InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Locking you out ❯ now you see me, now you don't ( Chapter 1 )

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locking you out

Anime > Inuyasha >>> locking you out by black sakura | Reviews | ChaptersStory Index1. now you see me, now you don't2. the plan3. losing you, losing myself4. winter formal5. why do i feel this way?6. away from me7. broken heart, broken trust8. fiction we live9. lil authors note10. complicated11. i see you, i really do >>

" oh! will you shut up! " an annoyed raven haired girl said as she grabbed a baseball bat and destroyed her alarm clock. yep, that was number 50. her mother was going to kill her. she rubbed her eyes then jumped off her bed. she went to her closet and got out a black shirt that said in red,
" Love Ya! " and black and red cargo pants.

and then she got out her black converse sneakers. after she got dressed she went downstairs to eat breakfast. " morning mom. " kagome said as she made her way into the kitchen. " another alarm clock busted huh? " ms. higurashi asked with a smile. " yep. you know the drill mom. you by alarms i destroy. " kagome said with a smile. ms. higurashi chuckled and said, " i guess so. ".
then kagome's little brother walked in.
(( he's fourteen in this one ok? i thought that would be cool. ))

" hey sis. hey mom. " souta said as he found a seat at the table. " hey lil bro. mom i gotta go to the torture place called school so i'll have a toast to go please. " kagome said. " here you go that'll be $1.50 " ms. higurashi said as she handed kagome buttered toast. kagome smiled and kissed her mom on the cheek then left for school.

kagome walked ever so slowly to the hell hole called school. for some teens it would be cool cause you get to see your friends and maybe your significant other. well for kagome, she did have an eye for somebody. in fact, he was her friend for four years. he had long silver hair and peircing golden eyes. and the cutest fluffy ears on top of his head. she had a crush on him since the day they met. yet he had no idea. the worst part of all, is that he loved someone else. the school beauty kikio.

she saw the way he looked at her. it was as if he didn't even notice her when she talked to him.
and his name... was inuyasha. that name gave her pang of sadness and happiness at the same time.
sadness because he loved someone else and not her. happiness because she loved him. kagome knew that she had to get over him. face it, you can't MAKE someone love you. that's not how it works. kagome smiled sadly, ' i wish it did work like that. ' she thought sadly.

after ten minutes of walking kagome found out that she was in front of her. ' well.. here we go. ' kagome thought. she walked into the building and headed towards her homeroom. when she walked in she noticed her friends waving at her and smiling. she faked a smile and walked over to them. " kags! what's up girl? " a girl with brown hair and brown eyes asked. she had her hair in a high ponytail and she wore a dark blue shirt that had ' touch me and you die ' in white. she wore long black pants and dark blue converese.

" nothing much. " kagome said with a smile.
" lady kagome! did you do your homework for math? see i forgot and i need someone to copy off of! and all my so-called friends won't let me copy! " a boy with black hair and blue eyes said with pleading eyes. he wore a black shirt that said
' i like big butts! ' in white and he wore baggy black and blue cargo pants with black converse.

kagome sweatdropped. " miroku! you i'm bad at math! most likely i got everything wrong! " kagome said. "aww man! " miroku said as he snapped his fingers. " stop complaining miroku. sheesh. " a boy with black hair and cobalt blue eyes said. he wore a green shirt that said ' i'm out of bed and dressed, what more do you want? ' in black and he wore black baggy pants with green converse.

" stop being mean to me koga! " miroku said with anime eyes. " ugh whatever. " koga said as he rolled his eyes. " miroku forgot to do his math again? " a familiar voice said from behind kagome. kagome inwardly jumped and turned around. there he was. the boy she loved so much.
he wore a red shirt that said in whit ' i love swords ' and he wore black baggy pants with chains at the side and he wore red converse.

" hi inu! what's up? " kagome asked shakily.
" fine just tried to talk to kikio again but she was busy talking to her friends. man. i wonder if i'll ever get her attention. " inuyasha said in an airy way. kagome's heart plummeted. she hated it when he talked about her. she bet that kikio didn't even know that he was alive. " OK CLASS SIT! TIME FOR ATTENDANCE! " mr. myoga said loudly.

kagome and inuyasha took their seats kagome was behind of inuyasha. all she did was stare at his back with watery eyes. ' do you see me? or maybe..... just maybe... you don't ' kagome thought sadly.
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! another story! :-D well i hope ya guys like this one too well toodles!
with all the love a heart can posses,
Broken Heart