InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ Murderous Monday Madness! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. Never have, never will. He belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. She's SO lucky!
Chapter 4:Murderous Monday Madness!
Monday. The first day of the week. And also InuYasha's most hated day of the week.
InuYasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku walked to school together again. As part of their new routine.
Sango and Kagome were side by side in the front while InuYasha and Miroku followed them close behind.
“Oh, Sango.” Kagome said as she remembered what she was so excited to tell her best friend.
Sango looked over at her. “What is it, Kagome?”
“My mom had a baby!” Kagome squealed with excitement.
“Really? When? I knew your mom was pregnant but I didn't know she had it already.” Sango said interested.
“Last night! It's a little boy and his name is Sota!” Kagome exclaimed. “Oh yeah. How's your brother doing?”
Sango smiled. “Kohaku's fine. As good as a three year-old gets anyway.”
InuYasha sighed. “Why are they talking about their baby brothers?” He whispered over to Miroku.
Miroku shrugged. “I don't know.”
InuYasha blinked. “I thought you knew everything about girls.”
“You're wrong. I know a lot about girls. Probably more than an eight year-old boy should. But I don't know everything.” Miroku said matter-of-factly.
“Sango, have you ever wondered how babies are made?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah. I've been wondering, ever since Kohaku was born.” Sango replied.
Miroku perked up.”You know, I know how babies are made.”
The girls stopped walking and turned around to face him. “You do?” InuYasha, Kagome, and Sango asked in unison.
“Yeah. But I don't think you'd want to know the answer.” Miroku said assuredly.
“We do! We do!” The three of them screamed in unison.
“Alright.” And Miroku told them. He got the response he had been expecting.
“Oh that's SO gross!” Kagome said sticking out her tongue.
“I think I'm going to barf!” InuYasha yelled holding his stomach.
“I am NEVER going to have a baby!” Sango screamed.
Miroku chuckled. “Sango, Sango, Sango. You will want to, one day.”
Sango looked at him like he was crazy. “ARE YOU INSANE?! I AM NEVER EVER GOING TO HAVE A BABY!”
At school InuYasha walked Kagome to her first class. In the hall, they were in for quite a surprise.
A youkai boy stepped in front of Kagome stopping her from advancing. Oh no. Why now? Kagome thought as she gave him a fake smile.
“Hi Koga. Nice day isn't it?” Kagome said through her teeth.
Koga grabbed both of Kagome's hand in both of his own. “Hello Kagome. It is a beautiful day. Are you doing okay?”
Kagome's eyes flickered at InuYasha. He did not look amused.
“Who the hell are you?” InuYasha asked stepping between them.
Koga tried to push past him to get to Kagome but InuYasha didn't budge. “If you must know I'm Koga, the heir to the mighty wolf demon tribe.” Koga scowled at InuYasha. “What were you doing with MY woman?”
“She ain't your woman you stupid wolf.” InuYasha snapped at him.
Kagome poked her head up from behind InuYasha so Koga could see her. “I'm not anyone's woman. I've told you that a million-bazillion times, Koga. Plus, I'm technically not a woman.” Kagome added.
“Exactly, so why don't you just hit the road?” InuYasha said as he scowled back at Koga.
“Oh so you think you can steal my woman, mutt?” Koga asked angrily.
Kagome sweatdropped.
InuYasha spoke the words on her mind. “You just can't take no for an answer can you?”
“Kagome, do you want me to take care of this puppy for you?” Koga asked her.
Kagome sighed. “No Koga. Listen, I've got to get to class.”
Koga was taken aback. “Y-You mean, you like this guy?”
Kagome blushed. “No, no. We're just friends!” She said waving her hands frantically.
“Oh well that's good. Because you're mine.” Koga stated.
InuYasha growled. “No she isn't stupid! Don't you get it?!” InuYasha was starting to get furious.
Koga got right in InuYasha's face. “You wanna take this outside?”
“Gladly.” InuYasha said with a sneer.
Koga headed for the door outside followed by InuYasha with Kagome at his heels.
“InuYasha, please don't.” Kagome pleaded as she grabbed InuYasha's arm. “I don't want either of you to get hurt!” InuYasha was completely ignoring her. She started to tug on his arm as hard as she could. Still, no use. “InuYasha, please don't fight over me!”
This stopped InuYasha in his tracks. His eye twitched and a light pink blush spread across his cheeks. He half-turned his head around so he could see Kagome but she couldn't see his blush.
“Y-You think that's what I was doing? Feh. You're not even worth it.” InuYasha derided.
Kagome immediately dropped InuYasha's arm and looked down, her bangs hiding her eyes and expression. Seeing she was upset InuYasha completely turned around. And to his horror, Kagome looked up and shot him the nastiest glare he had ever received.
Seeing his reaction to her liking, she turned and walked away. Koga noticed and ran up to her. “Kagome, would you like me to take care of that disrespectful bastard for you?” Kagome looked up at him only to give him the same glare she had given InuYasha. “I am NOT in the mood!”
With that Kagome stormed off leaving Koga in the dust.
Koga turned around shooting InuYasha a look of pure hatred and took off to his own class. InuYasha was left all alone in the hall.
“I can't believe him!” Kagome yelled at the lunch table. She and Sango were sitting together, alone.
“I'm sorry that happened to you Kagome.” Sango sighed. “Guys can be jerks sometimes.”
Kagome mimicked InuYasha's words. “Feh. You're not worth it.” She scoffed and crossed her arms. “You're right. He's the biggest jerk I've ever met!”
A few tables over the boys were having the same discussion.
“InuYasha, you're an idiot.” Miroku stated rubbing his temples. InuYasha agreed. “I know. I'm stupid.”
“No, I mean you're the stupidest and most idiotic person I've ever met… Or even on the planet.” Miroku corrected. “I think you're overdoing it just a tad, Miroku.”
“I know, but when am I ever going to get another chance to say that?” Miroku said quite satisfied with himself. “But besides, Kagome has a very big heart; she's a very forgiving person.” Miroku put an arm around InuYasha's shoulders. ”And I think she likes you, so don't sweat it.”
InuYasha blushed. “Y-You think so?” Miroku smirked. “Yes, and judging by that blush, you like her too.” InuYasha's face turned bright red. “D-Do not!”
Miroku chuckled. “Denial isn't a state in the union.”
“It's a river in Egypt.” InuYasha grumbled. Miroku was amused. “You know that joke, huh?”
InuYasha sighed. “You act as if we're best friends. We've only know each other for a week.”
“Dude, you are my best friend.” Miroku laughed. “I mean, I've only been hanging out with two girls since you came along.”
InuYasha snickered. “You've probably enjoyed that.”
“I have enjoyed it.” Miroku grinned.
“You're so weird.” InuYasha snorted as he threw a bit of his rice at Miroku.
The nearest kid who saw them screamed at the top of his lungs. “FOOD FIGHT!” Then it was on. Food was flying everywhere.
Kagome and Sango ducked underneath their table to avoid several airborne nigiri rolls.
“Oh my gosh! What's going on?!” Kagome asked baffled. “I don't know!” Sango yelled back. Kids were screaming and throwing food everywhere. They had to yell just to be heard.
When the food fight subsided, Kagome and Sango came up from underneath their table to find the cafeteria, as well as all of the kids in it, covered in food. A look over to InuYasha and Miroku revealed the same conclusion. InuYasha and Miroku, covered from head to toe, in food.
“Who do you think started it Kagome?” Sango asked looking around. Another look over at InuYasha and Miroku and she knew the answer. She knew exactly who started it.
And of course, the first person the principal came up to was, Kagome. Kagome for some reason was every teacher's favorite student. She didn't know why, in fact it actually annoyed her. The teachers always expected her to know who started what and why. She never actually knew. Until now. When the starter of this little incident was the one she was mad at. It was the perfect opportunity for revenge.
“Kagome, would you happen to know who started this?” Her principal asked expectantly.
InuYasha was watching her. Oh man. She knows. She's SO going to rat me out. I know it. I wouldn't blame her if she did anyway.
Kagome looked over at InuYasha then back at the principle. “No.” Then she calmly sat down and finished eating her lunch like nothing had happened. Amazingly their seats had been untouched by the food.
The principal now looked to Sango. “Sango?”
Sango looked nervously at her principal. “No. Nope, no idea. HeHe.” Then Sango quickly sat down at her seat next to Kagome to finish her lunch.
InuYasha stared, mouth gaping, at Kagome. S-She didn't tell? Miroku looked at InuYasha. “You really thought she'd tell didn't you?” He laughed. “Kagome may be mad at you but she's not that mean. She can be scary if angered however.”
InuYasha gulped at the memory of Kagome's death glare. “Yeah. She's really scary when she's angry.”
InuYasha sat down in his food covered seat and rested his chin on his hand. “How am I going to make it up to her? I don't want her to be mad at me.”
Miroku shrugged. “Well… You could buy her flowers.”
InuYasha glared at him. “Damnit, Miroku! I'm not her boyfriend!”
“Okay, okay. You could try… Apologizing.” He suggested with another shrug.
InuYasha's head shot up. “Apologizing? Why didn't I think of that before?”
Miroku sighed. “You really are an idiot, aren't you?”
At P.E none of the kids would shut up about the food fight. And one of the P.E teacher's rules was if you won't stop talking we'll sit here for the whole class. It didn't exactly look, or sound, like everyone was going to stop talking.
InuYasha thought this would be a great time to apologize to Kagome. She had to have cooled down by now.
This whole “fight” thing is starting to get stupid. Maybe I should just apologize to him and get it over w-what the?
“Kagome, I'm sorry I said that. Can you… Forgive me?”
I'm going insane, right? Kagome thought as she turned her head to come face to face with, non-other than, InuYasha. She was extremely surprised, if not a little impressed, that he would come right up to her and apologize. It was unreal.
“Yeah. It was starting to get stupid to me anyway.” Kagome said with a smile.
Well that was easy. InuYasha thought as he smiled back.
Wow. I haven't felt this relieved or happy since this morning. She thought as her smile got larger. “Why don't we try to get these other kids to shut up so we start P.E, huh?”
InuYasha nodded. “Yeah.”
All four of them met up in the hall at the end of school, as always, to walk home. Sango was surprised they had made up so quickly and were now acting as if nothing had happened. Miroku just figured InuYasha had apologized as he had suggested and Kagome, being as kind as she was, forgave him.
“Hey guys, how'd you like to come to my house today, hm?” Kagome asked with a smile.
“What are we going to do at your house? We should go to my house, I have a PS2.” InuYasha said feeling proud he was in possession of the game console.
“What about your brother? You said you hated him.” Kagome pointed out raising her eyebrows.
InuYasha chuckled evilly. “He's at work.”
“What about my house? Mushin-“
“NO!” InuYasha, Sango, and Kagome screamed at him.
“I actually don't know if you'd like my house, InuYasha. I have a cat.” Kagome admitted.
“A cat? You have a cat?” InuYasha asked slightly shuddering.
“Second thought, Buyo's only a little baby kitty. He's not going to hurt you.” Kagome added shrugging.
“I have a cat too. Hey Kagome, could I bring Kilala? I think she'd like Buyo. She's really friendly.” Sango asked looking at Kagome.
“Sure. I think Buyo would like Kilala.” Kagome answered with a smile. “We'll swing by your house to pick her up.”
InuYasha sighed. “Ugh. I hate cats.”
A/N: Thank you all so much for your wonderful… No, FABULOUS reviews! They mean a lot to me and make me very very happy! *Doing my happy dance* Oh, “the talk” I remember that. Horrible. Simply horrible. I got it when I was eight. Many many things happened to me at eight. That's probably why they're eight in the story! HaHa! About the Kilala thing. I know that it's supposed to be Kirara but I just spell it the way they pronounce it on the series. And my P.E teachers had the same rule. That if you're behavior is bad or you won't stop talking, we'd just sit there for the whole period. It wasn't fun. I was one of the kids that didn't talk much and shouted “SHUT UP!” to try and get the other kids quite. LOL!