InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
hey I’m back with a new chapter! I just want to thank everyone who took the time to review! You guys are amazing!

Disclaimer: Still kicking my sorry but. I don’t own Inuyasha, Sorry…

Inuyasha: Exactly now can you let me out of this dark room? …..

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Chapter Five.


“C hild I know ye are upset, but perhaps now is not the time. Ye have yet to speak the word of subjugation.”

Kaede smiled rather wickedly at her ability to redirect kagome wraith. Sure the hanyou would lose some semblance of dignity, but she was sure it was nothing he couldn’t handle.

Kagome looked up slowly at Kaede, her nose scrunched up in concentration.

“ Subjugation?” she murmured, her rage momentarily forgotten as she tried to remember were she had heard the term before.

Kaede’s newly acquired wicked grin magnified as she realised she was off of the hook. She stepped closer to her niece as if about to share a grand secret.

“Ye know of what I speak child. The word that has the power to bind a pet to his mistress bidding.”
Kagome blinked, her large brown doe eyes portraying her confusion. Then her mouth opened revealing the depth of her naivety.

“Binding….biding…..but I thought that they just did what you wanted.”

A sound remarkably resembling a ‘feh’ was heard from the direction of a disgruntled hanyou pet. The noise was passed off as a snort by the two priestesses who continued their conversation.

“ye have to train them first child, that is one of the purposes of the object of subjugation, to bend them to your will.”

Kaede nodded wisely as she spoke keeping one eye on the hanyou behind her who was starting to make very displeased noises.

“And after ye have trained him to your liking the subjugation spell is used to keep rebellious pets in line.”

Finally catching on Kagome nodded her head sending her hair into her eyes.” And how dear aunt do I activate this ’device’?” kagome looked rather intrigued despite herself, currently she was running a major power rush.

“Tis simple child, ye just need to speak the word which will bind him.”

“ How will I know which one?”

“Ye will know child.”

Kagome took a moment to admire her newly bonded pet, who was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at the older priestess.

What word would be appropriate for him? kagome studied her pet, taking in his appearance, looking for any clue as to the word she should pick.

She started her assessment at his feet, nothing really catching her eye besides the fact that he still wore no shoes, she briefly wondered if his toes were cold. She decided to ask him later that night and continued to let her eyes drift upwards. Taking in his shapely calf and thighs, she mentally berated herself reminding herself to stay on task. She continued her gaze past his stomach, chiselled chest, broad shoulders and his shapely face. A somewhat evil perverted side of her contemplated asking him to turn around, but dismissed the idea when her eyes finished ravishing his body only to land on his ears.

She clasped her hands togther excitedly. Her pouty lips turning upwards in a sly smile whilst she bounced up and down a few times for good mesure.

She licked her lips moistening them, to speak the word that would seal her hanyou puppy to her will.
And down her went, though not by any means did he go quietly. Growls and snarls wracked his form with a vengeance. His claws flexed, digging into the ground as he howled his rage to the world.

When the spell finally allowed him to rise from the ground, his amber pools had darkened in anger, his eyebrows lowered and his fist clenched in his barely restrained furry. He stubbornly set his jaw and let his fangs reveal themselves as low menacing growls resonated in his chest.

He made eye contact with kagome. His instincts running wild within him. The wench had to be made to submit, his youkia demanded it.


The sound of his own voice forming the word startled Inuyasha back into pet mode releasing him momentarily of his instincts. His need for dominance forgotten as he awaited his punishment. His body dropping to a completely submissive stance, his head bowed, eyes to the floor.

Kagome took in the sight of the dog demon half ling in front of her sadly. She had seen the fire and life in his eyes if only for the briefest moments in his defiance. Now he was once again a gorgeous lifeless shell. No this simply would not do. He had even spoken! Mind you she would have to work on his manors but for a moment he had escaped Kikyo’s hold on him and pardon her French but she would be damned if she let him return to his former shell!

She walked slowly over to his dispondante body. Already forming a plan to invoke his rage to return the life to his eyes she reached out her hand to his cheek to draw his eyes to her face.

“ Bad puppy!” She admonished quietly. A stern serious look in her gaze. “ We do not call people names, you may call me ------”

Kaede cut her off,” Mistress you may call her Mistress.” She stated firmly leaving no room for questioning. That of course not stopping Kagome.

Kagome turned her gaze towards her aunt,” But I don’t wanna be called Mistress,…it seems so creepy.”

Kaede sighed, “Child it is bad enough that you would allow him to speak but if word got out to spider corps that he didn’t address you with the proper respect, it could only cause problems for us.”

Kagome turned away abruptly at the name spider corps, “Right then Mistress it is.”

For a moment she didn’t think her plan had worked and he would remain silent. But at the idea of someone threatening his bonded the fire had come back into his eyes.

“ As you wish Mistress.”

“ Wow aunt Kaede this sit-” a loud crash was heard followed by muffled cursing. “…..Is really great,…opps sorry puppy.” she finished meekly.

Kagome bowed to her aunt and headed quickly for her bedroom in hopes of escaping the hanyou’s rage. “Good night, just send him to the room when the spell lifts!” With that she fled not awaiting a response from either.

Inuyasha craned his neck to watch his young mistress leave. The moment she disappeared from sight a queer feeling started in at the pit of his stomach. At first he didn’t realise what is was seeing as he had never felt it before, but when his palms started sweating and he began to tremble he recognised the signs for what it was. Panic. His breathing became irregular at his attempts to draw in enough air.

What if some thing had happened to the foolish wench? What if she got lost? No that’s stupid she knows were the bedroom is. Well the wench wasn’t all that bright. What if she had been kidnapped?!!!!!

The moment the spell had lifted he shot out of the shrine on the trail of his mistress scent.

Kagome was sitting on the end of the bed running a brush through her hair when a panicky Inuyasha barged through the door grabbed her wrist and pulled her to her feet.

Much to her surprise he began smelling her. Daring her to hide anything from him. After he was thoroughly satisfied everything was in order, and the damnable wench hadn’t gotten herself hurt will she had been out of his sight, he heaved a large sigh and dropped to his knees in front of his mistress.

Without realising he was doing it , he placed his head her stomach and started wimpering like a kicked pup. The adrenalin rush which had bombarded his body in his panic had started to recede.

Kagome was somewhat shocked at her companions actions. Gently started running her finger through his silky mane. Awkwardly trying to comfort him.

“ Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”

She asked gently when the whimpers had stopped but he made no attempt to remove his head.

This was strange for never before had Inuyasha felt such an overwhelming panic. And the reason seemed to be so stupid. He had known were she was going after all. And to top that off he had only just met the wench. Why should she be so important?

He figured it was because of the bonding ceremony. Was it also the reason he felt the need to touch her and be surrounded by her scent? Why even now with his panic gone he kept his head cradled in her lap? He could think of no other reason. He had never searched out comfort from anyone before in his entire life, so what in the seven hells was he doing on his knees in front of this bitch whimpering like a fucking pup for?!!!!

“Inuyasha?” he felt a slight shake and realised he had been asked a question.

Pushing himself away from her, feeling a peculiar feeling at the lose of her touch, pasted a scowl on his face and answered.

“ Yes Mistress.”

The words sounded forced even to his own ears. To her credit she flinched before re asking her question.

“What happened?”

“Stupid wench,” he responded, “Now that we’ve bonded your not supposed to leave my sight.” he spat the words out in an accusatory form.

“ Mistress.” She said taking up the defensive.

“ What are you babbling about bitch?” onerously the loss to his pride re triggering his need to dominate.

“ You are supposed to call me mistress’ PUPPY.” She sneered, “ Not wench, not bitch , Mistress!”

He smirked an infuriating smirk at her. “What ever we-nch.”

“ SIT BOY!!!!”

_________________________________________ _____________________________
End Chapter five.
Geez this story is taking a long time to get anywhere plot wise. All well Next chapter there is at least going to be kissing! I think……….*dodges fruit* yikes see you all next time!

Love Puppy Chan

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