InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mai na Neka ❯ * Chapter 15 * (Escaping can be Painful!) ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Chapter 15 *

(Escaping can be Painful!)


"Do you three really think you have a choice and can stop me? All of you are helpless because you are chained to a wall."

"Who said we are helpless?"

"What do you mean kami?"

Sesshoumaru, Kagome, and Inuyasha were all smirking at this question.


Sango and Miroku at this point were suspicious that Sesshoumaru, Kagome, and Inuyasha had made a plan without their knowledge, while Shippo was just plain confused at what was going on.

"Well you see Lady Nieka I have a certain power over those two Inu youkais, not to mention I can escape anytime I want to from these chains." As Kagome said this both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha waited for the faces to slam into the floor, after all that was the quickest way for them to come un chained.

"What do you mean Kami?" `What is that d*mn kami up to?'

"Well if you just sit * Thud * down and stay * Slam *for a while I might explain it to you." As Kagome said sit and stay Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru slammed face first into the ground and by the force of the spell the chains broke. "But since you did tell us your plan I think it is only fair to tell you ours. Give me a sec though." Kagome started to glow bright gold and there was a bright flash that everyone had to shield his or her eyes. When the light cleared Kagome was standing in front of the wall with no sign of the chains that were holding her. "You see I could get down anytime I wanted, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha pick your selves of the ground."

"Hai" Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were both surprised to find that the rosary's spell had worn off quicker than usual and assumed that it was Kagome's doing.

"H-Ho-w…how did you do that?" `S*it I underestimated the Kami, how the hell does she have control over the hanyou anyways?'

"You do realize that I am a kami? Don't you?"

"D*mnit! I won't be defeated, go a head and do your best!"

"Very well. Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha I want you to take my friends to safety and don't come back."

"No way in hell B*tch! There is NO WAY you are going to take all the credit! Right Sesshoumaru?!?!"

"Inuyasha…let's just do as Kagome says, it's not worth getting you butt kicked of your face slammed into the floor. Come on half-breed you grab the monk, I got the demon exterminator and kit." With that Sesshoumaru grabbed Sango by his right arm and grabbed Shippo with his tail and ran fast out the door.

"Sesshoumaru, you B*stard! I can't believe you are going with this B*tch's plan! … Feh!" Inuyasha suddenly grabbed Miroku and flowed Sesshoumaru's scent at top speed to try to catch up with his brother.

(End of Chapter)

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