InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Forget the Past ❯ Lady Luck has Left ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This story has been co-authored by Naruko-sama and myself.
It was another bright and beautiful day in the life of Hojo. The birds were singing, the wind was refreshing, and the love of his life had yet again turned him down in his pursuit of her. But it mattered not. She still took his gift for her that means that there was still hope for him yet. Maybe if he talked to her friends they could arrange a day where both she and he could get together on a date, to the movies. He knew they would help, they had before. "I only wish she weren't sick all the time. That rheumatoid arthritis must be really bad to keep her home as much as it does. Poor Kagome” He sighed wistfully.
Meanwhile, Naruko and Sumaru sat in the bushes watching the silently despairing figure. "He's an idiot," Sumaru said, only after Hojo was out of earshot. "Can't he tell she's not interested?"
"That's the problem," Naruko said, "He knows, but he just can't accept it." She frowned. "Actually, I'm worried about Kagome, too. This is the sixth disease she's had in the last two months, and only one of them non-terminal. Do you think she has one of those auto-immune disorders?"
Sumaru shrugged, "More likely, she's leading the poor sucker on."
"I hope not… I'd rather not have to go to the trouble of getting revenge on her. Especially since we're supposed to be friends."
"Let's go," Sumaru said, getting up. "Watching your cousin's getting pretty boring, anyway. And this prospect of revenge is exciting to me."
Sumaru chuckled a bit nastily. "Come one Naruko-chan, let's follow her. It might turn out to be fun, either way we will find out what's happening when she's 'sick'."
Naruko glared at him. "You know I hate it when you call me Naruko-chan." She whispered fiercely. Sumaru just grinned innocently at her and Naruko just rolled her eyes and began walking in the direction that Kagome had taken.
Before long they reached Kagome's house. But saw her exiting out the back way with a large backpack about twice the size of her. "Oh yeah,” Sumaru said sarcastically, "She's very sick." Naruko nodded in agreement and they moved in for a closer look. Soon they got to the door of the well house.
The door was stuck shut. Sumaru kicked at it until the door burst open in a flurry of splinters and dust. "Be careful," Naruko chided. "This isn't your house!"
"The door was stuck," Sumaru said, shaking his head. "Besides, it looks like someone else has already done a number on this place. It stinks." The whole place reeked of ancient smells, like dead bodies and dried blood steeped in wood for centuries.
"Some hang out," Sumaru said, looking around. "No wonder she gets sick so often- place is probably disease-ridden." They took a few steps towards the well. It had obviously been covered, once. Nails stuck up from the planks, half-ripped out. It looked as though something had forced them out. Something powerful.
"Where did she go?" Naruko mused. "Kagome? Ka-go-me!"
"Maybe she fell down the well," Sumaru suggested, with a smirk.
"And if she did whose fault would that be." Naruko said poking him roughly in the chest. She swung legs over the edge of the well and prepared herself to jump down into the dark well.
"Hey!" Sumaru leapt after her in surprise. "Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing?!"
"If she fell down because you are being an idiot. I'm not going to be blamed for it. Are you coming or not?" She looked at him with a fierce glare.
"Alright, alright, I'll come; just don't get your panties in a twist. It's not my fault she's an idiot, and comes out to an old smelly well rather than go to school." At another glare from Naruko he stood on the rim of the well looking down. "Are you sure about this? Seems stupid if you ask me."
"I'm sure- Kagome has no business sneaking around like this. I want to find out what's going on, why she has to cut school."
"So basically," Sumaru said, "You're risking our lives because you feel like spying." "Well of course if you put it like that it's going to sound ba-"
Naruko abruptly turned around and started to climb down the well wall clutching at the rocks and earth in order to keep from falling. Sumaru seeing this and knowing that any argument on his part was futile started to make his own way down the stone well.
“Naruko, come on please stop this you haven't really thought this through.”
Just as she was about to reply she broke off in a scream; she'd lost her grip on the grimy surface of the stones and fell. Falling backwards, she had an overwhelming feeling of helplessness that she was unaccustomed to. She couldn't even see where she was falling to. And yet, among her fear, there was a very calm, rational voice. A voice that seemed to dwell upon the sole fact that she hadn't ever actually felt herself let go.
It was almost like she'd been pushed.
"Naru-chan!" Sumaru called, looking down below. There was no angry follow-up regarding the loathed pet-name. He bit his lip, trying to peer into the darkness below. "Naruko? Are you all right?" It was a stupid question. If she wasn't answering, then she probably wasn't all right.
Sumaru started to climb back up, concentrated on keeping his grip on the stones. Why was Naruko such an idiot? She couldn't just leave well-enough alone. No, she had to go and stick her big nose in everything.
Sumaru knew there wasn't much he could do. Apart from the fact that he'd probably end up killing himself too (if she was dead- he didn't know that yet), he had no methods of helping her. He had to get that help.
The reasoning was cold, and calculating. Completely alien in his hazy panic. He climbed back up the wall with a steadfastness he hadn't known he possessed, gripping the stones so tightly that his fingers ached.
Suddenly, it was as if a sharp bolt of wind slammed against him. He was forced away from the grimy wall, falling into the gaping mouth below him, yelling fearfully until his consciousness winked away.
Sumaru didn't know what was happening to him. Sharp pain flowed through his system, his scalp was on fire, it felt as if nails were being driven into his mouth and his finger. He looked at the hands in front of his face the only things he could see and make out. Blood began to wind it's way around his arms staining crimson stripes into his skin. Suddenly the pain magnified even further, but, just beyond the pain he recognized his world flash a comforting blue and then nothing.
This story is not really planned out, hasn't been beta'd, I'll probably beta it myself when I have time. Read and Review. Or just read. I'd say it was created out of insanity, but this isn't nearly as insane as other people's fictions.
On another note: I like to stare into fires. They are funny.
-Talia Naeva