InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss the Rain ❯ The Question ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wingzero: ^^U My first Inu Yasha fic.

Inu Yasha: Why?

Wingzero: >.> Cause I say so and I want to finish my other fics.

Kagome: So who will he chose?

Wingzero: Not saying. You'll have to read to find out.

Inu Yasha & Kagome: Dang!

Wingzero: Does it look like I own this anime when I'm posting this on a fan fic website?

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A nice small hut stood within a peaceful village. The children played near their homes, without a care in the world. Their games were innocent and the elders watched over them with smiles. It was good to see the young ones being children. In the surrounding area, birds chirped as the spring breeze blew through their feathers. The leaves and flowers swayed gently in the breeze.


And then again, who wanted this peace and quiet?


Miroku and Sango shook their heads at the situation. Even though the houshi sat near the demon exterminator, he refrained his wandering hand from touching her pleasant posterior. The arguing couple would be too much for to handle. "Good thing Shippo isn't here."

Sango nodded her head in agreement. She knew the kitsune would be upset with the hanyou for arguing with the future miko. "Do you think it would be wise for them to be left unsupervised?" Kaede had taken the kit out to pick herbs.



"You know Inu Yasha wouldn't harm Kagome-sama," Miroku replied before taking a sip of tea. He knew Inu Yasha had feelings for Kagome, but he also harbored feelings for the undead miko, Kikyo. The younger miko shouldn't have to come second in his heart. The hanyou needed to chose. Only problem was convincing him to do so. "She can always `sit' him."

Sango nodded her had again. Everything the pervert said was true. Maybe they could go see how Kaede was doing. She really wanted to get out of there and give the arguing couple their privacy. "Perhaps, we should check on the others?" Something was wrong. The pervert sat very close to her; yet his twice cursed hand was nowhere near her posterior, not that she liked being groped. It was good for a change, but somehow she knew it wouldn't last long. He tended to ruin the moment.



"Well Sango, shall we take our leave?" Miroku placed his cup down and stood up. He offered his hand to the demon exterminator.

"I believe we shall," Sango replied, taking his offered hand. The two of them attempted to exit the hut without being noticed.


Inu Yasha opened his mouth to make another come back when his golden eyes caught the sight of the two retreating forms. "And where do you think you're going?" He wasn't in the mood to deal with his deserting travel companions.

The houshi turned slightly towards the arguing couple. "We were going to see Kaede-sama."

"But you two were busy so we decided to let ourselves out," the demon exterminator continued his sentence.

The hanyou growled at them; however he soon met his best friend dirt and taught it some rather colorful words. Kagome activated the subduing spell with just one word.

"Good bye, Inu Yasha," Kagome growled in return. "I'm going home!" With that, she picked up her now lightened yellow backpack and stormed all the way back to the well that connected this world to her world.

Sango sighed as Kagome brushed past her. "Honestly, your mouth is more cursed than the pervert's hand."

"Really?" Miroku asked with hope sparkling in his eyes.

"Feh," Inu Yasha grumbled after the subduing spell wore off. "No need to leave cause I am." He nearly knocked over Miroku on his way out."

"How long do you think it will be before Inu Yasha confesses?" Sango observed after spending so much time with the couple in question.

Miroku gave a nervous laugh. "First of all, Inu Yasha will need to recognize his love for Kagome-sama. Second, he needs to determine his feelings for Kikyo. It wouldn't be fair to Kagome-sama. She shouldn't have to compete for his affections."

"True," Sango agreed with him. She wished the dense hanyou would get over the walking clay pot and confess his true feelings to Kagome. Anyone who could see the two of them were in love. "If he breaks her heart, I'll break his spine." Her grip tightened on the handle of her sword.

`Thank the gods I'm not in his position,' Miroku thought. Then he noticed how preoccupied Sango was and his curse was activated within a matter of seconds.

"HENTAI!" Sango's first met Miroku's head.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

Out in the nearby forest, Inu Yasha grumbled to himself. It wasn't his fault Kouga was nearly killed. The wimpy wolf got in his way. Why did he always get the blame? No, it was his fault and never Kouga's. Then there was him calling her his woman. Inu Yasha's anger flared whenever the wolf said it. Kouga never got it through his thick skull Kagome wasn't his or even remotely interested. She even told him, several times too!


"He never learns," Inu Yasha sighed after recognizing the owner of the voice. Miroku was most likely unconscious on the hut's floor. It will be awhile before the houshi becomes conscious and ready to grope her again, the never ending cycle.

The inu hanyou leapt from his perch on a high tree branch and raced through the forest that was named after him. He wondered why they would even name a forest after him in the first place, knowing what terrible deeds he had done, but that was the past.

`When I see Kagome, I see Kikyo and when I see Kikyo I see Kagome,' Inu Yasha's mind rationalized, `but they're completely different people. Kikyo is calm, decisive, harsh, and cold. Not to mention, she wants to drag me to hell with her. Kagome is warm, caring, confusing, bright, and cheerful, but at the same time she can be angry, stubborn, and at times unforgiving especially when she "sits" me.'

Deep in his thoughts, Inu Yasha didn't realize how far he had run from Kaede's hut. His demon strength placed a good amount of miles and he wasn't ready to return yet. He wanted to sort through his emotions before he confronted her or them. Sighing to himself, he continued on his way, placing more distance between him and the hut.

The wind blew through his hair as he rushed through the forest. He took no heed to the beautiful scenery as his love life was in shambles. Spring was in full bloom. Several trees were now filled with sweet smelling flowers. Honey bees and humming birds fluttered from flower to flower, gathering its sweet nectar. On the ground, several more flowers presented their splendor to the world.

Unbeknownst to the hanyou, dark clouds began to make their way across the skies, signaling an incoming storm. If Inu Yasha paid any attention, he would have instantly smelled the water droplets gathering up in the sky.

`Why can't I?' Inu Yasha thought to himself. `Why can't I choose?' This question plagued his mind. He liked Kagome even though he didn't show it, but he couldn't let go of Kikyo. She played an important part in his life. If she hadn't been resurrected, he most likely would chose Kagome, though he wasn't going to admit it to her.

He paused to look back. `I wonder what she's doing.'

No doubt the girl in question was at home with her family. He flinched at the thought. His parents were gone and his brother wanted his head. Kagome had her family, albeit a strange one. Her mother kept dropping hints about the two of them getting together. Her grandfather was an old priest with hardly any power. Her younger brother adored him. There was something wrong about that fact. Hanyou weren't treated with honor, both by youkai and ningen.

Now that he thought of it, he hadn't met Kikyo's parents. Every now and then he spent some time with the younger Kaede. He thought she spoke strangely then and wondered where she picked it up. Apparently it wasn't from her older sister so it must be her parents.

Kikyo never did talk about her parents. Like him she avoided such questions. He respected her for that. She wasn't the nosy type and he wasn't going to pry into someone's private life.

Kagome however was open. She allowed her emotions to guide her actions and she wasn't afraid to show her feelings. She can be very nosy though he knew she was just curious. On many occasions, she talked about her mother, her brother, her grandfather, or her friends. Of course, she wasn't talking to him but to their other traveling companions, whom she called friends. Friends, he never had those and he sure wasn't going to, or was he? She had broken down his walls, leaving him vulnerable at times, especially during his human nights.

With an inaudible sigh, he turned away from the hut still comparing the two most important women in his life. In truth, he wanted to deal with this later, but it was putting a strain on the people around him.

Naraku had tricked them into thinking they had betrayed each other. He disguised himself as Inu Yasha and attacked Kikyo while stealing the shikon no tama. Then he disguised himself as Kikyo and shot several arrows at the inu hanyou. He had also returned the jewel, because he wanted it to become beautiful in Kikyo's care. The shikon no tama reflected its possessor. If the possessor was pure, then it became pure; however if she was corrupted, then it became corrupted. Kikyo died purifying the jewel and took it into her next life.

Inu Yasha growled at this memory. He had been pinned to the god tree for fifty years. His grip on his sword hilt became tighter. Recently Kikyo had been brought back from the dead due to the meddling of a witch. Kikyo took back her soul, leaving Kagome lifeless, but when Inu Yasha was in danger, she reclaimed most of her soul. Now Kikyo wandered the earth, collecting souls to keep her presence in this dimension.

Even though Kagome often became angry or very pissed off at him, she usually came back and forgave him. Kikyo never forgave him; although he never attacked her. Her hatred from him was immeasurable. Thinking about it, his ears slightly drooped.

It was then he noticed a heavy scent of water. At first he thought a large body of water was nearby. Realization hit him harder than hiraikotsu on Miroku's head. The dark clouds were an ominous sign of rain. There was nothing worse than the smell of wet dog, at least that was what Shippo kept telling him.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~One Hour Later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A now drenched Inu Yasha shivered in the sudden downpour. At least his fire rat haori kept him somewhat warm. His golden eyes scanned his surroundings for any shelter.

"Looks like I'll gave to camp out in a tree," the hanyou grumbled dryly to no one in particular. He spotted a nice large tree when his eyes caught sight of a small cave opening.

Instantly he rushed towards the dry haven without a thought. A hibernating animal would be long gone by now. He sighed with relief and began to wring out his soaked clothes. Fate wasn't smiling upon him that day for a pair of golden eyes watched the hanyou's every move.

The owner of those golden eyes chuckled to himself. Out of all the caves and huts, the hanyou chose this one to wait out the storm. From the looks of him, he was caught in the storm before he could find a suitable shelter. `Poor puppy,' he thought with mock pity.

Wingzero: Cliffies. I know you love them.

Everyone: ……………………..

Wingzero: Or not.