InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ The Adoption Ceremony ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 7 ~ The Adoption Ceremony and the Challenge

When dinner was finished - Kagome, Shippo, Sesshoumaru, and Rin eating very little since they had eaten before - everyone gathered outside under the crescent moon to witness, or partake in the ceremony. Kagome would be the miko that bound them, and Shippo the outside demon who witnessed and blessed the union.

"Shippo, can I talk to you before we join the others?" Kagome asked with a serious and slightly scared tone.

Shippo was a little worried at seeing his okaasan frightened, "Of course okaasan, what's wrong?" He let a little of his concern show in his voice and face. He did not like having his kaasan feel bad.

'What's wrong koi?' Sesshoumaru asked in her head, 'You seem worried.'

"I'm fine," she answered both, knowing Sesshoumaru could hear her as well. "Shippo, I was just wondering if you would let me adopt you, like Sesshoumaru is going to adopt Rin? I'll understand if you don't want me to, and we'll still be friends, but I'd like to be your mother." Kagome waited a moment for Shippo to answer, and when he didn't, an overwhelming sense of grief took her. All the demons could smell it and were completely shocked when in the next moment her scent completely disappeared and she put on a forced smile, "It's okay Shippo, I know I can never replace your mother."

She started to walk away when she was tackled from behind, "Do you mean it? Will you really be my mother like Sesshoumaru-sama is going to be Rin's father." There was such hope in his eyes that Kagome nearly bawled with happiness. Her scent nearly knocked everyone out when it returned full force and more so. It was filled with happiness and the energy of lightning striking.

The demons gaped at her in amazement while she answered Shippo, "Hai, I would like nothing better than to adopt you and be your okaasan. You are my happiness Shippo, and my reason to live." 'As are you koi.' Everyone in the clearing was completely dazed. This had never happened before. The miko, who they now discovered wasn't even of age yet, was not only going to be raising the youkai pup, but formally adopting him in the youkai way. What was even more astonishing, was the obvious love between the two, she wasn't going to adopt him just to get a slave or a very intelligent pet, but to gain a son in blood, and so that the demons would recognize their familial bond.

"Thank you kaasan, but you don't have to do this if you don't want too, you're my kaasan whether or not we are bond." Shippo had tears in his eyes from happiness, and he was also completely sincere. Kagome didn't have to bond with him, just the fact that she was willing to was more than he had ever expected from anyone, let alone his god and world, Kagome.

"Oh, Shippo-chan, I want to. I love you and want to be with you as you grow, as I am now."

That brought up another question, "But kaasan, what about your family? Your home?" He didn't want to hurt her by making her leave her home and family behind. But he didn't want her to leave either.

"I am home Shippo, and I'm going to stay here. Sure I'll visit my family now and then, but this is my home, and it always will be."

'Good, because I don't think I could ever let you leave me.' Sesshoumaru said in her head.

'Good, because I don't ever think I could.' Kagome answered. She was overwhelmed by the sense of love she felt from him, and even more so at the love she herself felt in return. "Come on Shippo, I think they're waiting for us."

Shippo laughed, "They were probably eves dropping anyway." All the Demons sweat dropped and started up conversations, but not until after hearing Kagome's response.

"Yeah, probably."

As Kagome and Shippo took their places inside the ring of youkai, Sesshoumaru and Rin did as well. Sesshoumaru and Rin stood facing each other with Kagome off to there right and Shippo to their left. I* the center of the four was a small silver bowl that contained fresh clear water. Kagome began to chant. She was purifying the water of all contaminates so that it would not taint the union. When that was completed she began the chant for binding as Sesshoumaru and Rin both took out separate knives and slit their right palms. They held their hands over the bowl to collect and mingle their bloods in the cleansed water as Kagome bound them. When the spell was complete both wound had healed without leaving a scar and in a blinding flash of blue light the blood and water solution transformed into two talismans. One was a blue crescent moon that represented Sesshoumaru, and the other was a white rose that represented Rin.

"With this, the key that is my soul and heart, I accept you as a part of me and of me. With this that now is part of you, I take you to be a part of me." Sesshoumaru and Rin spoke at the same time as they placed their talismans on the others breast and it was absorbed into their hearts. A gentle blue glow surrounded Rin, Her hair lightened and became as silvery as Sesshoumaru's and her eyes, if possible, became an even brighter gold than his. Her fingers formed long claws and her ears became pointed. As the magic released her she looked at herself, and in her joy and excitement she transformed into her true self and howled at the moon. The demons all joined her in their own fashions and upon her brow could be seen the blue crescent moon of the western lands. On her cheeks she support two bright pink stripes, which signified her innocent and joyous nature as well as her deadly poison fangs. Her wrists also sported pink stripes for her toxic talons. She changed back to her humanoid form and walked over to Kagome and Sesshoumaru, "Arigato, thank you for accepting me." She wasn't just thanking Sesshoumaru for becoming her father, but Kagome, her oneesan for accepting her for who she is not just a human, but now as a youkai.

"Shippo came forward to perform his part, "I have witnessed, and can say with perfect honesty that they accept each other for who they are, and that is why they are now of each other." Kagome beamed at him and came forward for the final step of the ceremony.

"I as a miko and friend of the newly bonded pack mates, testify with the purity that I posses that these two were destined to be family. If it had not been so, the binding of there souls together would have failed and both would have remained unchanged. I stake my word and life on these facts. If any here doubt that this was meant to be speak now the ancient words of challenge and fight now for only one shall emerge from this fight alive." Kagome was preparing to end the ceremony when the words were spoken.

"I Lord Rotoshi,"

"And I Lady Arimee,"

"Challenge the virtue of this binding and of the miko who sealed it." With the ritual words spoken Kagome now had to face them within the ring of demons, not only on her own, but also to the death.

Kagome was enraged, not only did they insult her honor; they insulted the honor of those she loved. Her eyes flashed red, and her aura exploded in a bright blue around her. The Shikon shards around her neck flashed a pure white as they called to their brethren, 'Now is the time, the guardian awakens and takes upon herself the burden of our protection.' With these words that only Kagome heard, and Sesshoumaru through her, all the Shikon shards not in her possession purified everything within a mile of themselves. This lead to the deaths of all the demons, including Naraku, and the healing and purifying of all the humans who possessed them, that included Kohaku. The shards flew to Kagome and formed the full Shikon no Tama, but that wasn't all. When the full Shikon was once again in Kagome's possession, she was transformed into a full inu-youkai and these words were spoken to her. 'Our true guardian shall be a youkai that was once human with a pure heart, and the abilities of the strongest miko. We shall guard her and those she holds dear until she is ready to take upon herself the responsibility of guarding us. We will choose our protector and form her to what will best suit her destiny; we have chosen you, Higurashi Kagome. You are now Kagome, Guardian of the Shikon, and Protector of the ones you love.' Only Kagome and Sesshoumaru heard this.

Everyone had seen what happened, and could see the change in Kagome. "You have insulted the guardian of the Shikon, and you have insulted the ones I hold dear. For this you will suffer and I will uphold the honor of the Shikon, my friends, and myself." As Kagome said this her now waist length black hair with blue highlights was swirling around her like snakes ready to kill. Her tail was tightly coiled about her waist and she was surrounded by a bright blue aura, and the Shikon had once again been absorbed into her skin. She held out her left palm, the one with the crescent moon, and let her energy collect in the palm of her hand. Her rage and indignation rolled off her in waves, and the Lord and Lady of the Southern Lands were swimming in a sea of fear. Kagome hurled the ball of miko and demonic energy at the two youkai. They were engulfed in a fiery blaze of light, and in their agony they felt a soothing and calming energy. When the light dissipated, there where the two youkai had stood were two insignificant looking humans. Kagome said in a voice that brought chill to their hearts, "You who have shamed yourselves shall now live as what you most despise, you shall live as humans, and shall remember nothing more than being humans. You shall however always fell a longing for what you have lost, and shall never in all your lives have again." With those final words they disappeared leaving no traces behind them. Kagome then turned her stunning silver eyes onto a viper youkai with hair as black as her own with one difference, he had red highlights instead of blue. "Goshin, to you, for your pure heart and fair ways, I bestow the southern lands. From what I have learned from the shards in that area, you have your work cut out for you. The true symbol of the southern lands is not one of death, but one of light and innocence, but also of strength and fairness. I give to you the silver arrow of the Southern Lands, and the responsibility of its people." There was some resentful muttering from the entourage from the south and some shouts that it was not her decision to make. But all was silenced when Goshin turned to them, and upon his brow was the silver arrow of the protector of the south.

"I shall not fail you milady, I will take care of the lands you have entrusted to me, and so shall my heirs. Only those with quality you have named shall wear the mark upon their brow, and he or she shall inherit the land." Goshin bowed and returned to the circle of youkai.

Kagome turned to Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Shippo smiling, and then collapsed as the Shikon finished the transformation and infused her with the knowledge she would need to be an effective guardian. 'Sleep our child, for when you wake you shall not remember the challenge, but you shall have the knowledge to wield your youki, your miko abilities, and us fully. This knowledge will reveal itself, as it is needed. You will need it and much more before your destiny's complete for there is yet a great evil you must face.'

Sesshoumaru carefully picked up the miko and took her to her rooms, as he left he heard Rin say, "The ball will be postponed until Kagome-sama has recovered, if you will follow me I will lead you to the main hall where the servants will lead you to the guest room."

'You would be so proud of her, and of Shippo too, he's standing right next to her and probably won't leave her side until you have recovered. They've become practically inseparable since you came here. He belongs her as much as you. They are your children, our children, and when you awake and we are alone, I will make you mine. Until then, Kagome, you will not be able to get out of my sight. And never more shall you be able to get away from me.' Even with those words though, he was afraid he might lose her to the Shikon, or worse yet, to this unknown evil she has yet to wake. 'When you awake my love, you're training begins.'