InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Heals a Broken Heart ❯ Not so Different ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yoko tenderly lowered himself to the ground, his mistress leaning against him. He looked up at Sessho-maru, nodding in gratitude. Sessho-maru inclined his head as well. Inu-yasha and the others ran over to them, Kagome kneeling down to look at Fawks.
“She's fine, she's resting now” she said in relief. Sessho-maru turned from them, beginning to leave.
“Hold it right there, Sessho-maru, what happened in there?” Inu-yasha began.
“…the girl was poisoned with that onii's memory solvent…It was Naraku's doing…”
“…wait Sessho-maru! Why did you help her?” Sango called. The other's looked at her in confusion.
“…I owed a debt to her…and now that debt is paid…” he replied, disappearing into the distance.

“Memory solvent is a poison that delves it's victims into there darkest most hated memories” Sango explained.
The group sat outside an abandoned shrine deep in the forest.
“The only way to over come to poison, is to over come the pain of the memory. If the victim can't do that…they die…”
“…So Sessho-maru helped, Fawks overcome her memories…” Kagome concluded.
“…But that wouldn't explain the flame that erupted around her at the inn…” Miroku began.
" Still it was Naraku's doing that brought this about..." Inu-yasha growled.
"...who is he..."
The group turned to see Fawks standing behind them.
"Oh, Fawks-chan, you're all better now..." Kagome asked. Yoko trotted up to her, burrying his face in her shoulder, mewling softly.
"Who is he? This bastard Naraku?" she asked again.
"He is a despicable half-demon, all of us are after him..." Miroku replied.
"...Very well, I shall join you merry bunch of demon slayers..." Fawks said with a smirk.
"...Join us..." Sango began.
"...That bastard Naraku shall pay one hundred fold for what he did to me...he shall not escape..." She growled contemptuosly.

Fawks stood gazing up at the moon, her new companions sat around the campfire talking, she had left Yoko with them. She just need to be alone. The sweet scent of night blooming jasmine filled the night from the meadow not far from where she stood. Her eyes caught the outline of the trees.
"...You can come out now...I know you've been following me for a while..."
Sessho-maru stepped out from the cover of ther forest. "As tactful as ever I see..."
" again...just so you know...I'm afraid you're not my type...I don't go for stalkers" she smirked.
"...What are you doing so far from your demon companion, you are still wounded..."
"...Urgh! And why do you care!?" she snapped. Sessho-maru turned from her, "It would be a shame to see skills such as your's wasted by death..."
Fawks blushed involuntarily, gazing at the retreating figure.
"...Wait...why did you help me?" she called.
"...You saved Rin, I owed you a debt and now it is paid..."
"Oh...I've never met a demon with eyes such as your's..." Fawks said more to herself then anyone in particular. Sessho-maru stopped in his stride, turning back to look at her.
"...they if you're trying to hide deep seated lonliness and suffering..."
Fawks froze realizing Sessho-maru was now standing mere inches from her. His intense golden eyes bore into her's unblinking.
"You don not fear me do you?" He asked calmly. Fawks shook her head, he lifted a clawed hand.
"Even now, I could kill you so easily...and yet..."
His hand closed around her throat, she didn't even flinch.
"I can sense which demons are a threat to me and which are would not harm me..." she replied.
"...what makes you so sure...?" Sessho-maru smirked. He leaned in close, brushing his lips against her's.