InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagura's resolution, Sesshoumaru's heart ❯ When will I see you again ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

For the past two days, Rin stared absently into the sky. She had no other things more than the luxury of time, time away from Sesshoumaru and time for herself. There was just too much to consider, too much at weight; the fragmented speeches made by Kagura, what she and her master had shared together, not only the intimacy just before his departure but also all those precious childhood memories for the past eight years.
The heart piercing words of the wind witch were strongly engraved in her mind, torturing her and consuming her little by little as the hours ticked by. Not mentioning the change in the relationship between Sesshoumaru and her, she was still undeniably labeled as a `burden'. Well, she didn't mind that much about being looked down upon; she had lots of experience with that back at the ningen village. Since she had lost her parents, the villagers who took her in never did treat her as their own. Everyone despised her for not being able to speak due to the after effects of her family tragedy. She had gotten used to that. But, what if…. What if Kagura's predictions were accurate and that she would bring him to a disgraceful and pitiful end, much like what had happened between Sesshoumaru's great youkai father and Inuyasha's mother, lady Izayoi? Rin had heard that story once too often from the babbling tongue of Jakan. She crunched a handful of her kimono with her hands, tightly twisting them as if they were soaked with fluid.
Rin found that she didn't have much luck either at overthrowing the other sections of Kagura's accusations toward her, Sesshoumaru's cold hard expression before he left was deeply imprinted in her heart. She sighed in distraught. Well, at the very least she now knew that Kagura had lied about her meeting with the great youkai lord, she consoled herself with a sneer.
That desperate bitch.
However, that did not mean that there would not be other demoness coming into the picture in the future. She was still human, frail and vulnerable to all elements. Most importantly, she would not be able to bare him pure breed children, mighty and powerful as he. Rin feared to imagine the amount of disgust her master would harbor if he were to have hanyou heirs. Who knows? Perhaps he might even draw his swords on them one day at a flare of that untamed temper of his, and not forgetting the mother, her. Yes, she nodded; she was not good enough for him. In fact, she'll never ever come close to being the one, Rin concluded in resignation. Perhaps her departure was imperative. It might also save the little bits of girlish pride left in her. She was definitely not going to wait till the day when she would be blatantly rejected and cast aside like an over used toy.
Rin could not help but wonder how her master would react if he came home only to find that she had left him. Would he search for her? Yes, he would and the girl knew it, though not of the purest of all reasons. She had come to know Sesshoumaru way too well. He would not come after her because of love and regret. The sole explanation was that he was too proud and arrogant to allow his servants to disobey his commands. No one should have the freedom to choose and decide their own plight except through him.
The girl knew that she did not really have much choice. Her fate was set the day she was born human. She could never become his mate. Well, she could at least choose not to become his burden; Rin let her feministic pride take over. However, deep at the bottom of her heart was where her sole reason for leaving him stays hidden. She loved him too much, so much that the fear of picturing him beaten, tortured and slain ruthlessly by his enemies was too excruciating to bear. She didn't even wish to touch on the topic about who he was trying to save while getting himself killed.
Rin was also smart enough to realize that leaving him was actually easier said than done. Her master was widely known for his superb youkai senses. How would she be able to leave without being found? Where will she go? Is there anywhere on the surface of earth that would take her in? Especially if they knew her relationship with the Great Western Lord. Her tears trickled uncontrollably down her cheeks. She hated this feeling of loneliness and loss.
No, she swiftly corrected herself. She would never allow herself to fall into such destitution again. She was no longer a feeble child and she wanted more than anything to decide on her own future and path.
Suddenly, an idea dawned on her. Immediately, she hopped to her feet and proceeded to do some last minute packing before she set off on this no-return journey, her heart ever so heavy and laden.
All done and ready, Rin made one last lingering visit to the chamber where she last spent with the one she loved. She sat on the comfortable bedding, reliving those fond memories of that day when Sesshoumaru had pampered her and showered her with his utmost attention, concern and passion. She took a peek too at the still inviting looking bath house, the one she had visited twice, neither which she entered on her own. During both occasions, her master had carried her there in his embrace.
From her bundle of belongings, she rummaged through and held up a little multi-colored pebble. Well, it was actually half a pebble to be more accurate. Rin put it in front of her eye for a brief inspection and admiration. There were myths of such pebbles that glowed in the darkness called the dreamer's stone that it unites all those who are truly in love.
Rin's memories returned to the time she had discovered it. It was during one of those walks with her master at the flower meadow. While picking flowers, she noticed something glittering under the afternoon glare, as if it was calling out to her. Since then, it had been her treasure and she had secretly harbored the fantasy that it was an indication that she and her master would one day be together---- until one day she broke it in an inadvertent accident. Her thoughts flew back to that fateful day when the event took place.
That was like three years back…..
“Rin, Rin, where do you think you are going so early in the morning?” Jakan whispered while holding on to the girl's collar, fearing that he would wake their master.
“You know, the usual,” Rin grinned sweetly, giving Jakan the please-let-me-go doggie face.
“You foolish child, how much of it can you collect? It's almost dawn. The sun is about to rise.” Jakan chided while gazing out in the darkness.
“As much as I can. You know how Sesshoumaru-sama adores it. He seldom eats with us and this is the only thing I've come to know he enjoys. Now, please Jakan-sama, let me go. Pleeeeease….” Rin was practically on her knees.
“Yes, I agree. But these flowers, the rainbow violets, they grow on steep cliffs and they're so difficult to find. I know how much our lord savors the morning dew which settles on the petals. I do not need you to inform me that. I've been with him much longer than you, ningen girl. But its much easier if he goes to get it himself, whenever he fancies. He's far more powerful and agile than the two of us add together you know.”
Jakan was about to nag on and on when Rin chipped in impatiently. “If you keep on talking like this, I'll never get there before the first ray of light falls on them. Bye….” Without waiting for his reply, Rin skipped away and faded into the darkness.
After that, everything else about this teenage memory seemed to just whisk pass. She had reached the steep and dangerous looking cliffs. She was going about her task of collecting those precious drops into her bamboo container. Something happened, she tripped perhaps, she couldn't remember, and fell off those vicious sides. To make the story short, her master had come to her rescue, sweeping her up and bringing back to the top. But not before she accidentally hit the pebble, which she was toying in her hand just before she fell, onto a sharp rock, breaking it mercilessly into two. She managed to hold on to one half, the other had fallen into the dark cavern below and was never recovered. Well, her master was not willing to retrieve that silly little thing for her to be exact. He had decided that just retrieving her life was sufficient for that morning.
Rin let out a disappointed sigh as she examined the pebble in her hand one last time. She lay it down on the soft silken sheets together with a note. A tear drop fell staining the tiny piece of paper but the wordings were still clearly visible:
Please accept this to remember Rin. It is dearest to me yet it also told the saddest truth. We were never meant to be.
Yes, of the little she had possessed she had surrendered them all to him, the stone, her heart and her chastity.
The girl took a last sniff at the pine forestry fragrance of the room. It smelt just like Sesshoumaru-sama. She'll forever remember this scent. Forever.
She whistled for the Aun, bi-headed dragon, climbed on his scaly back and disappeared into the dark, rain filled clouds.
Rin, if you have made a decision, don't look back, don't look back….. she chanted to herself over and over again.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for reading my very first fanfiction. We've come to the end of Kagura's resolution, Sesshoumaru's heart, since Kagura's fate has been sealed. But the story will continue for our spoilt dog demon lord and the girl whom he does not deserve in the sequel entitled: A new beginning, a new hope
I know you'll hate it if I don't give a hint of what's coming up. So, here goes…
The summary of the sequel:
Rin goes through the well into Kagome's world and was taken in by Kagome's family. 5 years passed and she is now a violin student studying in a music school with Sota, Kagome's brother, who is a good-looking talented cellist. Kaede's spell had erased her memories of Sesshoumaru. With all these new obstacles, will she ever remember him? Will he ever find her, now that they are separated by time not distance? Who will her heart belong to, the persistent demon lord or the charismatic musician cum sweetest boy next door?
I hope to get some reviews from you guys though, desperately…pleaseeeee
Coming up soon………
A new beginning, a new hope
by evil_buny