InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's new pet ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ANI’m blushing.

Inuyasha: *snicker*

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha. Can I ? Will you buy him for me? No, than that settles it, I don’t own him.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter Six

“Bad puppy never speak to mistress that way again!”

When he stood up again, she noticed the fire had once again left his eyes. ~This won’t do, not at all, there has to be away to punish him without breaking his sprit~

“Hey Inuyasha?” she questioned, a slightly diabolical smile that she must have borrowed from Kaede tugged at the corners of her pouty lips.

At his blank look ,she continued, “lets play a game to help you remember. You can be the puppy and I’ll be the mistress, Kay?”

He nodded his understanding, “ Puppies like to know when they’ve been good, so the mistress pets the puppies ears to show him how good he’s been.”

O.k. admit it at least to yourself Kagome. You are so just doing this so you can pet his ears again. Am not she responded to herself indignantly. I truly am just trying to draw him out of his emotional shell with a friendly game, she added primly. Then why don’t you just sit him down for a friendly game of clue?!

Deciding it was somewhat unhealthy to argue with oneself, she sat herself down on the bed and patted the unoccupied space beside her.

“Come Puppy!”

He sat without complaint. He didn’t understand this girls obsession with his ears. They were the symbol of his half-breed status. Kikyo had despised his ears and claws. He remembered painfully how she had ordered his claws filed and his ears pinned to his head, no doubt in an effort to make him look more human.

All thoughts left his head for the second time that day, as his mistress caressed his ears. A low moan escaped despite his resolution to remain impassive. A strange feeling was pooling in his stomach. NO! feeling were not good feelings meant that he could be hurt. He could feel certain parts of his anatomy stiffen as her fingers scratched his ears in a not quite gentle manor.

When his mistress scooted closer to him for what appeared to be a better angle to scratch his ears, he realised his body’s reaction for what it was. Arousal.

Ever time her breasts would brush against his back a liquid fire would shoot through his veins. Is this normal? His body was becoming increasingly hot and he started to pant lightly un concisely . I want to touch he gods why do I need to touch her? Was this some sick effect of the bonding ceremony surly nobody should feel this hot!

Unable to stand the heat any longer, Inuyasha twisted his body and trapped his mistress beneath him. Straddling her hips he gazed down into the face of his vixen.

She was flushed, probably embarrassed at their current position. Her raven haired locks spread out on the sheets like a fan making her look like a bride about to receive her husband.

Their was confusion and lust in his eyes replacing his earlier vacant expression. Well he’s come out of his shell, kagome thought ironically. His voiced pierced through the fog that had settled in her brain after she had looked into his eyes.

“I,….. I need,” his eyes closed and he whimpered. Begging her to understand what he could not find the words to say. Deciding to show his mistress what he could not find the words to explain, he lowered his head to her own, his eyes trained on her lips.

Oh my god he’s trying to kiss me! And part of me wants him to! For roughly twenty seconds she debated whether to surrender or fight. Kagome being Kagome chose to fight it. What she had only just met the guy!

Her smaller form withered underneath him, trying to loosen his hold to get free. Poor little innocent Kagome who had yet to have her first kiss. Not knowing that much about males she hadn’t a clue what a mess she was making for herself.

Inuyasha let out a moan as the girl wiggled against him, causing friction in pleasant places. What the fuck?!!! Suddenly he was on his back and it was Kagome straddling his waist. “Puppy,” she painted in away that could only be described as hot. “I’ll make you a deal.” Her eyes searched his own, whatever she was looking for he hoped she’d find. “One kiss, then we go to sleep, deal?”

He barely heard what she was saying but it must have registered in some part of his brain because he found himself nodding in agreement. Not that it mattered he was willing to try anything to make the heat go away.

“I need you to say it.” kagome new she was being a little bossy as she made her demands, but the man had scared her and she needed to feel that she was back in control of the situation. “Do you understand?” she prompted.

“Yes.” he moaned trying to keep his hips still. “ I understand,” He panted slightly before adding, “mistress,” To let her know that he submitted, sensing her need for control.

She leaned towards him at wait he would deem an agonizingly slow pace, he could sense her nervousness. Why is she nervous I’m only a pet? It had took all of his self control not to through her on her back and ravish her. But he had sworn his obedience at least for tonight, his Inuyoukai pride giving him the control to keep his promise.

When her lips finally touched his own in a sweet innocent kiss his self control snapped. Inuyoukai pride only went so far.

She tasted sweet, like vanilla and strawberries. He could smell the spike in her arousal which only fuelled his own. He licked greedily at her lips for entrance changing her sweet kiss into one of passion.

He took her shocked gasp as an invitation, plunging his tongue into her mouth to explore it delicious taste. So damn good! The kiss was rough with passion. Fierce with possession. Kagome couldn’t help but note it felt as if he was claming ever inch of her mouth as his own in his invasion.

Inuyasha let loose a moan when he felt her velvety tongue shyly caress his own. He took her tongue into his own mouth suckling it while encouraging her to explore his own mouth.

His ears twitches sporadically, Drinking in the moans and throaty whimpers that joined his own. The sounds sounding to him as beautiful as a perfectly composed melody.

A another load moan escaped him as his mistress unconsciously started to rub against him. Whimpering Kagome detangled one of her hands which at some point had become tangled up in Inuyasha’s hair, and let it travel down his back. She was experiencing a strange new curiosity about this man who was in her arms. She had never felt the need to explore a mans body before but here she was with her hands shamelessly roaming his back exploring his muscles. Forgetting that this kiss was only meant to be a harmless peck.

Inuyasha drew her lower lip into his mouth nipping at it playfully. Unable to get over her delicious taste. Taking her hands roaming his back as permission to start his own exploration, he un cupped her face and let his hand travel down her sides. Needing to have her closer he mindlessly cupped her bottom in an attempt to grind her harder against his erection.

At the surprising wave of heat that coursed through her stomach at the feel of Inuyasha’s hand on her ass and then the feeling of being pushed against his arousal, she broke the kiss. Her panties were damp and she was suffering with an unfamiliar throb between her legs. All that from a kiss?

Panting, Inuyasha managed to still his body. His arousal resting on her stomach. His eyes still shining in need. Her voice cut through is lust induced stupor.

“I’m going to have a shower now. You can either get ready for bed or have one after me.” Her voice was high and her cheeks were on fire. I can’t believe I just had my first kiss!

Inuyasha let her climb out from beneath his legs, keeping his eyes on the bed until he heard the sound of running water.

What in the seven hells was happening to him. He had NEVER felt like that before. Even now his blood was racing and he could fell his heart hammering at an alarming rate.
Changing into the pyjamas Kagome had provided for him, he crawled into the bed. Sighing a few times to release some of his frustration, he tried to get ride of his ‘problem’

He had never wanted to have sex before. With Kikyo it had always been rather painful and very unpleasant experience. Closing his eyes he surrendered himself to the memories.


Her cruel hands bound him, so that he was exposed to her. She was standing before him naked with a gag and whip in her hands. She had gagged him . Then rode him. Whipping him like a horse demanding he call out her name. He had tried to do as she asked but no sound could escape the gag.

She beat him into unconsciousness then rode him to her own completion.

He shivered at the unwelcome memories. The ghost pain of his memories having brought his delinquent body once again under control. He even managed to feign sleep when his tempting mistress crawled into the bed beside him.
End of chapter 6

AN| So guys…Haven’t updated for a while but I was kind of embarrassed. I have no idea how I’ll manage to write a lemon I can’t stop blushing and this chapter has almost no plot value…..So was it o.k. or do you guys think I should redo it?

Thanks to everyone who reviewed, I’m hoping to introduce some more characters for you in the next chapter. *smiles*

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