InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga's Den ❯ A Blessing in Disguise ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kouga's Den
By: Hanyou_swimmer
A Blessing in Disguise
Chapter 7
Inuyasha walked into his house, it had been a long day. That blizzard had nearly wiped out half the village, if he hadn't helped Miroku and a few other villagers dig them out, they would have. Also, if he hadn't helped hunt before the season they have run out of food, and even today he had had to go cut down a good many trees so they wouldn't freeze.
“Oh my kami's” Kagome thought as she paced through her home. “What is he going to say, just last night he said that he was so happy that they were together, just the two of them, what will he say? What if he isn't happy about it, will he hurt her, no he would never do that. What if he's happy? What will happen after the baby is born? Will their baby become his?”
Inuyasha walked up to his home, he smelt something, fear. He raced into the house determined to find Kagome, something was wrong with her. As he walked into the house he noticed that everything was sat out, candles, their eating mats he had had made for their wedding, and tons of ramen, more than even he could eat in one sitting, well maybe not, but close. And then there in front of the fireplace was Kagome, passed out. He raced to his mate and sniffed her, there wasn't any blood and he gently looked over her body there weren't any bruises. What happened? Slowly, he noticed, that her breathing slowed and regulated. She began to open her eyes.
He picked her up and carried her into their bedroom. As Inuyasha walked into the bedroom he sat Kagome on the bed and went to their bucket of water and got a cloth, he put the wet cloth on her head. A few minutes later she was fully awake. “Inuyasha?”
“Kagome, are you okay, what happened?” He asked in a scared tone.
“I don't know, how'd I get up here?”
“I came home and found you by the fireplace, passed out.”
“Oh, well it doesn't surprise me, all of the women in my family do that during the first few months of their pregnancy.”
“Did you just say in the first few months of pregnancy?”
“Kagome?” His breathing becoming more and more heavy.
“Yes I did.” Kagome said looking away.
“So, does that mean..?”
“Yes.” She replied.
“Yes, I'm pregnant.” She said kicking herself.
“So you and me are gonna have a baby?”
“… I guess so.”
“A little shit who won't be able to defend himself, or fed himself or anything?” Inuyasha smiled to himself.
“Yeah I guess so.” Kagome said wishing she had picked a better time to tell him, he looked exhausted and worried about her.
“That's great”
“Really! You're happy?” Kagome said turning her head back to her husband.
“Really, do you think I'd be anything but happy?”
“Well yesterday you said you were happy that it was just the two of us.”
“Well yesterday I didn't know we were having a baby.”
“Wait, we?” Kagome replied. Kagome knew as well as anyone else in the feudal era that when a youkai sired a child it was his alone and he made all of the decisions as to how to raise them.
“Well, yeah do you think I'd be a youkai about this, when I haven't a youkai about anything else in our mating, unless I had to?”
“I guess not” She said getting sleepy.
“Kagome, why don't you go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow.”
Kagome laid her head against Inuyasha's chest and went to sleep.
When Kagome woke up there was an awful smell coming out of the kitchen, Inuyasha wasn't next to her, and she felt sick. No more than thirty seconds later Inuyasha came in and sat a tray that she had brought from her time in, and sat it next to her. It had a bowl of Oden on it and a bowl of ramen. He made her breakfast in bed!
“Hey, I brought you some food, you need to keep your strength up.” He said smirking.
“Um…yea,” she replied, getting sick from the smell of food.
“Hey, you ok?” He asked when she didn't jump at the chance of food, she hadn't eaten dinner the night before.
“Um…yea.” She replied taking the bowl from her husband.
They sat in silence while they ate, until Kagome noticed Inuyasha staring at her. “What are looking at?” She asked a little more harsh than she wanted to.
“You look amazing you know that?” He said looking into her eyes.
“Yea, sure you say that now.” She spat.
“Hey! Wants that mean?” He asked, not understanding why she was upset.
“It means that for over a year I wanted you to say that kind of thing to me and you didn't, always telling me that I was ugly and smelled bad, and now you're saying I look amazing.”
“Well, you do, I was running away from my feelings when I said those things.”
“Yea, sure whatever.” She said getting sad.
“What, do you not believe me?”
“No, I don't.” She said simply.
“Well then I'll just have to show you how good you look then, now won't I.” He said as he started to kiss and lick at her neck, his hands running over breasts and stomach.
Kagome moaned as she leaned into his touch.
Slowly he laid her back down and brought his mouth back up to her's. He reached down and pulled her shirt over her head, breaking the kiss. His hands moved to her newly exposed breasts, as she never wore a bra to bed. He went about massaging her breasts while his mouth gently sucked on her neck, hard enough to drive her wild, but not enough to leave a hickey.
Slowly he moved his hands down to her underwear and removed them slowly moving his mouth down her stomach. He stood up and removed his pajama pants that Kagome had brought him from her time.
He groaned as his erection sprang free. He slowly slid a finger into his wife too make sure she was ready. He then positioned himself at her entrance and in one swift thrust was inside of her.
They both gasped as he entered her. He started to thrust into her swiftly and suddenly, she thrust back, moving her hands up to his ears and rubbing them in time with their thrusts.
Soon enough Inuyasha could tell that he was nearly there, but Kagome wasn't. So he reached down and rubbed her clit. She groaned as he continued to work his magical hand over her aching body. She cried out in release. A few moments later he joined her, screaming her name.
Inuyasha moved over to the side as he removed himself from his wife and moved to hold but found himself being pushed away as she ran outside and threw up her breakfast.
He groaned, this was going to be a long pregnancy.