InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga's Den ❯ Meeting Mom ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kouga's Den
By: Hanyou_swimmer
A/N: Well, this is it, Kouga's Den is over and complete!! Have fun reading this final installment and don't forget to drop a review when you're finished! But first, a response to some past reviews:
Phantombeliever: I'm sorry that you do not lke the changes I have made, but I do hope that you find the story enjoyable none the less!
Sydney: Thank you for your encouragement! I had to do something to end the story and it seemed to fit, that is a good suggestion and I hope you like the epilogue ;)
Ariele/Alex: I hope this meets your standards! Thanx for the review!!
wolf enchantress 340: Thank you for your reviews! You have stayed with the story, and let me personally apologize for the lack of updates!
ryokochan breeze: I did! It's on! Thank you for the review!
jeevesandwooster, Chibes, ultimateromantic, greenJEMS, Justin, Ceaseless Cloudy Days, Inyuasha4ever, big-big-no, INUS BABE!, Dante Gemini, SolarSunRose: Thank you all for your support!
Sinashi : I'm sorry, I just had too… Thank you for the review! I hope you like the epilogue!
Sailor_Linnea: I hope this answers your question! Thank you for the review!
FireGodess22, Gittelbug, caligurl004, DragonChic, choconut76, Kagome-chan2004, PJ: Thank you all for your support! It means a lot too me!
And, Inubunny, I'm sorry to leave so many cliffhangers (*dodges book thrown at head*) I hope you enjoy the epilogue! I'm sorry it took so long!
Inu lvr: Thank you!! For your wonderful review!
Soyosune: See I updated again! (don't come after me with the chainsaw, *cowers behind chair*) Thank you for your reviews, they really helped boost my spirits!
Serena15, Binnkels, freaky ducky, kagomegirl2004, Purley Tainted: Thank you all for your support, it was greatly appreciated!
And last, but certainly not least, Hanyou_elf who kept after me to update, even after I had given up on the story, thanks!
If I missed anyone I truly am sorry To everyone who gave this fic a chance and didn't review, thank you for reading anyway! I never thought I'd have a combined total of 45 reviews, and 4500 hits on any story (or that it would take 2 years…) But before you beat me over the head, remember I haven't written the chapter yet….Haha got ya!
Well here it is, the Epilogue to Kouga's Den!
“Hey Kagome are you ready to go yet?” Inuyasha bellowed from the next room.
“Yea, just let me grab a few diapers for Souta.” Kagome yelled back, hearing the baby begin to cry for her attention.
Souta was son number three and overall child number eight. Of course they never had more than two children in the house at one time. `Inuyasha loves his pups more than life itself but they wore even the most energetic hanyou out.' Kagome smirked at the thought.
“Ok but hurry up we need to leave now if we're going to make it to your Okaa's house before noon.” Inuyasha yelled back.
Kagome was nervous as hell. It had been nearly 500 years since she had last seen her mother and she wanted nothing more than to go run to her and cry into her arms.
The well had indeed closed, after Inuyasha had made his wish on the jewel, wishing that the jewel be removed from existence, having caused too much trouble already. The jewel was purified and ceased to exist. The cost had been Kagome being ripped away from her Okaa and Ji-Chan, something Inuyasha felt horrible for. The only consolation had been that because she was Inuyasha's mate she would live long enough to see her family again.
She walked down the stairs to their suburban home in Tokyo. They had only really just moved back from America, where they had lived from around 1880. They made rare trips to Japan, to check up on relatives but hadn't made one in over 50 years to avoid running in to people who may later on meet Kagome or even possibly Inuyasha.
The house was beautiful, but then again after growing up in crowded Tokyo having this much room was a godsend. She checked the diaper bag one more time to be sure she had everything. Inuyasha was standing at the top of the stairs, looking very agitated at having to wait.
“Look, I'm here and I have everything, so let's just go, before you start on one of your rants!” She snapped at him. He looked like he was about to say something in reply, but after getting a look at her thought better of it, so instead he reached out his hand and took it in hers. He could tell it helped some, but not much as her palms were sweaty, she was fidgety and her scent was heavily laced with anxiety.
“Kagome, it'll be ok, promise.” He whispered to her.
Kazuo looked to his younger siblings, Aiko, his oldest sister was fidgeting. She was only ten years younger than him and she was by far the sibling he was closest to. The rest of his brothers and sisters were born too long after he left home to become close to while they were in childhood. He was grown and mated before most of them were born and children of his own. He and his mate, Cho, a human woman, had two children, both boys and were currently the only grandchildren the family had.
Akio had never met her grandmother before, although she had heard stories from her mother. Her mother always made her out to be a saint and had felt terribly badly because there was always a chance she wouldn't make it back to the mother that had lost so much already. She was more then nervous to meet her, Kagome had often told her that she was very much like her grandmother.
Akio was an authority in interior design in New York, although her older brother made fun of her, it was her passion, and besides who was he to talk, he was a lawyer. She was quite happy, in spite of not having a mate, although she was always looking.
Hanako, and Haruko were twins, born almost fifty years after Akio. Named by their mother because of the light and fragrance they had brought into her life. Akio and Kazuo had been out of the house for a number of years, leaving Kagome with only Inuyasha to come home to. So, of course they were a welcome distraction.
Haruko was mated to a wonderful man named Hideaki and they were expecting their first child in a few months. While her twin was single they did double date often. Neither one was particularly close to any of their other siblings. They worked together in Denver and lived only minutes away from one another. They ran a successful agency, specializing in helping women get out of tough situations. The Agency had recently added a daycare center for some of the high school aged girls in the area who needed childcare to complete their education. After discovering that many of the girls had been raped at some point in their lives they were working on adding a counseling center.
Miroku, their middle son was born nearly eighty years after the twins and almost 100 years after the hentai monk's death.
Miroku and Sango had had only four children, all girls. Inuyasha told him it was retribution for all the women he had groped. Now he had to worry about men groping them, karma really was great. The Monk and Demon Slayer had lived well into their fifties, quite old for the time period.
Inuyasha and Kagome had decided that their fifth child would be named in honor of them, if it was a boy Miroku and if it was a girl Sango. Miroku had honored his namesake greatly by being just as much the womanizer, and on more than one occasion Inuyasha had to step in and save a poor girl from his advances. Currently however, Miroku was mated to a girl named Kumiko. They had been together for nearly five years before she agreed to marry him, not believing that he could possibly give up his love of women.
Miroku worked with Kazuo in the law firm and had a successful track record. When they first started out the elder brother had had his doubts, but Miroku had proven himself several times to be useful, a good lawyer and an asset to the firm. Especially after Kumiko had entered the picture.
Sango, the sixth child in the family was born nearly 100 years after Miroku. She also honored her namesake. Sango owned and operated a chain of gyms around the country. Her gyms specialized in teaching self defense. She often taught the classes herself. But for the next few months that would be put on hold, as she had just found out the day before that she and her mate, Ken were expecting a child of their own and was planning to tell everyone this weekend when they went to visit her parents.
Minako was the youngest daughter in the family. She was very close to Akio and Sango, although she had always been a free spirit. Born seventy five years after Sango she was the only child in the house and since neither Kagome nor Inuyasha had known of they would be able to conceive again, she was a bit spoiled and used to getting her way. She was also not used to sharing her parents attention.
She took after Inuyasha more than the other children and was the definition of a Daddy's girl. She worked with him while they lived in Miami and helped him run his `network' of security centers. Inuyasha had gone into the field of protecting others and often provided bodyguards for high ranking officials and many of the elite in Hollywood.
Minako was mated to a hanyou named, Daichi and was planning to return to Miami after the reunion to run the business as her parents would be staying in Japan.
Souta was what you could call a change of life baby. After Minako had moved out Kagome and Inuyasha had tried to have another child but knew they were pushing it, as they had been mated for nearly 300 years when they had had her and many full youkai couples only were able to have children for the first 350 years of their mating.
So, it was a huge surprise when nearly 200 years later Kagome found out she was pregnant. But when the sonogram showed that the baby was in fact a boy, Kagome knew that this child was to be named Souta. He was the only child that would have the benefit of knowing his grandmother while growing up and she was going to take full advantage of that, and made plans to move back to Japan shortly after. Inuyasha had agreed, knowing that having her mother around was important to her.
“Ok guys look, Mom is going to be very emotional, so I think that maybe we should wait until after she's calmed down before we go rushing in.” Kazuo spoke up.
Akio looked him in the eye, walked over and hit him over the head, “you idiot that's what we were planning to do!”
“Oh, right” He said finally.
“Kagome, are you sure that you're ok?” Inuyasha spoke up as they drove up to the shrine. The twenty minute car ride had been silent and he was beginning to wonder what she was thinking.
She looked over, seemingly coming out of a trance, took his hand and squeezed it. “I'm fine, it's just that it's been so long you know? Plus I really wish Shippo had been able to make it, he's really been looking forward it.”
“Yeah I know, but he'll be here next week and he's bringing Keiko,” he said finally.
“Yeah I know, but still he is our oldest child, but then again with Keiko pregnant I can understand not wanting to chance it and fly.”
“Yea, sometimes I think he's more overprotective of her than I am of you.” Inuyasha said laughing.
“I wouldn't bet on it.” She said back, smirking as she got out of the car.
Inuyasha got out of the car first and walked around to get the baby out of the car seat while Kagome grabbed the bag. He walked around the car with the baby and grabbed her hand and led her to the door.
Tempted to just walk in, but not wanting to startle her mother and Ji-Chan she opted to knock. Less than two minutes later, her mother was at the door, startled, “Kagome, why did you knock?” But her words were cut short as Kagome fell crying into her mother's arms.
“Mama, I missed you so much,” was pretty much the only thing Kagome could manage to say.
Mrs. Higurashi was to her credit holding up well, although she had no idea what was going on.
“Kagome lets go in and I'll make some tea.” Her mother suggested after Kagome's tears had ended.
Kagome nodded as Inuyasha took her arm and led her in. He walked over and sat the baby in the baby swing that used to be Souta's that had been brought out of storage for Kazuo, and then returned to sit next to Kagome.
“Ok, so what happened?” Ayumi finally asked, breaking the silence.
Kagome explained the situation, and told her mother of the past 500 years without her. Mrs. Higurashi stayed quiet until the end of her tale, although Inuyasha broke in at times to correct her memory.
By the time she had finished, they had moved to the living room and Kagome's head was in her mom's lap while Inuyasha tended to the baby.
“So, the baby in there is my grandson, just not Kazuo, his name is Souta?” She asked after a long silence, taking it all in.
“Pretty much,” was all she responded.
“Ok, so where are these other grandchildren? I want to meet them.”
“Ok, I'll get Inuyasha to call them.” With that Kagome went into the kitchen and called her children.
“Ok, so your Kazuo? And you Akio?” Mama Higurashi asked, trying to memorize their names.
“Yup” Kazuo replied.
“I'm so glad this is all working out the way we wanted,” Kagome said to Inuyasha as she looked around at her family “This is how I pictured it.”
“Me too,” he said pulling her in for another kiss, just as Souta started crying to be fed.
Inuyasha groaned while Kagome laughed, “sorry Inu-kun but the baby calls.” She said sweetly as she walked to her son.
The End!!!!! (for real!!)
Sorry if there are some errors, but its 3:13 am and I'm tired. I tried to get as much information in the chapter as possible and still keep it light.
I would love feedback! Well, it's over time to move on.