InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi! I’ve decided not to delete this fic and just have fun with it…,you know test the waters so to speak. Find out what works and what doesn’t. if I didn’t have such a short attention span I would make the chapters longer but I don’t really have the time. Anyway I am rambling so on with the fic

Disclaimer: I own nothing.. I am poor and jobless please give me Inuyasha so that I may feed my two hundred cats?

Inuyasha: cats…..?


Chapter two


“Happy birthday child!”

“wow, aunt Kaede…he’s beautiful.” Breathed kagome, her eyes taking in the form of her new pet.

He was tall, around six foot give or take a little. His body was lightly tanned as if he hadn’t spent much time in the sun. He wasn’t wearing any shoes but his feet didn’t seem to harbour any imperfections. His hands were large with long fingers which were emphasize by the addition of claws. Any self respecting girl would perform any number of atrocious crimes in order to possess hair half as nice as his. It was a beautiful silver colour falling down his back in thick straight strands. His eyes were like windows into the paranormal. Warm amber pools with unknown depth to them. He had a beautiful facial structure, high cheek bones well balanced features full luscious lips. He had a very male well toned body……All of this dear sweat innocent Kagome would have had running threw her head if something else hadn’t caught her attention.

On top of his head, flicking to and throe were two white fuzzy triangles that looked suspiciously like dog ears. She couldn’t take her eyes off them. Her fingers twitched and convulsed aching for her to touch them.

Inuyasha watched the girl who was his new mistress. He watched her pink tongue dart out and moisten her lips which caused a strange stirring in his lower abdomen. ‘weird’ He unconsciously mimicked her earlier actions.

‘BITCH !!!!!!!’

He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning while her nimble fingers caressed his ears.

She was fascinated by the fuzzy appendages unable to stop her evil fingers from caressing them. She watched them twitch with a morbid fascination as they flattened against his skull only to be coaxed back up from her relentless digits.

“No that I’ve got that out of my system.” She sighed a little embarrassed by her inability to control herself. She released his ears and stepped back several feet until her personal space radar stopped going off.

“Indeed.” Replied Kaede with an arched eyebrow. “perhaps now would be a good time to get Inuyasha settled into your bedroom child.”

At Kagome’s nod she began to make her way to the shrine to complete her priestess duties. Chuckling in mild amusement to her self as she pictured innocent Kagome figuring the slightly more adult uses of a pet. She waved a feeble farewell still chuckling in a slightly diabolical way.

Inuyasha finally took some time to study his mistress. She was pretty enough from what he could see. She looked around sixteen to his eighteen years if one counted his age in context of human years. ‘So it won’t be too creepy when I have to screw her.’ He thought ideally to himself while he finished his assessment of her. She definitely looked innocent but her new from experience that looks were a poor judge of character. He wouldn’t be surprised in the least if she was into bondage and chains. She had smooth creamy skin that was quite attractive, small elegant fingers long raven black locks that curled at the tips and a round caring face. She had full lips and enchanting brown eyes that sparkled with mischievousness. As decent figure was hinted at under the baggy pants and sweater she wore but much was left to the imagination it was hard to tell.

She does have an amazing smile. He admitted to himself as she flashed him a 1000 watt smile while reaching for his clawed hand to lead him into the house.

But what really got him was her alluring scent. He never remembered a woman smelling so damn good!!!!!!


________________________________________________ ______________________

~The chapters are short but it is because of Inuyasha’s short attention span!

Inuyasha: Hey bitch, take responsibility for your own actions!!!!!!!!

~ You forget who I have on my side…..Kagome if you would.

Kagome: Sit boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

‘ Crash!!!’

Thanks for reading any help is welcome!
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