InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Chapter Thirty-two: Final Battle ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust

A/N – Five more to go now.

Warnings: Might have rape or not, implied rape or not

Chapter Thirty-two: Final Battle

Sesshomaru smelled blood and raced from his office to the hospital wing to see whose blood was there. His thoughts were so jumbled that he couldn't think straight. He pushed the door open to see it was Koshi; his healer dead on the ground with, he sniffed the air that was not his mate Kagome.

He pulled out his sword and walked over to his healer and with a swing his sword, Koshi shot up right and looked at her lord bowing to him.

"Lady Kagome was kidnapped by Naraku. That thing on the bed isn't her," Koshi interjected at him. Seeing Sesshomaru nod his head at her, confirmed that he knew that is wasn't Kagome at all.

Sesshomaru walked over to the counterfeit Kagome and roughly grabbed her around the neck thus pulling her out if the bed.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome choked out as her hand went to his hand.

"Shut up," He snarled at the counterfeit Kagome. He then threw her out of the window and down below. Sesshomaru jumped after her as some soldiers and Lord Kenta raced towards him.

"Sesshomaru, how could you?" The counterfeit Kagome asked, as she held her arm that was bleeding heavily.

"You're not my mate," Sesshomaru growled out as he attacked again.

She threw up a powerful barrier and that stopped Sesshomaru in his tracks. The counterfeit Kagome concentrated on the barrier and her other hand healed her wounded arm. Then she stood up straight and took a fighting stance.

"Tell this Sesshomaru where his real mate is!" Sesshomaru snarled at her.

"I'm your mate," The counterfeit Kagome replied.

Then she sent out a large wave of reiki at him. Sesshomaru jumped out of the wave path and used his light whip to crash into her barrier cracking it a bit. She summoned her reiki into arrows and released them at him. He dodged some of the arrows but a few hit his chest, burning him a bit.

"Milord, why are you attacking Lady Kagome?' one guard asked.

Lord Kenta looked at the counterfeit Kagome, "It not her, that is why he's attacking her,"

"Oh," the guard said.

"This Sesshomaru will get it from you," Sesshomaru snarled at the counterfeit Kagome.

The counterfeit Kagome cursed under her breathe as this was happening, Naraku's plan wasn't working that he hoped it wound.

Once again she summoned her reiki into orbs and dashed them at Sesshomaru. He dodged them and attacked the barrier, making it break little by little. The counterfeit Kagome had to do something fast to be still alive, but she was running out of time to do it. She summoned her reiki that was swung with pinks and soft purples in it but it tints of greens and dark blues in it. The counterfeit Kagome placed that energy into a ball and threw it at Sesshomaru, who was making his way towards her now broken barrier.

Dodging it, Sesshomaru raced forward and grabbed the counterfeit Kagome by her neck; his claws were tight around her neck making wounds with his poison. This made the counterfeit Kagome scream in pain and agony at the poison that was slowly killing her.

"Now you will tell This Sesshomaru where his mate is now!" Sesshomaru ordered her with a malice voice.

"Never," The counterfeit Kagome croaked out as she still in pain.

"Fine," Sesshomaru snarled at her and snapped her neck, making her head fly to the ground.


Moaning a bit in pain, Kagome sat up straight to realize that she wasn't at the palace. Turning around to see something, all she saw was darkness with no lights around her. Thinking who would kidnap her, she soon heard a voice.

"Yea, my Kagome is up now," the voice came out.

"Naraku!" Kagome yelled out." Why am I here?"

"You are here my dear, to be mine," Naraku stated as he stepped out and faced Kagome.

Kagome felt his breath on her face and knew he was in front of her, but her eyes couldn't see him. The next thing she noticed was that she couldn't feel her reiki anymore, and that scared her more because now she was completely defensiveness against Naraku and his evil plan.

"Where is my power?" Kagome asked as she tried to see him in the darkness.

"My dear, you now have no powers," Naraku replied as he reached out his hand and placed it on her cheek.

Kagome felt his hand on her cheek. Pushing it away from her she heard and felt chains around her wrists holding her hand down a bit. "Don't touch me you bastard,"

Kagome felt her face struck hard by his hand. "Never my dear do that again, you'll regret it," Naraku hissed out at her, then went to touching her cheek that wasn't hurt.

"Then don't touch me," Kagome snarled at him as she tried to move away from him.

"I know you are alone. You may have friends and your children but you will be always alone. Your friends can't help you, even Sesshomaru can't help you," Naraku replied over and over, with her mind showing images.

Slowly Kagome cried into her hands at the thoughts and images. Soon her eyes were full with pains of the mind. Kagome fought against Naraku's words within her mind with images of the twins, friends and Sesshomaru.


Pacing back and forward, Sesshomaru growled under his breath and soon looked at lord Kenta with saddened eyes.

"Sesshomaru go and find her," Lord Kenta replied. Sesshomaru soon smelled Inuyasha, his mate, and the monk coming over to them.

"Where's Kagome?" Inuyasha yelled at Sesshomaru.

"Naraku took her, Sesshomaru snarled at the thought on it.

"Well, I'm going to get my friend and sister-in-law back" Inuyasha stated as he grabbed Kikyo around her waist and raced off.

Miroku jumped onto Kirara's back and rode after Inuyasha and Kikyo, as they went to save Kagome from Naraku.


It felt forever that the images finally ended as Naraku ripped off her chains and placed her up standing and then rechained her to the wall cell.

"Naraku, you will die today," Kagome darkly said to him as she pulled against the chains.

Naraku chuckled at her then left the room. Kagome sighed as she tried to feel her reiki, to no success she couldn't find her reiki after all still. She soon as lights came into the room as there were controlled humans coming into her cell naked.

Kagome shivered at the thoughts of what would happen now. She looked to see Naraku walking into the cell also naked as his manhood sticking straight out with precum dripping down from it.

"My dear miko, now you will be punished by saying that to me," Naraku said, as he pulled out a whip with leather patches at the end with glass imbedded within each one.

Naraku unfurled the whip and started to whip her front. Her clothes were ripped off with the whip, her slightly tan creamy skin was tearing up with small to large cuts leaving blood dripping onto the floor. Screaming in pain and agony, Kagome thoughts went deep into her mind to block out the pain as Naraku continued to abuse her body physically.

"What's wrong? Kagome my dear," Naraku purred out to her but when he noticed that she wasn't participating he released a mighty howl into the cell. He grabbed her right wrist, snapping it hard, thus breaking Kagome out of her mind.

"Ahhhh!" Kagome screamed in pain. Tears leaked down her face as she looked at Naraku with a sickening grin on his face.

"Now, now Kagome, you can't do that," Naraku replied as he kissed her wounds and licked the blood that was dripping into his mouth. Purring at the taste of her blood, he continued as his left hand went to rub her left breast.

….Inuyasha and group….

Inuyasha sniffed the grounds around the place where Naraku last was, hoping to smell him again. He cursed within his mind about Kagome, he should have stayed at the hospital wing to protect her but he protected the pups, Shippo and Rin with Miroku, Kikyo and Sango when he smelled Kagome gone.

"Found him yet?" Kikyo asked gently.

Shaking his head, he howled in pain as he couldn't find Kagome scent or Naraku scent around them. He jumped along with Kirara, Miroku and Kikyo, he was going to still look for Kagome.
Miroku was meditating on Kirara trying to find Kagome reiki signal.


Sesshomaru stood in front of his mirror with his beast. "Mate is gone," The beast snarled at the thought.

"Hai I know, I can't smell her or feel the mark anymore," Sesshomaru grieved out.

"Let's concrete," The beast replied.

They both closed their eyes and concreted on Kagome half mark from the mating. He was going to give up hope when he felt a beat of thuds within his mind.

"We got it, let's see," The beast stated with his eyes closed.

Visions came into his mind of Kagome been whipped, cuts all over her naked body. He growled at it, his mind went to the location trying to find out where she is. He recognized location, it was just between the western lands and the northern lands. He raced out of the room towards his brother's scent.


"Stop it," Kagome yelled out at Naraku as he placed his finger into her virgin hard, pulling it out and pushing it harder. He went on like this for hours it seemed to Kagome, as her body was responding to the pain pleasure.


"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru growled out as he landed where his brother was.

"Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha yelped at him.

"Come," Sesshomaru replied.

Inuyasha nodded his head at him and they took off with Miroku and Kikyo following on Kirara a bit behind them.

"You found Kagome?" Inuyasha questioned.

Sesshomaru growled out his response to him and went faster towards the Western and Northern meet, as his brother and the rest followed him.


Naraku kissed Kagome's lips as he stroked her lips to her prize hole for him to fill with his semen. Moving his manhood over the hole, he smelled …His eyes widen at the scent. Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, the Inu brothers, were actually in his place. The counterfeit Kagome must have not done her job right.

"Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!" Inuyasha howled out at Naraku. He jumped out of the way from the attack. While Inuyasha attacked him again with Miroku and Kirara, Kikyo with Sesshomaru unchained Kagome from the chains around her wrists.

"Sesshomaru," Kagome cried out as she saw him breaking the chains around her left wrist before gently breaking off the right one.

"Kagome," Sesshomaru said as he kissed her lips gently then let go of hers. "You'll be okay with Kikyo,"

He took off his kimono top and left it beside Kagome, then raced over to the other three and battled against Naraku, leaving Kikyo healing Kagome.

"Oh my," Kikyo stated as she started to heal the wounds on Kagome's body with her reiki powers.

"Kikyo stop, just heal my wrist that is broken. Sesshomaru can heal me later, we need to help them," Kagome replied as she placed Sesshomaru's white kimono on top of her naked body.
Kikyo nodded her head at her as she just healed Kagome's broken right wrist. Then she got up and handed Kagome a bow and a couple of arrows.

Kagome nodded her thanks at Kikyo and raced towards the group, staying a bit behind them. Kikyo and her notched two arrows each and filled them with their reiki powers. Aiming for the sides of Naraku they shot them onto the ground, making a barrier trapping him inside.

Kagome raced over to Sesshomaru as she looked up at him and smiled her heart was telling to her trust him and his beast. She called out" Koori no Kaze!" as ice winds went into the barrier around Naraku freezing him a bit.

Now, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru!" Kagome yelled at them.

"Dragon strike!" Sesshomaru growled out as blue lighting went towards Naraku.

"Wind Scar!" Inuyasha yelled out as his attack went towards Naraku.

But it wasn't fast enough, Naraku unfrozen and jumped up making both attacks go behind him.
"Inuyasha, Sesshomaru you can't kill me," Naraku laughed at them as he sprung forth demons and his true form.

"Wind tunnel!" Miroku yelled as hundreds of demons went into his wind tunnel and the poison insects made his arm turn purple with pain. Still standing, he took out sacred sutras and threw them at the demons making them turn to stone.

Sesshomaru swung his sword with proficiency and swiftness killing the demons that got too close to him. Inuyasha swung his sword around swiftly killing hundreds of demons with his wind scar.

Kikyo and Kagome were shooting their arrows at demons making them purified. Kagome arrows ran out, and as she brought out her reiki sword called "Hi Hayabusa" Then called out" Kokoro no arashi no kaze" as the two attacks went towards demons burning them as well of purifying them too.

"Kikyo shoot at Naraku and make a new barrier," Kagome ordered Kikyo to do while she raced into the side where Naraku couldn't see her.

Kikyo took out four arrows and aimed them around Naraku again, shooting them at the ground; a barrier formed around them both leaving Inuyasha and Sesshomaru killing the demons that Naraku summoned, they looked at Kagome within the barrier.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled at her, as he raced towards her to help.

"Kagome," Sesshomaru whispered as he raced over to the barrier to find out that he couldn't get through.

"Wind scar," Inuyasha yelled as his sword turned red to break the barrier, but it couldn't. "Kagome,"

…Within Barrier…..

Kagome called out" Hikari burçdo o jôka" as four blades of pink purifying light come out and flew at Naraku purifying him a bit.

"You bitch," He cried out in pain as he sent out a flock of demons at her. Kagome stabbed the ground with her sword and shouted out while breathing hard "Jôka-sui no seishin shôheki" A water barrier made from water and her reiki appeared around her

The flock of the demons charged at her, and then as they hit her barrier, the water moved a bit but purified the demons each time they tried to attack her until the last demon was purified. Kagome barrier went down and her breath was heavy from the use of her powers.

"Why you!" Naraku shouted at her as he charges at her.

"Kokoro no arashi no kaze" Kagome shouted as the wind picked up. A large heart came from her sword that was light pink and raced towards Naraku that was charging at her.

He dodged her attack but was still hit on his left shoulder, making it to her. Naraku hit Kagome's hands re-breaking her right wrist and thus grabbing her arm. He twisted the arm back until the bone poked out. Throwing her to the side, he used his yokai and one final attack, he sent it at Kagome.

Flinching as she got up a bit, she looked at Naraku with her fear in her eyes, as she summoned the last of her reiki and shouted out ""Shinpi-tekina jôka burçdo and Taiyô no wa o jôka." Both powers joined together and shot towards Naraku, destroying his yokai attack and was still going towards him.

Naraku screamed in pain as Kagome's attacks hit and started to purify and burn him as well, leaving nothing behind. The battle with Naraku was done, and Kagome fell back to the ground; dead as she had no more reiki in her body.

A/N- Oh no, what will happen next time. Almost done again, only four more chapters left.