InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Innocence ❯ Three Years... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

NOOOOOOO!!! No internet acsess for two whole days!! How will I live?? ::sighs:: I guess I'll just write my fanfics instead of going online.... but I have so many friends that I talk to online.... two whole days with no interenet.... well, something good happened to me! I got to meet my best friend from Virginia today! Isn't that awesome?!

Anyway....Sorry, yet again, that I haven't updated in quite awhile. But, this time I have an excuse for a chapter being soooo late! Let me tell you this great excuse of mine.... Well.... I had to read a book for a book report due the next week (that book report was due today, and I didn't even finish the book, but I did the book report anyway), and, I also have 3 bible essays due this Monday. It's already Friday, and I still haven't started not one of those essay -_-;; That's the best excuse I could come up with that wasn't a lie, so if you don't accept this brilliant excuse of mine, talk to my monkeys ::glances at the evil monkeys siting on bed::

Oh yeah... this chapter is actually a diary entry... it's pretty short. Gomen, but I just don't think she'd write a really long diary entry.... forgive me, and if you don't, then I'll jump for joy! ^__^ (not really)

Please note: I only indent on diary entries that Kagome makes, never any other time. So don't think this is a permanent thing.

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Dear Diary,

It is three years today that I have been writing in you. I know that some people think that diarys are for people that have no life. I must say, I disagree completely. To me, the word "diary" means:

a reflection of a person's soul

Somebody's deepest, darkest secrets

A friend who won't tell anything you say, no matter what

My best friend

I know; you think I'm crazy, right? So do I. And I'm perfectly okay with that.

Now that we've got that over with, it is also the 3rd year anniversary of my father's death in that gang shooting. He was not a gang memeber, as you already know. He was a well-respected business man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. ::sighs:: I just wish he would've taken his advice to me on the day he died; watch out for gang shootings, there seemed to be a lot of them that one week in April.*A/N-That was the comment she missed from her dad, if you didn't catch it; The comment in the first chapter that she didn't hear...*

I still have not completely gotten over his death. But does anybody ever really get over a loved one's death? I think not. I also, unfortunately, have never found the bastard that pulled the trigger. And the reason I would like to find him, is because I think he did it on purpose. I think he knew my father was right there, but he didn't give a damn and shot anyway. I will find him and kill him.... I know, harsh talk for a 15 (16 in a week) year old.... but I lost my father to some stupid rap-loser.... wouldn't you want revenge, too? 'Course you would.

Another thing; tomorrow is Suzuna's birthday. She is turning three years old. She is so kawaii; too bad she was born the day after her father's death. Well, for now she doesn't need to worry about that.

Suzuna has grown to be very fond of me. She doesn't like my mother much. Can't say I blame her. My mom became an alcaholic the day after Suzuna was born. She didn't become an alcaholic because Suzuna was born, but because my father died. She just couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to drown her sorrows in any alcaholic beverage she could find. To be completely honest, I kind of pity her. My mother lost her husband at the young age of twenty-nine. *A/N-Mrs. Higurashi had Kagome when she was sixteen; she's not a slut, my mom had my older sister when she was sixteen it wasn't with the man she's with now; and Kagome (in my other fanfic, Secrets Revealed/sequl) had her twin daughters when she was fifteen* If I were her, I'd be pissed off at the world, and probally commit suicide. But my mom is tougher than that. I know it's a sign of weakness, drinking and all, but at least she didn't kill herself. Well, I must go now; I'm going out with Inu-Yasha, Sango, and Miroku to buy Suzuna a preasent for her birthday tomorrow.

Ja ne,


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Damn, that was a short diary entry. But, by the time I post this chapter, the next one will probally already have been written. So, that means no reviews with: "Oh my god, I can't believe you! You wrote such a short chapter! I will now do my 'I hate you' dance to show you how much I hate you! Ha. Ha-ha!" Or something involving how short this chapter is, 'cause I already know that it's short, so leave me alone! ::cries fake tears so you will pity her:: Hey, that's a lie! I'm really crying! ::sure you are....:: I am! I'm offended!! ::cries fake tears (again)::

Oh, yeah. And I might change the fanfic's name to "Dear Diary..." Review and tell me what you think of the name!