InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes death/Inuyashas love ❯ Kagome... The one in the prophecy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One; Kagome, the girl in the prophecy

Kagome stared down at the peice of paper in her hand, "This cant be right..."
Kagomes mother nodded, "Until now, I thought I was naming you after some great ancestor... turns out... I was naming you after you!" Kagomes mother smiled.
Unfortunatly, Kagome didnt. "Mom... did you read what it said about Lady Kagome?"
Kagomes mom shook her head, "No... Sorry sweetie... why dont you read it to me..."
Kagome nodded, "But your not going to like it..." Kagome unrolled the paper and began reading,
"Kagome Takahashi... Thats Inuyashas name... anyway, It says... I get married... have two kids... and... I... i die protecting the sacred jewel from... from Kikyo..."
Mrs. Higurashi put a gentle hand on her daughters shoulder, "Kagome sweetie.... your going to have to tell Inuyasha..."
Kagome shook her head, "No mama... I cant do that to him...."
Kagomes mother was shocked, "But what about your safety?"
Kagome sighed, "He is more important mama..."
Kagomes mother took a deep breath, "I hope you know what your doing..."
Kagome nodded at her mother, "I know mama... I know Inuyasha will protect me... i turst him..."
Kagomes mother nodded, "I trust you too sweetie..."