InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mai na Neka ❯ ***Chapter 2*** (An Inconvenience for Sesshoumaru part II) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

***Chapter 2*** (An Inconvenience for Sesshoumaru part II)

* A couple minutes before the time Sesshoumaru was getting himself captured. *

*** Kagome POV ***

"How did I get myself into this mess?" Kagome was currently walking around in a forest. "I remember now…it was that stupid decision to come here early." She had seen Inuyasha and Kikyo together…again. `But when did I stop caring? I think I'm over Inuyasha; I just want him to be a friend. As a friend I want him to be happy, so if he wants Kikyo then let him have Kikyo. Although he might want to rethink this a little bit after all she is…dead. Not to mention she smells like dirt, clay, and cremated bones.

Of coarse after she had walked away, she just had to get attacked by a young and stupid bear youkai. Of coarse she had defeated it, with help of her miko powers. `I just had to get lost, stupid bear, stupid youkai. She was currently wasn't paying any attention so she accidentally walked into a certain clearing.

*** Normal POV ***

"NANI?!?!" Kagome stood there staring at the clearing where non-other than Inuyasha's older half brother; Sesshoumaru; was bound, gagged, and being dragged by two mikos. Another miko was leading in the front, but she looked different; she had red tips on her black hair. There was also another miko who following up in the back.

"Nako look there" Rieya who was in the back, was currently pointing at Kagome. "There is a young girl that is dressed oddly."

" Rieya capture her; she has amazing power radiating off her. Perhaps more than this inuyoukai."

"Yes ma'am!"

*** Sesshoumaru's POV ***

`What does she mean that my brother's wrench may have more power than me? Me? The Lord of the Western Lands!'

*** Kagome's POV ***

`Crap! This bad, they can tell I'm powerful. Does that mean they know that I'm a kami? Or does it mean they think I am a youkai or a human with a lot of power? Oh what am I going to do?

*** Normal POV ***

Rieya hocked a holy rope around a boomerang that was a little smaller than Sango's. She threw it to Kagome, so that it would come back to her and Kagome wouldn't be able to run.

`S*it, what did I do to get myself into this mess?!?! Is that a boomerang? S*it it's coming towards me! If Sesshoumaru got caught then I'm in trouble in this form, I guess I should transform into my true kami self. This is not my day. While I am at it I guess it wouldn't hurt to free Sesshoumaru. Although he may be a little pissed that `Inuyasha wrench' saved him.' At that moment a bright shimmering gold light surrounded Kagome.

When the boomerang was just about to hit Kagome, it was mysteriously reflected and went slamming into the ground. On it's joy ride to the ground it skimmed past Sesshoumaru and cut the cloth that was in his mouth.

Then the light got so bright that if you looked directly at it then you would be blinded. Everyone except Sesshoumaru had to cover their eyes; Sesshoumaru had to look away and close his eyes tight.

"Ahhhhhhh, Nako what's happening? What is she?" Cried a very terrified Kaneko. Everything in a two mile radius was surrounded by gold shimmering light.

"Shield your eyes, don't look at her, and be on your guard!"

***Sesshoumaru's POV***

`She's Inuyasha's wrench right? If she is then where is the half-breed? What's with that blinding gold light? She doesn't smell like a human, nor does she smell like a youkai; what is she? What is going on here? What deity did I anger to deserve this?'

^ Probably the deity of life? Mmm? ^

`Who are you?'

^ Sesshoumaru I'm surprised! How can you not know yourself? ^

`This has to be a dream! This has to be a dream! This has to be a DREAM!'

*** Normal POV ***

When the light subsided; what you saw was not the mid-back length black haired girl, no you saw something totally different. She had ankle-length gold hair that looked like it could out do Sesshoumaru's hair in any aspect. She had silver eyes and silver claws. You could see that she had fangs, and she had a star burst on her forehead.

" I will give you a chance to retreat. This is the deal…release Sesshoumaru and leave!" Everyone but Sesshoumaru and Kagome who said that was shocked.

"You mean to tell us that, that inuyoukai is non-other than the feared taiyoukai of the west?" Nako was very excited that he was who the strange girl said he was. If he was; then Lady Nieka would be very happy, to have a taiyoukai.

"Hai, now hand him over, or am I going to retrieve him from you by force?"

*** Sesshoumaru's POV ***

`She wants them to hand me over? I thought I was her enemy?'

*** Normal POV ***

"Or you could stay-"

* Slam *

Sesshoumaru suddenly slammed into the ground.

"and piss me off!" `Did Sesshoumaru just slam into the ground?!?!' Kagome was surprised to say the least bit.

(End of chapter 2)

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