InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Heals a Broken Heart ❯ Love Heals a Broken heart ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Inu-yasha, look out!” Kagome yelled as the snake youkai lunged at him. Inu-yasha attempted the wind scar but the demon dodged it. Then it turned its ruby eyes to Kagome. “You girl, you possess shards of the Shikon Jewel!” The demon lunged at her. “Kagome!” Inu-yasha yelled.
A large green disk came spinning towards the demon, splitting it down the middle. The disk then stopped in mid air, the sign on the front of it began to glow. Changing direction, it spun backwards to it's point of origin. The group turned to gaze at the girl who had caught the disk by a strap on it's under carriage. She was dressed in a dark red kimono, her long black hair was braided and her eyes a fierce emerald.
There was mark on her forehead that was shaped like a jewel shard. On closer inspection, the green disk, appeared to be the shell of a demon turtle. It had the sign for obedience carved in it.
“Are you alright, girl?” She asked. “Yes, thank you” Kagome smiled. “You should be more careful and you…” she said to Inu-yasha. “You should take better care of your woman” She turned and began to leave.
“SHE AIN'T MY WOMAN!” Inu-yasha yelled. “Excuse me, miss…” Miroku began. “…But what type of being are you?” Sango intervened. “That's none of your business” she hissed. “At least let us know your name” Kagome called.
The girl paused. “I am called Fawks”

“Okay class we have a new student”
Kagome looked up from her text book to see the same girl who had saved her yesterday standing in the front of the classroom. Her stern green eyes settled upon Kagome and she flinched. “Miss Fawkeisha can you sit behind…” the teacher began. “My name is Fawks” She hissed giving him a deadly glare. “…Y…yes…I'm sorry…” He stuttered.
“Fawks-chan!” Kagome called running to catch up with her at lunch. The girl turned to look at her. “What are you doing in this time period don't you belong in the feudal era?” Kagome asked. “Unless…! You found away to go back in time, too!” “I don't feel comfortable talking about this in public” Fawks replied. “Meet me at Wacdonald's after school” she said continuing on her way.
“So tell me, Fawks, how can you go back and forth through time?” Kagome asked. Fawks took a long sip from her soda before replying. “First of all, my real name is Fawkeisha Iwamura. My father is head of Iwamura Industries in Tokyo but his work takes him overseas a lot. He met my mother when he was in America, her name was Delilah Iris, she was black”
“When I was four, my mother died from a tumor and I was sent to live with my father who never even knew I existed until I arrived on his doorstep. My father hates me; all he cares about is his fully Japanese daughters Miyako and Siyo. At least they treat me with respect.” Kagome gave her a sorrowful look. “You see this?” Fawks asked, pointing to the shard like mark in the middle of her forehead.
“It has magical properties, I just close my eyes and wish I were someplace else” Fawks looked down at her watch. “I should be going, maybe I'll see you on the other side” Fawks shot Kagome a smile but it was filled with sorrow.

“Welcome home, sister” Fawks glanced up to see a tall beautiful girl with light brown hair and amorist eyes smiling at her. “Hi Miyako” Fawks smiled back. “Father, Fawkeisha is home” “The bastard's home?” Fawks noted dryly. “FAWKS!” A high pitched voice yelled a little girl with jet black hair and green eyes ran to hug her.
“I missed you to Siyo-chan” “So the brat is back, can we have dinner now?” Fawks turned to glare at the very tall man with slicked back black hair and contemptuous green eyes. “Father, please don't talk about Fawkeisha that way” Miyako pleaded. “Don't bother Miya-chan; he's the type of guy who snaps at every one and thinks with his crotch” Fawks shrugged.
“Watch your tongue, if it wasn't for me, you would be out on the streets!” Her father hissed. “Peh, better'n this place” Fawks crossed her arms. “Just like her mother, a pathetic bitch, I wonder if you're a slut like she was” “Father…!” Miyako began. Fawks turned to him; spat in his face then ran upstairs.
“Fawkeisha!” Miyako called after her. “Leave her be, she's been nothing but trouble from the start…” Mr. Iwamura said wiping his face with a handkerchief. “You were at fault for provoking her, father” Miyako scowled.

Fawks sat in the middle of a field the wind blowing through her hair. `Stupid father, why does he have to be so…so…!' Just then, a little girl's scream penetrated the air. Taking up her turtle shell, Fawks ran in the direction of the scream. “Help me lord Sessho-maru!” Rin cried, running away from a gigantic lizard youkai.
She tripped and fell, falling to the forest floor. “Heh, I've got you now, my little treat” It cackled. An shell came whizzing past, cutting off the demon's head. Fawks walked over to Rin, kneeling at her side. “Are you alright young one?”
“Y…yes…” she murmured backing away from her. “Don't be afraid, I don't bite” Fawks smiled warmly, brushing the girl's cheek. “Rin!” a strong voice called. Sensing a youkai aura, Fawks growled, reaching for the shell. Just then a tall dog demon dressed in fur and armor came upon them.
His hair was long and silver and eyes, a cold amber; he had demonic markings on his forehead and cheeks. “Lord Sessho-maru!” Rin cried running to his side. “That nice lady saved me” The demon's cold golden eyes turned to Fawks, She held his gaze without even flinching. She rose to her feet pulling the shell onto her back.
“So, the girl belongs to you?” The demon didn't respond. “You should take better care of her. Children are precious, among the last innocent things in this world” Fawks replied before leaving.

Around sundown Fawks approached a village, she let out a high pitched whistle. A Kitsune in animal form ran to her and jumped into Fawks' arms. “Hello there Yoko, have you been behaving yourself?” she smiled. It nuzzled its head into her neck, purring. “Oh, welcome back, Lady Fawks” a young woman bowed to her.
“Thank you, Yuki, tell me has anything interesting happened in my absence?” Fawks smiled. “There are visitors staying at the local inn…” Yuki began. “Visitors?” Fawks questioned. Just then Yoko growled, his fur standing on end, jumping off of Fawks' shoulder he ran off.

“Mmm, that was good dinner” Kagome smiled. “Mmhm” Shippo grinned. Just then Kilala sat up looking towards the door. “What is it, Kilala?” Sango asked. A snow white Kitsune appeared by the door.
Kilala jumped out of Sango's lap and hissed at the intruder. The Kitsune returned her hiss, its fur standing on end. “What's up with her? It's just a fox” Inu-yasha questioned. “Yoko, what are you doing in here?” Fawks asked sliding open the shoji screen. “Oh, hello there, Kagome” Fawks smiled, realizing there were other people in the room.
“So you live in this village when you're here?” Kagome asked. “Yes, that's right and this little fox here is Yoko. He helps me sometimes” Fawks smiled. All the while Yoko and Kilala were still growling at each other. “So you are a demon slayer, too?” Sango asked.
“Of sorts” Fawks said taking a sip of her tea. Just then Miroku grasped her hands. “Excuse me but would you consider baring my children?” “…Uhh…no thank you” Fawks sweat dropped. This was the last straw, Yoko growled at the monk, jumping out of his master's lap.
He transformed into a large Kitsune fox, larger then Kilala, and chased Miroku out into the streets. “Don't worry, Yoko will get tired of him and come back soon. Inu-yasha was it? I have a something to ask you, on my travels I came in contact with an Inu youkai with cold golden eyes and long silver hair. Do you know him?” Fawks asked.
“Sounds like Sessho-maru, he's my older half brother” Inu-yasha replied.
“Sessho-maru…” Fawks whispered.

“So…that young maiden's name is Fawks, eh?” Naraku mused gazing into Kanna's mirror. `…she foiled my plan for getting rid of Sessho-maru's human whelp…'
A smirk came to his lips, “I think I've just found a new toy to play with…”

Fawks walked through a meadow, Yoko in his demon form at her side. Just then there was a rustling sound in the grass behind them. Something sharp flew up and dug it's self into Fawks' shoulder, gasping she fell into the grass. She heard Yoko growl then whine and fall to the ground unconscious. “Yoko…”
“Heh, Heh, Heh, so you are the young demon slayer who has made a name for yourself all throughout Musashi. Now that you have been brought down I will take my time. First I'll have my way with you and then let you die nice and slow” The onii laughed. “Urrgh…Damn you!” She yelled. The onii stopped, made a loud choking sound, and then fell to the ground dead.
Fawks did her best to sit up, but the pain was almost unbearable. She made it to a sitting position before passing out from pain and blood loss.
“Fawks!!” Kagome cried.
“Is she dead?” Shippo asked.
“Nah, she just fainted…” Inu-yasha replied sheathing his sword.
“Good thing we happened by…” Miroku sighed. Inu-yasha scooped the girl up in his arms.
“Well, since she helped us, we might as well take her back to her village…” he shrugged. Not far away, Naraku was watching.
“Perfect, everything is going according to plan…” he smirked.
`…That oni's claws carry a special poison that forces you to relive your worst memories…Considering what the girl is…this should be an enjoyable performance…'