InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love? ❯ Mornings... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: If I actually owned Inuyasha, do you seriously think I would be wasting my time here??
Ch. 1: Mornings...
*BEEP, BEEP, BE—SMASH* Inuyasha was terrible in the mornings. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up. Damn, its morning already. Seems like just a few hours ago I was with Kik— "DAMMIT! Where the hell could she--!" Inuyasha was cut off by a pillow to the face. "Ow, what the...?"
"By now," someone said from a bed across the room, "you should know better than to wake me like that." That ice cold, lifeless voice came from Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's older half-brother and full-demon. He also wasn't a morning youkai.
Slowly, Sesshomaru sat up and just stared at the ground for a moment.
"Damn, Sessh, what was in that pillow?" Inuyasha asked, rubbing his head where a lump was slowly forming.
"What, did Inuyasha, the great inu-hanyou, just get hurt by a bag of feathers?" Sesshomaru asked tauntingly.
"Oh, just shut up! You know being with Kikyo can put me in a bad mood!" Inuyasha shot back. Now he was up and out of bed, looking through the fridge for something to eat. There was absolutely nothing, considering the boys both ate more than three boys their age. Neither one of the Taisho boys were good in the morning.
"Then why the hell are you still with her?" Sesshomaru asked in his icy voice.
"You know why, so don't make me say it," Inuyasha replied. By this time, Sesshomaru was in the bathroom, trying unsuccessfully to tame his wild, silver. The hair that any girl could go nuts over, he thought. He only asked his brother that question because he wanted to see if he would actually answer.
"Who said I knew?" Sesshomaru asked, taunting his half-brother as much as he could.
"Dammit, Sesshomaru, you know I'm trying to make her jealous," Inuyasha mumbled to no one in particular.
"What?" Sesshomaru teased. In truth, he could hear everything Inuyasha was saying and doing.
Inuyasha's temper flared. Sesshomaru knew that she was a sore spot for him, and he absolutely hated to talk about her. Yet, he still taunted him. Sesshomaru knew all the right buttons to push to truly piss him off.
Inuyasha thanked the gods that all his yelling was covering the sounds of him searching. What he didn't realize was that he was not quiet enough in his searching to hide the noise from pure-blood youkai ears.
"Don't even think about getting Tetsusaiga!" That was the first time in a couple of months Sesshomaru had snapped. He could feel his anger rising, his eyes turning red, his inner-youkai threatening to take control of his body. He was not going to let that happen, though. After a few seconds, his inner-youkai calmed and he was in control again.
Control yourself, Lord Sesshomaru. You know you can beat him. Your father may have given you a useless sword and your half-brother the greatest of the three Swords of the Fang, but you make up for that by being full-demon. This coming from a blood-thirsty inner-youkai, Sesshomaru thought.
Suddenly, Inuyasha was attacking him. Sesshomaru was practically weaponless, so he was forced to dodge the attacks for a while, hoping his brother would tire. He then realized that his brother must have been training when Sesshomaru wasn't around, because Inuyasha was not tiring as quickly as he used to. His brother was getting better. Okay, enough of this! Sesshomaru cracked his knuckles, releasing the poison onto his claws. He slashed his brother a couple times, giving him enough poison to kill a full-grown human. He smiled a bit as his brother collapsed into unconsciousness within a couple seconds, fighting the poison all the way. He's even becoming a bit immune to my poison.
As soon as he was sure his brother was out, he walked outside and headed off for school, smiling inside at the thought of his brother being late... again.
*BEEP, BEEP* Kagome pressed the snooze button one more time. It wouldn't work. Damn. Slowly, she got up and looked around. It took her a second to realize why the room looked odd. Then she realized that there were two people in the bed beside her own. "Sango...?" she asked a bit nervously.
"Uhhh..." one person groaned. Now she knew who the other person was, and she was mad.
"MIROKU, GET OUT!" Kagome yelled as she tried to cover herself as much as possible. After all, Miroku was a known pervert, and she was in a small shirt and short shorts.
"Kag, its okay! He's here with me!" Sango yelled back. She and Miroku both sat up, the covers falling around their waists. She then quickly grabbed them back as soon as she realized that she wasn't wearing anything except a pair of Miroku's boxers.
After admiring her man's well-toned chest, deep in thought, she got a bit mad at Kagome. We're a brand new couple, Sango thought. What could she expect from us?
"Yeah, I can see he's with you! You were in the same bed, so he couldn't be with me!"
"Jealous?" Miroku smirked. He absolutely loved teasing Kagome. It had always been like that, even before he got together with his dear Sango. The great thing was that no matter how mad Kagome got, he could almost always cheer her up.
"HELL NO, YOU PERVERT! Couldn't you at least wait until I went to stay at Grandpa's shrine?"
"Kagome—" Miroku started as he gathered his stuff.
"Don't start with me, houshi!" she put in.
"Don't you think you're over-reacting?" he finished. By now, he noticed he wouldn't be safe if he stayed for much longer. "Bye, Sango dear, I'll see you on the way to school! AHHH!" Miroku barely made it out the door before he was hit by a lamp.
Kagome stood there, fuming. She did not like absolutely any guys around her while she was sleeping. She was way too...vulnerable. She thought Sango knew that. After all, they were sisters in all but blood. Kagome turned and looked at her "sister," hands on her hips.
"What?" Sango asked. She was almost done getting ready, and now she was looking at the mirror, trying to finish her hair.
"You know what."
Sango turned and looked at her best friend, who was now gathering her school things. They were the two most popular girls in school, yet only one of them had a boyfriend. Why is Kagome still single? It certainly couldn't be her looks, though she did look a little bit Goth with all the black and dark colors she wore. Right now she had a short, black skirt with fishnet stockings. She had a deep blue, tight tank-top on, with black earrings, bracelets, and a necklace. We need to get her a new wardrobe.
"I think you're just jealous, just like Miroku said," stated Sango, smirking. Let's see if I can draw out an answer, she thought slyly.
"Why would I be? I don't like Miroku!! He's yours!"
"I know that! I was talking about someone else!"
"Oh." Kagome blushed.
"I think you're waiting for a certain silver-haired boy to ask you out! The problem is, if you wait much longer, he'll be taken!" She just needs to go and ask Inuyasha to dump Kikyo, and then Kagome can have him.
"You're right!" I just need to talk to Sesshomaru and see if he'll go out with me!
Skweek- Okay, peoples, this is my first ever FanFic, so let me remind you that you can criticize someone without tearing them apart!!! I will also put out the next chapter as soon as I can. I have it written, I just have to upload it!! THANX!!!