InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Inu Yasha ❯ Seshomaru ( Chapter 3 )

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**** The next set of chapters are indebted to Lindsey Nelson who kindly answered my cry for help on how to get this story onwards. I'm sorry to say, however I was wrong about the stranger not being Sessho, and that the idea of Inuyasha thinking of Kagome as his mom is just too disturbing for me to stomach. Sweet and cute, but too weird considering that they are my favorite couple. Anyway, on with the story ****

After a long three hours of chasing Inuyasha and Shippo about the trees, it finally quieted down when Kagome managed by pure luck to grab Inuyasha by the collar and Kirara sneak-attacked Shippo to the ground. This of course led to the infamous Blame Game, pointing figures and all, where the judge (Kagome) sentenced both to their separate sides of the camp site for something she called 'quiet time'. It took Inuyasha only five seconds before he realized that what she really had given them was a time-out, something he hadn't been given since he was two years old by his mother, and therefore spent the time scowling.

Dinner went by more peacefully thought, despite Inuyasha taking vengeance on Shippo by sitting in Kagome's lap and eating his ramen there. If there was one thing the magical dust didn't do, it was change his love for the future food, or his manners for that matter either. It took some discreet pushing, but Kagome found that Inuyasha had said Okachan before, but it was out of memory and she didn't push him further as it seemed to pain him to think about her. The night was slowly drawing to an end when Inuyasha lay curled up like a cat in Kagome's arms and Shippo had followed his lead. None of the others wanted to awaken them, nor had to heart to to move them too much, so Sango slept near Kirara and Shippo, banishing Miroku to the other end, away from both girls, wail Kagome skillfully place both herself and Inuyasha under the covers of her sleeping bag, pushing aside that fact that Inuyasha wasn't a little boy at all and using the excuse, 'Well, we are in clothes,'. Within an hours time everyone had fallen into a deep-sea dream.

In the shadows stood the the silver haired figure, waiting for the odd ball pack to slip into a heavy slumber before entering the campsite. If any of them had been awake they would have seen the crescent moon crest in his forehead and the red strips on his face along with the long white hair. Sessomaru had watched in amazement the events of the day, from the point of the females learning what had happened to his brother. True it amused him over the irony and how the one called Kagome had acted much like Izayoi, the last former Lady of the Western Lands (I saw the 3rd movie and Inuyasha's mom's name really is Izayoi. Baby Inu is sooo cute!)

It wasn't that Sesshomaru had really hated the woman, it was just too soon for himand he was still mourning his mother's death. Maybe not out loud, but the woman's constantpushing to gain his trust and friendship had caused him to have a firce loyalty towards his mother's memory. That and he suffered a great deal of jealousy over the fact that their father had rushed to Izayoi's side on the night Inuyasha was born, unlike how he was too busy with a meeting to be bothered with his first son's birth. Then again, Sesshomaru didn't know how Inuyasha would take it if he learned the truth, that the night he was born , their father died protecting him and his mother.

Sesshomaru had gotten to hold Inuyasha as an infant. At the time he was about 16 in appearance, about Inuyasha's age. It had surprised him that the ninge woman had graced him to be the first male to hold the tiny being. A ghost of a smile appeared when he recalled how the tiny fragile fingers had grasped one of his locks, and how cute the giggles of his baby baby were. At the time, Inuyasha seemed so small and weak, like one wrong move and he would shatter in his arms. From that day, Sesshomaru swore he would make Inuyasha strong, even if it meant they would have to hate each other.

Of course, playing the 'evil big brother' wasn't easy, especially if one never wanted to play it to begin with. So when he learned of his brother 'mishap' Sesshomaru saw this as a chance to rebuild their brotherly bond. That was, if he could get Inuyasha away from the other.