InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Goodbyes and Betrayal ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter4~ Goodbyes and Betrayal

"Kagome-kaasan!!" Shippo yelled as he threw himself into her arms.

"Shippo-chan, I missed you, where are Miroku and Sango?"

"We're right here Kagome-sama." Miroku said as he and Sango walked up to them. No one had yet to see Kikyo.

"What have you been up to?" Kagome asked the group in general.

"We stayed here to help out Kaede-baachan." Shippo said while sniffing the air, "Kagome, how come you smell like Sesshoumaru?"

"Inuyasha left me in his company while he went off to find Kikyo." At that everyone turned a furious look at Inuyasha and were about to berate him when they noticed Kikyo.

"What the hell is she doing here?" The three asked in unison.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Inuyasha asked in sudden fury, "She's going to help us find the Shikon shards. Aren't you going to welcome her?" At this all that was heard was the sound of crickets in the background.

"I'm going home for about an hour to check in with mom. Sango, could you please watch my bag and Shippo until I get back?

"Of course Kagome-chan, while you're home could you pick up a present for Rin-chan from Kirara and myself?"

"Yes, us to?" Shippo asked while jumping over to the Monk, "I want to give Rin-chan a present too."

"Of course, but that reminds me Shippo, when is your birthday?" Kagome asked.

"My birthday is on the first day of spring."

"Okay, I'll see you guys in an hour." With that everyone departed while completely ignoring Kikyo and Inuyasha.

Kagome felt the familiar power of the well as she passed through time to return home. As she climbed out of the well she tried to contact Sesshoumaru, 'Fluffy, you there?'

'Hai, what's wrong?' Sess asked with concern.

'Nothing, I wanted to make sure I could still contact you when I was at home. Would you do me a favor?'

'Hai, what do you need Kagome?'

'Would you make sure that nothing happens to Shippo while I'm gone, I left Sango to watch after him, but I'm worried about what Kikyo might do, or what she might trick Inuyasha into doing.'

'Sure, no problem, just one thing though, you do realize you will have to kill Kikyo eventually. If you don't you will die from having your soul split for so long.'

'I know Sess, I just want Inuyasha to see why she must die before I do it, I don't want to be his enemy over a misunderstanding. That reminds me, we are going to have to figure out a way to prove to Inuyasha that you didn't kill his mother, Gomen, got to go, I have to talk to my family.'

'Bye, Gome, don't forget to pick up Rin's gift from us and get the wrapping.'

'No problem, I'll pick it up when I go to get the gifts from everyone else, don't forget to find your half of the present.'

"Mom, Kagome's home!!" Souta yelled as he ran and gave Kagome a hug. "I missed you oneesan."

"I missed you to Souta-chan, I have to go to the store to pick up some gifts for Rin-chan's birthday, do you want to come with me?"

"Hai, can I get her one too?" *Puppy dog eyes*

"Of course, she'll love it, what are you going to get her?" She asked as they started walking to the store after telling their mom what they were doing. Mrs. Higurashi insisted that they give something to Rin from her and grandpa.

"I was thinking of giving her a chocolate rose, you said she likes flowers, what do you think, Kag-chan?"

"I think that's a wonderful idea, I'm going to get a new Kimono for her from Sango and Kirara, a big plushy white dog from Shippo and Miroku, and a pair of sandals from mom and grandpa."

"Sis, what are you giving her, I'm giving her *whisper, whisper*" Kagome whispered it into his ear (You'll just have to wait 'til Rin's party to find out what Kag and Sess have planned for her.^.^).

"Ohh that's so cool!! Hey Kagome, you're not coming back for a while, are you?" Souta asked with a serious expression.

"No Souta, I'm not, I'm going to stay there until the Shikon's completed, then I'm going to come back and visit once in a while. I promised I would stay there, see this?" Kagome asks showing him the mark on her palm, "This says that I promised to stay there, but I get to come and visit." Kagome said with a smile.

"I'm going to miss you Kag-chan, and whoever it is that you're staying for, I know it's not Inuyasha, he has to come and visit too."

'He is a very perceptive child.' Sess remarked.

'Yaeh, he is.' "Hai, So-chan, I'm going to miss you too."

After picking up the items and wrapping the ones from her family, and the group, she stowed them in a satchel with hers hidden at the bottom. (You'll get descriptions at the party.) She said her goodbyes and hopped back into the well.

Upon returning, Kagome could hear shouting from just beyond the well, 'What the hell is going on here?'

'Your pup picked a fight with the hanyou, something about calling Kikyo a clay pot that steals souls.'

"Kuso," she muttered under her breath, 'when will he ever learn to keep his mouth shut? Never mind, don't answer that.'

'You might want to hurry up, my brother is about to catch your pup.'

"Inuyasha, OSWARI. Don't touch Shippo-chan; his description of Kikyo is completely valid and quite accurate.

"I told you not to do that again, you bitch." During Kagome's tirade, she had managed to climb out of the well, and Kikyo had targeted her.

"Go ahead, see if you can hit me. You see, while the dead should stay down, the living learn new tricks."

Kikyo knocked her arrow and released, the arrow sped for Kagome taking on the glow of a sacred arrow. As it got closer however, the glow disappeared and Kagome caught it. "Stupid bitch, a sacred arrow won't work against the truly innocent and pure of heart, and as for a regular one," Suddenly Kagome was right behind Kikyo, she had moved as fast as Sesshoumaru. "They're not fast enough." Kagome wrapped her hand around Kikyo's throat and lifted her off the ground, her nails had become long deadly claws, and her hair had midnight blue streaks. Her eyes were pure red. "Know this, you live because I choose for you to live, I could kill you now, or simply take my soul. The only reason you are still alive, is because Inuyasha would hate me if I killed you, but one day, you will die again, and be sure it will be by my hand." This last was uttered so that only Kikyo could hear it. Kagome dropped her and she fell to her knees. Behind her, Kagome heard a sound as if wind was rushing toward her and out of instinct, she dodged quickly to the left while knocking an arrow into your bow. When she turned around she saw Inuyasha rushing at her again. This image was so startling to her that she unconsciously sent it to Sesshoumaru, she heard a growl in her head, and voiced it for all to hear. Kagome once again dodged Inuyasha's assault and asked in a voice that could kill, "Inuyasha, why are you attacking me?"

"Kikyo and I discussed it, she needs her soul to continue living, and I no longer need a shard detector seeing as how Kikyo is its guardian."

"You fool, Kikyo was never it's guardian and I am not her reincarnation, the Shikon has always been my burden, and was left in the miko's care until I was born. I am the guardian, I am its protector, and the only reason my soul acts like Kikyo is because the Shikon remembers her heart and thoughts and what would truly have happened." When Kagome had begun to speak a door in her mind had opened and she had remembered, now however it closed again 'not yet,' it whispered to her and she collapsed.

As Kagome passed out Sesshoumaru came on the scene, he rushed to Kagome and picked her up, "You bastard," he said to his brother. "You lost the one thing in your life that was completely loyal to you. She even knew this would happen and decided to stay by your side." Sess stopped here because Kagome began to stir, he bent down and started to nuzzle her trying to make sure she was okay.

"Sess-chan," Kagome mumbled still half asleep, "stop that, it tickles." She pulled herself closer to him, cuddling up to his chest.

The rest of the group had been in a kind of paralyzed shock, it started with Kagome's confrontation with Kikyo, and lasted all the way up to Sesshoumaru's arrival. Now everyone's jaws were hanging on the floor, Sesshoumaru was nuzzling Kagome, she was cuddling up to him and called him Sess-chan, and he was smiling!!!

As Kagome came fully awake, she reluctantly stood up and Sess said, 'Don't be sad, I'll carry you to the castle.' Kagome smiled in response and faced her friends. Her hair and eyes and hands were back to normal.

'Looks like we'll be leaving sooner than expected Fluffy-chan.' Aloud she said "I guess I can't stay here anymore, I'm going to collect the shards with Sesshoumaru-sama. I'm taking Shippo with me."

Inuyasha was fuming, 'Nobody takes what is mine!' He drew the Tessiaga, and was completely shocked when it didn't transform. Then to make him more shocked, it with the sheath flew out of his hand and to Kagome. When Kagome's hand clasped the hilt it transformed to it's true form, and when she sheathed it, it looked like a perfectly good katana, no rust and nicks, and the hilt was in perfect order.

"Inuyasha, the Tessiaga is mine, it worked for you only because I chose for it to. Let me explain. On the day when I broke Tessiaga's seal, the blade said to me, 'She who draws me is my mistress, I obey her and protect her.' In my head I responded, 'Aren't you supposed to be Inuyasha's?' and it in turn replied, 'No, I was designed to protect and be wielded by a woman, or the man she choose to protect her. Inutaisho gave me to his mistress, but she could not wield me so Inutaisho wielded me for her.' I was a little shocked to say the least, so I asked the blade, 'Will you allow Inuyasha to wield you, I do not want him to hate me because he wants you.' The last thing the blade said to me was, 'As long as he protects you.' You no longer protect me Inuyasha, I protect myself."

Shippo ran up to Kagome and before the three departed Kagome said, "Goodbye my friends, and I got the presents for Rin. When the time comes to battle Naraku, we will return."

Inuyasha finally realized what he had just done and fell to his knees, 'what have I done, what have I done?' "Kagome!!" But she could not hear him, she was in the air in Sesshoumaru's arms flying to his castle.