InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Learning to Love Again ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome spread her feet apart, standing in a defensive position, hands thrust in front of her glowing light blue from where her miko powers were gathered there. She prepared for attack, facing the door as the demon aura gradually became stronger and stronger…

…And gasped as an untransformed Kirara trotted daintily through the open doorway.

-"Oh, dear Gods, Kirara-chan, you scared me half to death!"- Kagome exclaimed, standing straight once again, her miko glow fading as she turned back to her cup of tea. Striding up to the table where her current mistress kneeled sipping the traditional Japanese beverage, the tiny fire cat jumped up to curl up on the short table. Picking up a book entitled Duels with Deadly Dragons by Connie Hogget, she turned to the page on which she'd recently left off and began reading once again.

So engrossed in her book as she was, Kagome never noticed a second aura of the demonic quality quickly approaching. Kirara's head shot up a millisecond before two strong, tan arms wrapped themselves around her mistress' waist.

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked his companion, taking a sip of pumpkin juice and picking up another cinnamon-roll from the ornate bowl that sat in front of him on the table.

Beside him, Hermione turned to him. "Yeah, it sounded like somebody screamed," she agreed, a perplexed expression crossing her features.

Shrugging, the two went back to their breakfast.

Kouga quickly slapped a hand over Kagome's mouth as she screamed bloody murder. -"Kagome! Kagome, it's just me!"- He tried calming her down, turning her around on her cushion to look him in the face.

The terrified expression melted from her countenance to be replaced with confusion, surprise, and then finally joy. Removing his hand from her mouth as she began to talk, Kouga stepped back and reached behind his back.

-"Oh, my God! Kouga-kun what are you doing here? How did you get here? Why are you here? I'm so happy to see you! I've missed you guys so much and lately I've been getting really homesick and I miss not having anyone to fight with and I had this really weird dream and I'm so confused and then there's that whole thing with Inuyasha and Kikyo and I've been so lonely and sad lately and oh, my God, is that a puppy?!"- she exclaimed as the wolf youkai pulled a tiny, slumbering wolf cub from where it'd been wrapped in his tail to hand to her.

Kagome coddled the little creature to her chest with a bright smile planted on her face. Squealing in delight as the tiny cub opened its little mouth wide to yawn, showing off its minute milk teeth, and began wriggling around in her arms, she brought its face up to hers and rubbed its little, wet nose against her own.

-"He's so adorable!"- she exclaimed, flashing a brilliant smile in Kouga's direction that had him thinking he was going to faint.

Almost fainting again as Kagome suddenly through herself at him, wrapping one arm around his neck while the other held the little wolf cub between them, Kouga grinned stupidly and hugged her back.

-"Thank you so much, Kouga-kun! You're so sweet!"- Kagome whispered, remembering to keep her voice low near his sensitive ears. Kouga's cheeks took on a slightly pink shade as the woman in his arms turned her head to peck a quick kiss onto his cheek. At that exact moment, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle strode in through the door.

Throwing a glare towards his oblivious Professor who was still hanging around the strange man's neck, Draco took a seat at a table along with his two lackeys. They watched silently as the two communicated in a language that must have been Japanese.

-"One of the female wolfs had cubs about a week ago and I thought he'd be a good gift. I hope you like him,"- Kouga told her as she detached herself from him and backed away.

Draco and the other two now had a clear view of the odd man. Er- whatever he was. He was very tall and very tan and had jet black hair, not unlike Kagome. He was dressed in what appeared to be some kind of animal fur and some serious-looking chest armor. Speaking of which, this guy was seriously ripped! He had muscles on his bloody muscles, for God's sake! Fighting down the jealousy that welled up in him as the creature said something to make Kagome blush and promptly smirked smugly, showing off a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth and fangs, Draco continued his examination. A hand, equipped in lethal claws, idly rested on the hilt of what appeared to be a sword on his left hip. All in all, the thing looked battle-ready and pretty damn deadly to anyone who crossed his path.

Blushing, Kagome smiled, still unaware of their audience. -"I love him, Kouga-kun! Thank you so much!"- Thinking for a moment, a troubling thought suddenly occurred to her. -"Uh, Kouga-kun, how am I supposed to feed him? I mean, you certainly don't expect me to… er-… well, you know… uh…"- she stumbled through her explanation, only serving her face to become more heated.

Blinking in confusion, not really comprehending what exactly what the girl was trying to say, Kouga stopped her stuttering. -"Well, the taijiya said that you had the fire-cat and I figured that she could feed him until he's weaned,"- he explained.

-"Oh, okay, I'm sure Kirara-chan won't mind that at all!"- Kagome exclaimed, inwardly sighing in relief. -'Of course he didn't mean that! What was I thinking?!'- She continued, looking down at the little cub still squirming in her arms, -"I'll call you 'Miryoku,' because I can tell you're going to be a charmer, just like Kouga-kun!"- Said wolf youkai's cheeks reddened just a little at this statement as he smiled down at the oblivious Kagome.

Everyone, including Hermione, Ron, and Harry, were seated and ready for class when Kagome finally took notice of them. Turning to her students with a smile, she said, "Sorry to keep you waiting, class! I was preoccupied. This is Kouga, by the way," she explained, pointing to her confused companion.

"Hello, Kouga," the class recited politely before a storm of whispers took over the room.

"Isn't that the guy who knocked down Colin in the South Wing hallway?"

"I heard he came out of the Gryffindor common room's fireplace this morning."

"Wow, he's hot!"

"Is that a tail?"

"Look at those muscles!"

"Where in the bloody Hell did he come from?"

"I wonder if he's a demon

-"What language is that?"- Kouga asked Kagome as she coddled Miryoku, cooing endearments to him softly.

-"That's English, Kouga-kun. It's what they speak here. These kids are all witches and wizards and this is a school for them. I'm their teacher,"- she explained, smiling amiably.

Kouga's eyes shined with pride at his woman's intelligence. She was instructing children in the art of magic and in a whole other language, to top it off! How many other languages could she speak, he wondered. -"Kagome, you're the smartest woman I've ever met,"- he complimented sincerely as he clasped both of her small, soft hands in his own two large, calloused ones.

-"Oh, stop flattering me!"- she smiled, blushing and slapping his arm playfully. -"Say, Kouga-kun, would you mind terribly helping me with my lessons?"-

-"Of course not, Kagome. Anything for my woman!"-

Nodding and sitting Miryoku down beside Kirara on her table, Kagome turned back to her class. "Class, Kouga will be helping me with our lessons for today. As you may have guessed by his tail," here, she grabbed his tail and held it up for the students to see and Kouga almost jumped out of his skin when he felt her touch his sensitive appendage, "he's a wolf demon. Kouga is royalty, you see, as he is the prince of the Wolf Demon Clan. He comes from the Feudal Era in ancient Japan, where I met him. Now, as a demon, Kouga has many dark powers that, if not protected from properly, can be very fatal."

As Kagome continued to explain about demons and the dark powers they possessed, a dark figure in the Forbidden Forest continued to lurk.















