InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Do you know every time I try to write the word disclaimer…. Spell check kicks my butt. I do not own Inuyasha *sigh*

Inuyasha: Damn straight! Bitch.
~ anyway……

AnPay attention to ratings please. If anything is confusing Please tell me so that I may fix it! Thank you Hugs from Puppy Chan!!!

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Chapter Three.

His mistresses warm smile was somewhat reassuring, though nervousness made itself known in the slight tension he was harbouring in his shoulder blades.

He remembered with apprehension the first day he had spent with Kikyo. He had thought her pretty enough also. Her entire being radiated innocence, it was in the gentle blush that tinted her cheeks as she had bluntly admired his body. In the way she had wrung her hands in an innocent manor he would come to know as anticipation. It was later when they where alone that she had dropped her innocent façade. He wasn’t so naive that he did not know he hadn’t been her first. The painful shudder she had wracked his body with goading his body to respond on to whip him when he did what she requested.

He shuddered remembering his first experience with sex and how unpleasant it truly was. He shook his head trying to eliminate the disgusting memory of her arousal. He never felt pleasure from it , It having only brought him pain. He was not looking forward to pleasing this mistress.

When he shook his head he sent his silver mane tumbling in several directions, catching the eye of his current mistress whilst he attempted to clear his head. He let loose a low growl to show his displeasure at his train of thoughts, while he turned his head to catch a look at his new mistress without being caught. She was looking at him with a raised eyebrow evidently curious as to his earlier actions.

‘What are you looking at bitch.’ He sneered, in his head of course. He attempted to communicate his displeasure by flattening his ears to his skull and allowing another small growl to escape from his throat. He immediately flinched in anticipation of his punishment for growling at his mistress.

Non pulsed by his somewhat rebellious behaviour she just tugged on his hand and continued on her way to the bedroom. Her feet lightly skimming the wood in her good mood.

“ Aunt Kaede says she wants to perform the bonding ceremony tonight.” She informed him ideally not really expecting a response, not even really knowing if he understood what she was saying. She knew that most slaves were never taught how to speak, so most understood nothing more than basic commands.

His ears flicked up off of his skull at the sound of her voice. He contemplated the full meaning of what she was saying . He hadn’t been bonded to Kikyo, if he had he would have been dead. He supposed she hadn’t wanted to be tied down to one slave. He knew he was only one of her more prized slaves. He was after all used every night.

A bonding ceremony was something that humans had developed from youkia mating rituals. It made the pet devote itself completely to it’s master. Devoted to its masters health, protection and pleasure. It didn’t however effect obedience positively. It actually awakens the demons need to dominate, in turn making them harder to control.

Because a bonding ceremony awakens a youkia’s need to dominate humans counteracted it by developing a subduing device to keep the pets inline. He shuddered at the thought of a subduing object, they were rumoured to be incredibly painful.

Of course the consequences of such a bonding are severe for both parties.
For the youkia he or she is bonded to life to that one master. When that master dies it also dies, therefore incredibly shortening a youkia’s life expectancy. The youkia’s instincts are messed with also as they have a need to be the provider and dominate in the relationship but because of their position as pets they are the ones dependant and submissive. That alone is enough to brake most youkia’s spirits, they are proud creatures. The pet need constant touching and reassurances from their master. Always needing to be in their presence to keep from falling into a panicked rage. They also have been known to become very jealous of members of the same sex making it hard for a master to find a mate.

They human suddenly tied down to an entity they can never rid themselves of. If they chose to marry they are still responsible for their pets pleasures and needs which can cause a strain on the relationship. Most humans who bond with their youkia never marry. They can choose to drink their bonded lifeblood and share their lifespan but then they outlive their loved ones.

All and all this bonding business is a big mess.

No Inuyasha was not looking forward to bonding with the human wench. No doubt she hadn’t any concept of the responsibility she was undertaking. His shoulders tightened in apprehension wondering if she could be persuaded to drink his lifeblood. He didn’t want to die early.

As they approached the end of the hall, he clenched his claws and set his jaw, preparing himself to submit to his mistress.

She had stopped to doors down from the end of the hallway. Her lips still turned up in a smile as she released his hand and opened the door.

Inside was a medium sized room that was simply furnished with a desk, a single bed and a small book case overflowing with novels. The room had an attached bathroom probably because of it’s isolation in the house, and a small walk in closet.

Never once did her smile leave her face well she watched him taking in his surroundings. She found his serious gaze quite cute. She studied his reaction to the room she had just finished moving into yesterday, while she troubled her bottom lip between her teeth. Unconsciously clasping and unclasping her hands.

As he turned his gaze to her they lost their life behind them. Suddenly he had one arm wrapped around her small waist and the author wrapped up in her hair, as he drew her body close to his own. She could feel his hot breath on her face as he angled her head. Her eye’s grew wide as she realized what he was going to do, at the same time a strange heat pooled in her lower belly. She braced her small hands on the firm muscles of his chest closed her eyes… and pushed with all the strength her smaller form possessed.

He had felt his mistress eyes on him while he had studied the room. He had turned and saw her abusing her lower lip with her teeth which had promptly caused a strange new stirring sensation in his belly. Then he had noticed her hands they were clenching and unclenching the signal Kikyo had taught him which meant time for more ‘adult’ things. He switched to autopilot.

He had reached for her. She had seemed willing enough, so he angled her face so that he could capture her lips with his own. He watched her pupils dilate and the faint smell of her arousal reached his nose, which he oddly enough he found quite alluring, nothing like his memories of it. Her small hands had settled themselves on his chest and he felt them flex just as he was about to claim her lips,…… then she had pushed him!!!

A low growl escaped his throat for the third time that morning as he felt his ass connect with the unyielding floor. He set his glare upon his mistress. He was only doing what she had told him to after all! She had taken several steps back, her cheeks seeming slightly pink.

Then she said it ! What would soon become one of the many banes of his existence.

“Bad Puppy!!!!”

His eyes widened and his pupils narrowed at her reprimand.

’PUPPY!!!!! That BITCH’

That bitch, as he was now referring to her as, made a quick exit with a equally quick ‘be good’ throne over her shoulder as she escaped her new pets heated gaze. As the door swung shut on its own accord he released a snarl , his claws digging into his palms drawing blood.

On the other side of the door kagome started her sprint to the shrine to get some answers from her dear Auntie Kaede.

‘What WAS that?!!!!!’

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End of chapter.

An: I’m trying to make my chapters longer so to move the story along faster. Now that I think about it I probably should have made these first three chapters into one but I didn’t. Maybe I’ll combine the first two at least. What do you think?

Thank you for reading my story review and help me improve it please!;)*hugs*

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