InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Again! ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Again!
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: The characters from InuYasha are not mine; they are the intellectual property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not benefit financially from these writings. I just like to play with the characters.
Both Kikyo and her Shinidama Chuu paused when the ground before her took on a pink cast. “In broad daylight?” Slowly she turned…and found herself staring at a sky-reaching pink column of purifying light.
She didn't know why, but she was certain the light was coming from that girl. As she examined it closely, it seemed to pulse in time with…
As a young girl, Kikyo had explored her own sexuality and once had even given herself a mild orgasm.
But this light throbbed with incredible power. If her clay body would have allowed for it, she would have spat. This was just another in a long list of reasons to despise her reincarnation.
“What's that light, Lord Sesshomaru?”
The Great Lord of the Western Lands maintained his stoic mask as he turned to Rin where she sat by the campfire with Jaken.
His charge had been waiting patiently as the toad-like creature, all the while grumbling about “weak humans,” prepared a breakfast for her; but now she pointed to the horizon where a column of pink light, brighter than the early day, streamed heavenward.
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed as he studied the phenomenon. Even from here, he could feel its power. It reminded the taiyoukai of the barrier around Mount Hakurei, only stronger.
“Pay no attention, Rin. InuYasha and that girl have finally mated and, as she is a miko, there are some unusual…effects.” It was a pure guess on Sesshomaru's part, yet it undoubtedly contained some truth. His brother was a hanyou and the girl was a miko. There were bound to be effects.
Lord Sesshomaru speculated as to whether his brother and the miko would always put on such a display. He hoped not! To his horror, he barely stifled an un-taiyoukai-like snort. He looked around furtively to check if anyone had noticed.
Nobody had, so Sesshomaru relaxed. He remembered what ningens thought happened to a miko who mated with a youkai or hanyou. Humans actually thought a miko would thus become impure and lose her spiritual powers. Sesshomaru regarded the column of light again.
It certainly wasn't true in Kagome's case.
The Great Lord of the Western Lands raised both eyebrows. No, she seemed immensely more powerful, although her method of projecting power was…unusual. The only question was how InuYasha survived it. He should have been purified. Sesshomaru looked away from the spectacle only to catch Rin still staring at it. “What is going through her mind? he wondered.
Rin was focused on the pink column of light Lord Sesshomaru said came from InuYasha and Kagome. She knew what sex, or mating, was. In fact, she knew a lot more about it than the Great Lord of the Western Lands thought she did. But she had no idea that something like this happened when a youkai mated with a miko. “Amazing.” She studied the pink, pulsating column of light and realized that her own body was resonating with it.
It felt…good.
She gasped when she realized what was happening to her. Surely she was too young! She hadn't even started menstruating yet.
But she did know what was going on. The Great Lord of the Western Lands was no help when it came to learning about sex. and had only remarked that she was “too young” to know about such things, so she had resorted to talking with village girls when she had the chance.
An older village girl had even offered to teach her how to pleasure herself. Rin had declined politely, of course, yet she had learned that there was something she had to look forward to.
But this? Fortunately the feeling remained mild…at least compared to what it must be like for Kagome and InuYasha…and only a small, involuntary shudder - which even Lord Sesshomaru missed - indicated what had happened to her.
Still, for her, it was a powerful experience. She mused about her early life when her parents were still alive and their village miko had singled her out as having some potential. Of course she had never received any formal training…but was it too late? She thought about Kagome and InuYasha, and about herself and Lord Sesshomaru. “So powerful.” When she was old enough…
“Huh?” Rin smiled when she found herself confronted by the familiar toad-like creature. She had grown considerably in the two years she had traveled with Lord Sesshomaru, and it amused her that Jaken now had to strain his neck to look up to her.
“Mind your manners, Rin! It is impolite to stare at Lord Sesshomaru!”
Hearing his name, the Great Lord of the Western Lands turned to see what was going on. “What is it, Jaken?”
The imp cringed at the note of mild irritation in Sesshomaru's voice. “Rin was being most rude, m'lord. She was staring at you with a strange look in her eyes!”
The taiyoukai looked at Rin, who smiled back at him the way she always did: as though his presence eradicated any and all cares she had in this world. But, if just fir a moment, Sesshomaru had seen something else in her eye. He wasn't sure what it was, but it actually made him a little nervous.
“Why does this Sesshomaru suddenly feel like prey?”
Naraku pressed himself as flat as he could against the castle wall. The interior wall opposite him glowed pink in the purifying light that poured in through the room's single window. Even the little bit that reflected off the opposite wall stung where it touched his flesh.
And direct exposure was much worse.
He stared at the lump of flesh on the floor that shriveled in the direct glare of that purifying light. His Saimyoushou had finally recovered enough fragments of his body that he had grown strong enough to refashion a phallic appendage…of a sort.
Not that he needed one. It just bothered him that the girl had purified him so he couldn't do something…anythingthat he might want to. That was the reason he had spent days trying to achieve what the ningens called an “erection.” He had been standing by the window admiring his handiwork when that pink light had streamed in, instantly severing his pride and joy.
He frowned at the tiny remainder that sizzled on the floor.
Curse the bitch.
“What do you think it is?”
When she didn't receive an answer, Sango looked at Miroku. She found the monk completely absorbed by the spectacle. After a moment, Miroku shook his head, reached within his robes and pulled out a small pot of ink. Sango recognized it as the ink Miroku used to pen his ofuda.
The monk opened the container and placed it on the ground before him. He then sat down behind it in the lotus position and began a rhythmic chanting.
Sango watched in fascination as over a period of several minutes a pink glow coalesced around the open inkwell and suffused it. Miroku promptly sealed the container and smiled, returning the ink container to a pocket within his robes.
Sango stood over her seated husband-to-be. “What's that for?”
Miroku looked up and smirked. He withdrew the inkpot, together with a slip of paper and a brush, and promptly drew several Kanji symbols. When he was done, he caressed the taijiya's backside, leaving the ofuda stuck there.
“Hey.” Sango stepped back, angry that Miroku was apparently resorting to his old tricks. After a moment, however, she noticed an itch. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was a little embarrassing.
At least she and Miroku were alone. With as much discretion as the circumstances allowed, she slipped one hand inside her taijiya outfit and scratched.
Nothing. No relief. It still itched.
“Having a problem, Sango?”
“Nothing I can't handle.” She scratched harder. Still no relief.
“Let me try that.”
Sango was mortified, but rationalized that she and the monk were effectively man and wife anyway. She stepped closer to Miroku, who slipped his hand inside her outfit.
“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Relief!
Miroku stopped. The itch returned. Miroku started again.
…and stopped again. This time Sango noticed another effect of the monk's ofuda. “You bastard! What did you do to me?”
The monk smirked. “You, my dear Sango, have an itch you can't scratch. In fact, you have an itch that only I can scratch.”
“That ofuda…” Not only had the itch returned, but now it had become concentrated in one particular spot. She felt…horny. Really horny. She was perspiring and her breathing was ragged. Mi-ro-kuuuu.”
The monk smirked again. “That's another itch only I can scratch.”
“Damn you!”
When InuYasha found Kagome, she was a quivering mass curled on her side. The scent of her arousal was overpowering and she had a flushed appearance, with her coloring only slowly returning to normal. In addition, she was soaked in sweat and sounded like she was struggling to get her breath back.
InuYasha was certain she was going to sit him to hell.
She merely whimpered.
InuYasha silently cursed his brother. The bastard had known this would happen and had played him for a fool. Sure, when Kagome stroked the mating mark he had placed on her neck, he felt a pleasant, tingling sensation on his own neck; but Kagome had placed her mating mark on his…hanyou-hood…so she felt it in her…
InuYasha's eyes widened. The response would be much more intense there. Experimentally, he watched his mate while he stroked himself…once.
Immediately Kagome mewled and coiled into a tighter ball. She panted for a few seconds before her breathing calmed again. She whimpered again. “In…InuYasha…”
The hanyou cringed at the tembling in her voice. He wondered if she even would have survived without the youkai blood that now flowed in her veins.
Much as he wanted to, he couldn't flee from his mate. Resigning himself to his probable fate at the bottom of a deep crater, he knelt down beside his mate and gently turned her onto her back. “Are you alright?” He studied her face. She had a slightly pained expression, yet her scent didn't indicate any pain. He scanned the rest of her body for injuries. Her face looked good. Her arms and legs were fine. Her breasts were still (gulp) magnificent. His eyes moved down from her breasts. Lower, lower. He sighed in relief. Aside from a great deal of wetness, she seemed perfectly okay.
He checked, and all four of the pups growing inside her were fine.
It was time to take his medicine. “Ka-Kagome?”
“I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Sesshomaru tricked me into doing that. You must believe me!”
Kagome slowly opened her eyes as InuYasha babbled on. Evidently he had been so concerned to find out if she was alright that he had neglected to dress. She smiled in approval. Then she frowned, causing the hanyou to draw back. “Why does he smell so afraid?”
Slowly it dawned on her. “I must look a mess.” She giggled. “But I feel GREAT.” She looked up at InuYasha…who looked more confused than anything…which caused her to giggle yet again. She had a revelation. “He thinks I'm going to sit him.”
She smiled and locked eyes with her mate. Kagome could smell the fear evaporating the longer she went without sitting him and, while she had him locked in her gaze, she squirmed till she had one leg on either side of him.
He broke out of his reverie when she began stroking him. He immediately became hard - fortunately for her because of her own strong reaction to her attention to the mating mark. She positioned him at her opening.
“You…You're not mad at me for what I did?”
Kagome smiled up at him. “Again!”
“Again?” thought Lord Sesshomaru.
There was no bright column of pink light this time, so the Great Lord of the Western Lands guessed that something was blocking it. That meant that Kagome and InuYasha were…
His admiration for the girl increased. Why did she have to fall for that fool of a brother when Lord Sesshomaru was available? It didn't matter, anyway. Before witnessing this girl with his brother, he never would have considered mating with a ningen woman. Now…
“Why does Rin keep looking at me that way?” And why did she smell even slightly like a ningen woman in heat? Lord Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. Come to think of it, Rin had been traveling with him for almost two years, and she was getting close to menses.
But of all times, now?
He sniffed again. If not now, soon. He looked at Rin again and noticed a tiny shudder passing through her. “No.” He knew that ningen girls married as early as 13 or 14, but Rin was still two more years from that, wasn't she? He thought about it and realized he didn't really even know her age. She didn't know her age for sure.
She might be only a year away. She might have been the runt of the litter (as he thought of it) and might be ready any time now.
It wasn't decent!
He looked to Rin again. She was panting slightly, and this time she was looking at him with no attempt to conceal her thoughts.
For the first time in his life, Sesshomaru, the Great Lord of the Western Lands, felt nervous. “WHAT is she thinking?”
Rin met Lord Sesshomaru's gaze square on. “Just a few more years and you're MINE.”
“Have you noticed something?”
“Mmm-mmmmmm? Huh? What?” Kagome stretched a bit before settling back into InuYasha's hold.
“Have you noticed that your sense of smell, and your other senses, have become normal to you?”
Kagome opened her eyes. “Come to think of it, they have.” She turned to look directly at InuYasha. “Is that because we mated?”
“No. Well, partially.”
“Hmmm. Then, why?”
“Think about it. If you were blind and suddenly you could see, wouldn't it be a shock?”
“You just needed time to get used to it.”
“That wasn't the problem,” said Kagome. “The problem was something called feedback.”
“Yeah. It would feed back on itself. If we had both started reacting to each other, you would have figured out something was up…and I had promised not to interfere between you and Kikyo.”
“Speaking of which, is she gonna cause trouble for us?”
“Keh. I don't know. The last time I saw her alone, she started shooting arrows at me.”
“Really? What did you do?”
“Feh! Why do you assume it was my fault?”
Kagome just stared at him, patiently.
“I was worried about how strongly I was attracted to you.”
Kagome smiled. “But what did you do?”
“I just figured that if anyone would know how to make a girl unattractive to me, Kikyo would.”
“Next thing I knew, she was shootin' arrows at me!”
“Can't say I blame her.” The young miko began giggling again.
Kagome pulled herself together. “Still, I think we should watch out for her. She could cause trouble.”
“By the way, InuYasha. Are you aware you're glowing?”
A/N: I'm sorry this has taken so long to update. As I noted before, sometimes real life gets in the way of writing. That and a bad gastrointestinal flu coupled with a fever high enough to affect my equilibrium. I'm afraid it's hard to write comedy that way.
But I'm feeling much better now.
Please read and review. As always, reviews = inspiration for new chapters. Thanks!