InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love overcomes all ❯ Orbs of pain or comfort? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, any brands, hospitals, or other real company names. So don't sue me for a million dollars like people do for those dumb commercials like how Red Bull says it gives you wings but then some person starts complaining for false advertising because when they drank it it didn't give them wings so they go to court trying to get a million dollars just for some damn energy drink. Anyway well yeah I don't own that stuff nor do I own Red Bull.
(Note: Flashbacks are in italics and thoughts only have one quotation mark thing (ex: `blah')
Love overcomes all
`Love, the single most everlasting promise a soul can make. Love, the only truth that binds the world together in unity and peace. Love can overcomeall other emotions because love comes from the soul and is the purest emotion of all. Love is a feeling that was given to all to share and to treasure. If humans hadn't abused it we could have lived in a world of true happiness and purity and love. The strongest love of all is in which one would sacrifice his life for another. That's the most powerful thing in all the world and it shouldn't be abused but so many do because their minds can't understand it. Love is a feeling that no one can even fathom, it's intangible. There is no way to understand it. You just love others and live your life filled with it and that's the most you can do. Love, use it, give it, but don't abuse it…….
Chapter 1: Orbs of pain or comfort?
“Please help me!!!” She screamed. It was as though her voice just vanished as she had said it because no one listened.
She tried to free her arms from the strong grasp of the hard, big, scaly hands of her captor. Her wrists were raw from the friction of skin to scales. She started to be dragged away.
“Help!” He turned to walk away. She finally freed one hand and reached and grabbed the leg of the soft, red kimono. “Please don't leave me!” She cried. Dried tears had already streaked her face and more flowed down.
As her hand grasped his kimono she stared up at his face. Their eyes met but her loving heart-strucken eyes didn't share the same feeling as his. The longer she stared into his golden orbs the more it hurt her. His eyes were piercing her as though a million swords were being stabbed into her heart. Those eyes….they had once brought her comfort, love, kindness, everything she needed. Now they were causing her more pain then ever. She couldn't take it anymore “Inu-inu-ya-yasha!”
He reached for her hand and pulled it off his leg. For just one moment as he held her hand in his she thought she felt warmth spread through her body and a feeling of pity and mercy. The feeling was lost as her hand was instantly thrown to the ground.
“Nooo-Nooo!!!” She screamed in between sobs.
“Good-bye Kagome.” He turned away. That was the last time she ever would see his face again.
“Don't leave me! No!” Her captor dragged her away. She turned to see where she was headed. The last thing she ever saw before she was pulled away into the depths of darkness was his face and then he was gone. She never got to tell him her feelings but when it came to the moment she could have it wouldn't have mattered. He had left her. He never wanted to see her again. Now her chance was gone, he was gone, she was gone. Never more.
She julted up screaming. Drops of sweat rolled down her face, mixing with tears. She put her head in her hands and sobbed. InuYasha had instantly came to her side when her scream first escaped her lips.
“Kagome? What's wrong? Kagome?” He pulled her into his arms and let her sob on his shoulder. Tears soaked his red kimono.
“I-I-Inu-uyasha-I-I” She couldn't continue her sentence, the tears kept coming. She couldn't make them stop. She tried to get the dream to part form her thoughts but those golden, cold eyes she had stared into in her dream kept popping into her mind. The more she tried to get rid of it the more she thought about it. Then the more she thought about it the more it hurt.
“Kagome it's alright. I'm here don't cry!” He lifted her chin and their eyes met. She instantly pulled away from the eye contact. Even though deep inside she knew it wouldn't hurt like in her dream she still couldn't. Those orbs-did they bring pain or comfort? At this point she didn't know. At first they brought comfort and nothing more but then they brought pain. She was so confused and heartbroken but at that point the only thing she managed to do was to stop crying and to hold him close to her.
She sat in his arms like that for the rest of the night.
~~~Inu POV~~~~~~
He leaned against the side of the hut not but a few feet away from where Kagome slept. Sango, Miroku, Kilala, and Shippo had gone off to get any news about Naraku. So it was just InuYasha and Kagome. He looked over at the figure lying on the mat next to him. Through a small window at the top of the wall the moon shone through. It shined apon the young women's face making her features even more angelic then usual.
He couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful. He watched her as her chest heaved up and down from each breath and listened to her soft breathing. Staring at her made him totally oblivious to everything around him. He was practically in a trance until it was broken by her murmuring in her sleep.
She started to toss and turn in her sleep. She said a few faint things and with his ears he could her the exact words she spoke:
“Please help me!” She turned again and thrashed about. “Noo!” He got up to her side to wake her from her nightmare. As he kneeled beside her she reached out and grabbed the leg of his kimono. She started to struggle, while still holding onto his kimono.
He gently pulled her hand off his kimono and held it in his for a moment then placed it beside her body. She murmured more in her sleep before she then jumped out of the sheets, screaming.
He held her close to him to comfort her.
I hope you liked it so far! The idea of this story hit me right in the middle of Writing. It was actually funny cause my teacher was talking about I think about mystery stories? When all of a sudden I practically jumped out of my seat and made like an ` aha' kinda noise. The whole class started laughing. Although I was able to write down the idea down before my teacher glared at me and continued. LOL anyways well I'll update actually now after I add this and stuff cause I just wanted to end it at a good part so ya. Enjoy!