InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Struggle ❯ The struggle begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hi minna-san I'm back! This fanfiction is about rape so viewer discretion is advised for reading this fic. Enjoy minna-san!

Disclaimer: I-I-I don't own Inu-Yasha Rumirko Tashashi(I think that's how you spell her name) Owns it so don't sue me! I am flat broke so you will get nothing*laughs like a manic*You hear me!Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**= =**

"Inu-Yasha I have to go back to my time today....."Kagome said softly as she walked up to Inu-Yasha.

"Why?"He asked as he glared at her.

"Well my friends invited me to a party, which happens to be today and I promised them I'd come."

"Well I guess you'll have to break that promise won't you? We have to finish finding the jewel shards and when you go to your time we can't do that can't we?"Inu-Yasha said. Kagome felt anger surge through her, it was like he listened to her for only a second and then said no.

"Is that all you ever think about, the jewel shards?"


"SIT!!" Kagome yelled as she ran past Inu-Yasha and jumped into the well.


**= =**

As Kagome walked into her house she sighed happily it was good to be back home, sure she loved being in the Fuedal Era with Inu-Yasha but like they say there's no place like home.

"Oh Kagome, honey I didn't hear you come in!"Mrs.Higarshi exclaimed as she walked into the livingroom.

"Hi mom!" Kagome replied as she hugged her mother."Yuka invited me to a party at Eri's house so

I'm here to get ready."

"Oh okay, what time are you supposed to be there?" Mrs.Higarshi asked.

"Um, I think it was supposed to be at 7:30pm."

"Kagome, honey it's 7:15...."

"7:15! Oh no I'm going to be late!!" Kagome exclaimed as she dashed upstairs to get readt fo the party.

"What to wear....." Kagome murmured as she searched through her closet."Perfect!" She exclaimed as pulled out a yellow dress with a short blue jacket to go over it. She put on the outfit and rushed outside to the party at Eri's.

**= =**

"Hi Kagome!" Yuka shouted as she saw Kagome, enter Eri's house. Kagome smiled brightly as she saw her friends.

"Hi you guys long time no see!"

"Hey Kagome-chan, didn't think you'd come!" Eri, said.

"Huh?, what do you mean Eri?"

"Well your grandpa said your heart was very weak and you needed open heart surgery last week. I thought that type of surgery takes months to heal." Eri said. Kagome had to force herself to smile.*Damn grandpa always making stupid lies*Kagome thought angrily.

"Heh, heh well I'm a fast healer."

"And I forgot to tell you Hojo-kun is here, when he heard you were coming he came to see you."

*Oh not him* Kagome thought.

"Eri why did you invite him?" Kagome said

"Invite who?" Asked a voice. Kagome almost jumped out of her skin from shock as she turned around to se Hojo standing behind her.

"Hi Kagome how are you after the surgery?" Hojo asked.

"I'm fine Hojo, really I am."

"Um, Kagome can I please talk to you upstairs?" Hojo asked.

"Well I'm no-"

"She'd love to speak to you upstairs!"Yuka said as she pushed Kagome toward Hojo.


"Well then come on Kagome!" Hojo said. Kagome sighed in defeat and followed Hojo, lead her into Eri's room and when she wasn't looking he locked it.

"Kagome." Hojo said softly. "I really like you Kagome, and I hopi-"

"Hojo-kun I'm sorry but, I don't like you. Maybe we could be friends." Kagome said hopefully. Hojo sighed.

"I knew you'd say something like that."

"You did? Then why did you ask me to come up here if you knew what I was going to say" Kagome asked curiously. Hojo smirked(A/N: Can you picture Homo or Holo or whatever is name is smirking? Creepy!) and moved closer to her. Kagome was confused, very confused as she thought *Why is he smirking like that and why is moving closer to me.* Hojo was now in front of her.

"Kagome, I love you way to much to just be friends with you no matter what you say."

"Huh? What are you talking about Hoj-" But Kagome's words were cut short when Hojo pressed a hard kiss to her lips. Kagome immediately pulled away.

"Hojo get away from me! I'm leaving!" She yelled angrily and walked to the door only to the discover it was locked . She tucked harder at the door nob.

"I locked it so you couldn't get away from me." Hojo said his voice cold ,icy cold. Kagome stared at Hojo in horror.

"Hojo let me leave right now...." Kagome whispered, fear evident in her trembling voice as Hojo moved toward her until he was right infront her.

"I can't do that Kagome.." Hojo, said as he grabbed Kagome, threw her on to the bed and straddled her.

"HOJO GET OFF OF ME!!!!" Kagome screamed but because of the loud music playing downstairs nobody could hear her screams. Kagome tried to sit up and get Hojo off of her, but he pushed her down and pulled out a condom from his pocket.

"HOJO NO!!!!"

**= =**

Kagome ran as fast as she could out if the house, right past her friends.

"Kagome where are you going?" Eri asked as Kagome made a frantic dash past her. Kagome couldn't stay I that house anymore, not with him there. Pain was surging throught her body as she ran, tears were streaming down her face, and her clothes slightly ripped but she didn't care she just wanted to get home. As soon as she got to her house she ran into to room, running right past her mother. She ran into her room and locked her door as sobs escaped her lips.

**= =**


A/N: Well that was first chapter and the second chapter will be called 'nightmares' will be posted as soon as I write it... with may take awhile. Anyway REVIEW!! And please no flames because I worked really hard on this fic and it would hurt my feelings