InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Struck ❯ Through The Well ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm a teenage mother of two so it's hard to get free time to write. I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters other than Kara (for now there may be some other characters of my own in later chapters).
Special thanks to kouga's older woman, Claire Cooper, kittykritik, and BellaCullen-49(on fanfiction . net). Ya'll have inspired me to continue writing this story. Well without further ado here's chapter two..
Through The Well
Kara was lost, how did she keep getting herself into these kinds of messes. `Argh what's wrong with me' she asked herself. She had a moody cousin, and a pissed off hanyou staring at her for one reason or another. She just sat there uncomfortable under their stares twiddling her thumbs. She was close to her breaking point. If they didn't look away from her soon she was gonna snap. They just kept on staring so she decided to count to ten in her mind `one, two, three, four, five,'. Too late she snapped, “Stop staring at me damn it.”
“Ah she speaks,” Kagome mused finally looking away from her cousin. She just snickered at Kara's temper. “Inuyasha can you give me a few moments alone with Kara please,” she asked Inuyasha sweetly. He just continued to stare at Kara with a confused look on his face. “INUYASHA,” Kagome yelled almost shattering his eardrums.
“Oi wench what did you do that for,” Inuyasha yelled at Kagome, who had a satisfied look on her face.
“Can you leave me alone with my cousin for a few moments please,” Kagome repeated her question. Inuyasha stood with a `fea' and walked out of the house and headed towards the closest tree in the yard. “Well now that he's out of your hair you should be able to calm down,” Kagome stated bluntly.
“He wasn't bothering me Kags you both were. I don't like to be stared at,” Kara said in the calmest voice she could muster at the moment. She just could never understand why people continued to stare at her. Maybe it was because she looked so much like Kagome. She remembered back to when she had gotten off the train at Tokyo station.
The train ride was finally over and she could finally stretch her legs. She stepped onto the train platform and started towards the shrine where her cousin's family lived. Just then she ran into a young man in a school uniform (Guess who). “I'm so sorry,” Kara said hurriedly.
“Its okay,” he said turning to face her. He just stared for about five seconds before he spoke again. “Ah Kagome it's so good to see you out and about,” the boy said. “Here I have these oranges for you,” he said holding up a sack of fruit.
Kara just stared. `Did he just call me Kagome? Hm I guess we still look alike'. “I'm sorry but I'm not Kagome, I'm her cousin Kara,” she said as kindly as possible.
“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Hojo, I'm a friend of Kagome's from school,” Hojo said apologetically. Kara then walked off.
End Flashback
Kara sighed loudly. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn't even realized that Kagome was talking to her. “Huh, did you say something,” she asked Kagome.
“You weren't listening,” Kagome asked in a confused voice. It wasn't like Kara to ignore people. “I asked you if you wanted to try to go through the well,” she said after a long moment.
“I'd love to try but I doubt it will let me through,” Kara finally said after thinking the question over in her head. “Yeah let's give it a try,” she said with a small grin on her face.
“Okay then lets pack,” Kagome said jumping up from her seat across from her cousin.
One Hour Later
Both Kara and Kagome had there bags packed. Kagome's yellow and Kara's blue. “Inuyasha come on lets go.” Kagome called to the half-demon in the tree.
“It's about time,” Inuyasha complained. He then looked to Kagome's right and saw Kara. “Do you honestly think she'll be able to get through,” he asked.
“I don't know but we can try,” Kagome said. The three entered the well house. Kagome and Inuyasha were about to jump in when Kara spoke up.
“Why don't I go first to see if I can get through,” she offered. She wasn't expecting what happened next. She stood on the edge of the well and jumped. She was engulfed in a light blue light and land softly at the bottom. She looked up to yell that she didn't think that she had made it through, but instead of the roof of the well house she was greeted by a clear blue sky.
. .
Well there's chapter two hoped you liked it. I'm not quite sure why I put Hojo in the chapter but it seemed like a good idea while I was writing it. There's a twist in the story but you have a few chapters to wait till I can find a way to incorporate it in so ttyl and I'll try to update soon.