InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Arriavals and Presents ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 5~ Arrivals and Presents

Kagome and Shippo had fallen asleep as Sesshoumaru flew west towards his castle. He couldn't believe how close he had become to Kagome in just one day (yes people, it has only been one day). He inhaled deeply trying to memorize her scent; he smelled sakura blossoms and thunderstorms with just a hint of lavender. He just kept inhaling deeply assuming an aura of peace. Kagome in her sleep felt his peace and echoed it back to him. He was so consumed in her scent that he flew right past the castle and over the nearby lake before he realized it.

He flew back to his castle and as he landed, Kagome woke up. 'Sesshou, what time is it?'

'Almost dinnertime. I'll take you to your rooms, and you can get a change of clothes. I know you like to bathe before you eat.' Sesshoumaru said, his mind voice tinted with humor.

'Mou, why do you always tease me? You know what, never mind, I don't want to know.' She said when she saw the evil glint in his eye. When they reached her room, Kagome started to go through her bag to find something clean to wear.

'Don't even think about wearing any of your clothes here. They may be decent in your time, but not here.'

'Well then, what am I supposed to wear, huh?'

'Look in the closet; it's the door on the far side of the room. I had the seamstress' make you some appropriate kimonos, and some training outfits. You know, here you will be expected to act like a lady of the court, but I know that you will always speak your mind, I implore you, use some tact and manners.'

'Don't worry Sesshou-kun, I will be the female version of you, and you know I can do it. Just hope that no one makes me lose my temper, or we might have problems.'

'That's what I'm worried about.' She just laughed making Sesshoumaru smile. Kagome chose a midnight blue kimono with a silver obi and silver flowers on the hem and cuffs. The obi had red tassels, and the inner kimono was also red.

'Sesshou, which room is yours?'

'Mine is connected to yours through that door to your right.'

'I was wondering where that went.'

'I know.' Sesshoumaru said with a satisfied smirk. She stuck her tongue out at him. 'You shouldn't do that unless you plan to use it, some might take it as an invitation.' She promptly withdrew her tongue and blushed. 'She looks good when she blushes, I should make her do it more often.'

'I heard that, and you better not do it in public.' Kagome announced with a huff.

'Who, me?' Sesshoumaru asked with an innocent look.

'Yes, you, you would do it just to see me squirm.' That brought baaad images to Sesshoumaru's mind. He imaged her under him squirming in pleasure, begging for more. Kagome blushed harder and muttered under her breath, "Hentai."

'Well, it's not like you're rejecting it, I can feel your arousal.'

'And I yours, I wouldn't reject it, and you know it. You feel what I feel, and I fell you very well.' Kagome said while grabbing the source of his hentai thoughts. He groaned.

"Kagome." He said in a very husky voice. Kagome felt him go harder and felt both of their arousal increase ten fold.

'Later Sesshou-koi, I need a bath, and dinner, and then we both need sleep, and not like that you hentai.' Kagome said with more than a little mischief in her voice, 'I can feel your exhaustion more than my own.'

'Then I will hold you to your promise of 'later.''

'I count on it.' By now, they had reached the hot springs that were located surprisingly close to their quarters. Sesshoumaru opened the door and they stepped through. Inside the ground was covered with green moss and there was a single spring in the shape of a crescent moon.

'This is my personal spring, only you and I are allowed to use it.'

'Okay, did you find your part of Rin's present? I want to wrap it tonight before I go to bed.' Kagome said this as she undressed and entered the hot spring. She had forgotten Sesshoumaru was in there with her. That is until she felt his arms around her and him nuzzling her neck.

'Hai, I will give it to you on the way back to our rooms.' He replied. Kagome moaned.

'Stop Sess, mmmm, I need to bathe, and I'm still hungry.'

'I'll stop, if I can bathe you.' Kagome blushed but nodded. It was the most sensual thing Kagome had ever felt, his hand were everywhere, stroking and rubbing. It was driving her mad, but she wasn't the only one.

Sesshoumaru moaned, 'Why did I make that promise, I'm torturing myself.' He moaned again when Kagome brushed against his chest as she turned so he could get her back.

Just when he thought the torture, ahh sweet torture, of bathing her was over, she said, 'My turn.' This is when the real torture for him began. She was running her hands all over him and he wasn't even allowed to touch her. She began to wash his hair and he heard her think, 'It's so soft.' She finished with his hair and rinsed his body. As she began to get out, his tail (I know it's not a tail, but I want him to have one,) wrapped around her waist and pulled her tightly against his lean muscular chest. She groaned aloud, and just as she was about to give in, her stomach growled.

'I suppose I must let you eat.' Sesshoumaru said and with great reluctance let her go. They both dressed in silence, the sexual tension so thick in the air, that you could cut it with a knife.

'Later Sesshou-koi, I promise.' Kagome felt Sesshoumaru's elation at being called love, and couldn't help but respond in kind. Dinner was quite, and it was just the two of them since Rin was already in bed. Sess escorted her back to her room and told her there would be a ball tomorrow to celebrate Rin's birthday, and the ceremony of turning her into an inu- youkai, and Sesshoumaru's daughter. Kagome racked her brain, and saw in one of Sesshoumaru's memories the adoption ceremony that would make Rin into his daughter, as if she had been born of his seed. She also remembered that this ceremony could be done with a human parent, but not until the human was of age, (18) 'I will have to ask Shippo if he wants to become my pup on my birthday.'

'I'm sure he will. I love you, Kagome-koi.' Sesshoumaru took her hand and pressed something into it as he kissed her. At first Kagome was to shocked to respond, she then opened her mouth and licked along his lips begging for entrance. He opened his mouth in response and she was everywhere tasting, plundering, and claiming every inch of his mouth. She then sucked his tongue into her mouth, and Sesshoumaru was surprised when all he tasted was the sweet honey taste of her. He had forgotten that she had never been kissed and that this too, was his first kiss. It made him all the more fevered as he explored her mouth with undisguised possessiveness. They eventually broke apart for air.

"I love you to, Fluffy-chan." Kagome quickly entered her room and opened her hand. Inside was Rin's gift, just as he had promised. 'Goodnight Koi.'

'Until tomorrow, Love.' Sess was a little disgruntled that he had been left in the corridor, but it was completely forgotten when Kagome called him koi and he felt the wave of emotion accompanied by it.

Kagome wrapped hers and Shesshou's gift and went straight to sleep. Sesshoumaru on the other hand waited until Kagome was asleep, and then crept into her room to watch her sleep and breathe in her gentle scent. 'I will have you Kagome,' he thought, 'You cannot make me wait forever.'

When morning came it was to see Sesshoumaru still watching over Kagome as she slept. 'I will have to wake her up for breakfast,' he thought, then he got a wicked gleam in his eye.

Kagome woke to a delicious feeling originating from her right breast. She moaned in pleasure, and was about to drift back to sleep when the sensation stopped. She whimpered and cuddled closer to where the feeling had been coming from, that's when she heard his voice. 'Did you enjoy your wake up call?' Sesshoumaru asked with an evil glint in his eye.

Kagome opened her eyes and glared at him, "You are evil, did you know that?"

Sesshoumaru laughed, 'Yes, thank you very much.'

Kagome stared at him, 'You should laugh more often, Sess-chan, you look irresistible.'

Kagome got out of bed before he could reply and ran over to the closet to find something to wear. Her eyes landed on a gorgeous black kimono with a silver dog on the back, the obi was a light blue gray that matched her eyes and the edges of it along with the hem and cuffs of the kimono were embroidered with midnight blue crescent moons. The inner kimono was the same color as the obi.

After changing she turned back to the bed to find Sesshoumaru in a kind of trance. That's when she realized he had been watching her change. She blushed a bright red and was about to say something when Sesshoumaru said "You're beautiful koi." She became even redder and mumbled a thanks. Sesshoumaru had changed before awakening her.

They headed toward the dining area for breakfast, where Rin and Shippo, and surprisingly no Jaken greeted them.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, where is Jaken?" Kagome asked, she wasn't sure if it was appropriate to call him koi in public.

"I sent him on a pointless errand, he is not allowed at balls." 'After we are mated, I expect you to always call me koi.' Kagome resisted the urge to blush.

"Rin-chan, I brought you your gifts, this one's from Sango-chan and Kirara, this one's from Shippo-chan and Miroku, this one's from my brother Souta, this one's from my mom and grandpa, and this one is from Sesshoumaru and I. You have to open that one last, but you have to wait for after breakfast. Rin groaned. They all sat down for breakfast and began to eat. Shippo and Rin were done in minutes, and kept badgering the grown-ups to hurry up.

When everyone was done, Rin tore through her presents in a state of frenzy, eager to get to the one from her oneesan and Sesshoumaru-sama. She loved the Kimono and sandals, and practically squeezed the plushy to death. When she got to Sesshoumaru and Kagome's gift, she reverently unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful music box with a little girl picking flowers in crystal on top. It had a soft slow melody, and inside was a beautiful sapphire crescent moon on a silver chain.

"Wow, thank you so much!!" Rin squealed in delight and hugged both Kagome and Sesshoumaru.

"Rin," Sesshoumaru said, "Take Shippo and prepare for the ceremony, it starts in an hour. After that the ball starts."

"Hai Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin replied.

"What ceremony Rin-chan?" Shippo asked as the walked off.

'They get along really well.' Kagome observed.

'Yaeh, they do.'