InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mai na Neka ❯ * Chapter 6 * (Inuyasha’s Secret) ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Chapter 6 *

(Inuyasha's Secret)

* With Inuyasha and Gang *

"Miroku isn't it time for Kagome to get back?" Shippo really missed his mom when she went to her time for a visit.

"Yes, Houshi-sama she does seem late. Inuyasha is no where to be seen too." Sango was worried why her friends were late, when they never were.

"GUYS! KAGOME IS NOT IN HER TIME!!!!!" Inuyasha was seriously worried because Sesshoumaru was neat by a while ago.

Of coarse he didn't go and tell his friends that. Even though he went looking for Sesshoumaru his scent disappeared. He also found two bear youkais, one was somewhat disincarnated. He could smell Kagome's unique miko power's scent. The other had his head chopped off courtesy of his half brother. That's why he was worried because both youkai were near each other.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Three angry friends of Inuyasha were glaring at him now!

"I swear, I didn't do anything to her. We should go and look for her, she might be in trouble!" Inuyasha was looking very worried.

"Inuyasha what are you not telling us?"

"Hoshi-sama what are you implying?"

"My dear Sango-sama, I'm saying Inuyasha isn't being himself."

"Your right Miroku, I'm worried because I smelt Sesshoumaru near by, but a couple of wired things happened."

"What do you mean you smelt Sesshoumaru near by? Inuyasha why didn't you tell us early?" Sango was really scared for her friend. Kagome was like a second sister to her, and she couldn't bear to lose her.

"Wah! Kagome is in trouble!"

"It's okay Shippo. Inuyasha what do you mean weird things happened?" Miroku was curious to what happened.

"Well for starters I smelt Kagome's miko power's scent, on a bear youkai. Then a couple of feet away I smelt Sesshoumaru's poise on another bear youkai that had lost his head. Then the scents just vanished in a clearing a couple of feet away from the two dead youkai."

"Did you say banished? Houshi-sama what could this mean?"

"I don't know Sango-sama."

"Wah! Mommy is with Sesshoumaru and then they just vanished! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

`I think we should go to the clearing to see if we can find any clues."

"Good idea Houshi-sama."

"Why thank you Sango-sama!" * Grope * * Grope *

"HENTI!!!" * Whack * * Slam *

And Miroku hits the ground with a handprint on his face and a bump on his head.

"Heh! I'll get Miroku, and I'll meet you in the clearing."

Inuyasha grabs and throws over his shoulder a unconscious Miroku, and runs off towards the clearing.


Sango and Shippo jump on Sango's pet and friend neko youkai and take off towards Inuyasha.

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Neko = cat