InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Linked Love ❯ 50 Year Old Curse ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hi, hope you'll like this story, it's been in my head for a long time and it's driving me crazy.
Summary: Inuyasha has awakened from his curse and is looking for revenge. Only one problem, he got the wrong girl.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha group.
Linked Love
Chapter One: 50 Year Old Curse
By: Diren Dark
The shrine collapsed right after a half-demon in red burst through the roof and into the sky. “So there”, he smirked, reveling a pearl white fang, as the humans scattered looking for cover. His golden eye, which held a tint of amber in them, glanced down to the pink jewel in his claw hands. “Finally a way for me to became all demon at last” he spoke as he jumped over a shrine and out of the village.
“Inuyasha!!” cried a young priestess as she turned to face the direction of the half-demon and shot her sacred arrow.
The half-demon that was called Inuyasha rushed into the forest, only to be stopped by an arrow that shot through his chest, pinning him to a tree. Losing the grip of the pink jewel necklace which he desperately wanted, fell a few feet away from him.
Looking up to his shooter, Inuyasha saw the priestess, with her raven-hair blowing in the wind and her brown eyes full of hate that pin pointed to him. She stood there emotionless with her bow still in her hand.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha spoke while shuttering his words, “How could-I though…” Then the curse finally started to take over him and fell asleep for all eternity.
Kikyo grunted in pain while she walked to the crystal, leaving a trail of blood behind her. Losing her strength because of her wound in her shoulder, Kikyo dropped to her knees and her bow behind her.
“Big Sister” cried a young girl with a bandaged wrapped around her right eye. Kneeling beside her to see if her sister was ok with the rest of the villagers close behind.
One of the villagers saw the injury, “Lady Kikyo, that wound” but he was quickly interrupted by the concerned little sister, “Your hurt really badly.”
“I forgot who I- Now see what…” paused the priestess as she took the pink jem into her hands, “All for this, the scared jewel which” sadly before she could finish her sentence, Kikyo whimpered in pain.
“Your in pain, let someone,” spoke the little girl, holding her sister without causing her pain.
“I won't be here much longer and so I give this to you, Kaede…” Kikyo said while coming out of her sister's embrace to give her the jewel, “The Shikon No Tama, which you must burn with my body…It must not fall into the hands of those who would abuse it.” Giving her last request and energy, she fell to the ground with the Shikon No Tama held closely to her and died.
Kaede screamed at her sister with all her might, “Sister Kikyo…Sister Kikyo!!!”
***Later this century***
Kaede, after her sister's death, did Kikyo' s last wish and burned her with the jewel. Kikyo now laid rest in her grave, watch over the village in heaven.
Kaede moved into one of the villager's home and trained with the new priest of the village. Soon she took over his position and started a family. All these events happen in last 50 years. Even now everyone still respects Priestess Kikyo in the small village.
Now Kaede is 58 years old and she is still the priestess of the village, refusing to die easily. She walked around her hometown with a bow in one hand, scouting out trouble.
She wore her grayed hair in a low ponytail, which was held by a white ribbon. The old woman also wore the traditional miko/priestess outfit, just like her sister before her. Which were a white kimono top and a red hakama, also an eye patch for her old wound.
“Grandma, grandma!” shouted a young boy. The old woman turn around with a big smile on her wrinkly face, realizing it was her youngest grandchild. He wore a blue, knee length kimono.
The boy looked up with his big brown eyes that were half hidden behind his midnight coloured bangs.
“Yes, what Souta, what does ye want” spoke lady Kaede.
“Kagome hasn't done her chores yet and she's in the forest alone, looking at him again!” Souta whined to his grandmother.
Old Kaede sighed; her oldest grandchild was a troublesome one. “Ye lead the way,” she mumbled. He nodded and led her to the edge of the village and into Inuyasha forest, named after the half-demon pierced by Kikyo' s arrow.
A young girl, dressed in a green kimono with white flower patterns, walked around a giant tree. The tree was known as the god tree, for it big branches reached to the sky to the gods above. It is the same tree where the half-demon was pinned; looking at him if he was peacefully asleep.
The girl heard so many stories about him, how he stole the jewel and how the great priestess Kikyo stopped him. Her grandmother told many of those stories when she was little.
She tossed her raven hair behind her to see clearly where she was climbing the roots that led to the tree. So she can see the pinned boy up close.
The half-demon was dressed in an all red haori and hakama. His long silver hair blow in the wind. The fangs poked out of his mouth while his claws rested against the tree and if his eyes would be open it would be a golden, or that was what the girl was told. The best thing about him was his ears. They weren't demon or humans ears; in fact, they were dog ears that sat onto of his head.
`I love to touch those ears!' squeaked the mind of the raven-haired girl.
Tearing her blue eyes away from the ears and down to the arrow. It was still in good shape considering that it was made 50 years ago. Slowly she ran her finger up and down the arrow, memorizing every detail.
“Kagome, ye shouldn't be touching thy arrow, my child,” shouted the old woman from behind.
The girl, known as Kagome, turned around knowing that she was caught, again. This happen every month, Kagome would wonder off to Inuyasha and examine him for some strange reason. When she was little, she said she saw him move and glowing too. Everyone told her it was her imagination, but Kagome was too stubborn to admit that she was wrong and still thinks that he's moving.
“Come, let's go my child, ye still has many chores before ye's mother comes back” announced Kaede.
“B-but grandma just wait a minute, I did see him moving” wined Kagome, trying to convince her to believe her.
“Kagome don't be a baby, its so embarrassing for a kid to be more mature than his older sister.” Said the small boy from behind his grandmother. She growled at him and started to down the old tree to teach her brother a thing or two in respect.
“But ye specks the truth,” spoke the old woman, “Your little brother is more responsible than ye. Soon ye must be wed, you shouldn't act like a child.”
Knowing it was true, Souta was more responsible than her, but it still hurt to hear. Giving up, Kagome jumped off the tree's roots and began her way back to her village with her family. But before leaving, she turned around, narrowing her ocean coloured eyes, she threaten to the pinned boy.
“I'll be back and I'll know why your moving Inuyasha…mark my words,” and with that Kagome spun around to join her grandma and little brother. As the family went back to their normal routine, but they were unaware of the danger they'll soon be in. For the seal is broken.
A/N: This chapter basically took me one day, but it's worth it. The only problem I gt with this story is the title. If you think I should change it or you ideas of what it should be called, then tell. Please and thank you.
Bye, bye.!