find Naraku?)
[No but we found Kagura]
(Is she with you?)
[I'll explain later]
(Alright, hurry)
Inuyasha & Sesshomaru were home quickly.
Inuyasha hugged her tight, careful of her stomach.
[We are here, Inuyasha is hugging you]
(But my power?)
[Aren't a problem]
(Why not?)
[I don't know]
Inuyasha rocked with her, praying she'd awake.
“Mmh” She groaned, her back hurting.
“I need to pee” She whispered.
Sesshomaru inwardly smirked. [After all that, you need to pee]
(Not my fault)
But she couldn't hold it, she ended up peeing on herself but it wasn't yellow, it was clear. “My water just broke”
The reason Kagome's powers didn't affect the baby or Inuyasha is because of Naraku, he'll explain later in this chapter. Her powers calmed down because of her mates' auras. Mind control has always been present. Kagome's is the (), Sesshomaru's are the []. Thoughts are still italics and they can go into each others' thoughts but they usually don't ((Though they do go later in this chapter) Kagura finally gets to rest in peace, because Kagome learns of her death though she only knows part of it. She'll find out more lately, in the next chapter. Naraku's bold writing is his mind but the italics are this conscience, the good part of his mind.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to the story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“It's a girl” the mid-wife said, glad that it was quick. Kagome was only in labor 3